Ficus rubbery - home care


Rubber ficus, which is also called elastic or elastic, is one of the most popular decorative flowers. Even in antiquity, ficus was considered the custodian of monetary and family well-being.

The birthplace of ficus is considered to be northeastern India and Indonesia, on whose islands Java and Sumatra the flowering of this tree was first recorded. Plant height can reach up to 30 m.

Young and healthy ficus

Rubber ficus has this name because of the presence of thick juice in the stems and leaves. This juice is used to make rubber.

The beauty and strength of the flower is manifested in its sinewy and large leaves. At the beginning of XX, when fashion was a artsy and lush lifestyle, ficus was not so popular. This is because the plant did not have distinctive external parameters, so it was quickly forgotten by flower growers of that time.

Important!In its homeland, ficus is considered a noble and sacred plant. Local Buddhists protect and worship the flower. They believe that ficus has magical and healing properties.

At the beginning of its growth, it resembles a single-trunk tree with an undeveloped branching system. Prefers to be in a place filled with sunlight.

Ficus Benjamin - Home Care

At the ends of the branches air roots are formed, which in the process of development develop into trunks. Thanks to this method of growth, the ficus is called the "snake tree".

In length, the leaves reach 35-37 cm. They have the shape of an ellipse with a pointed end. The color of the leaves is dark green. Young leaves have a scarlet and brown hue. On top of each sheet is covered with thick sandpaper. The inner juice is viscous and dense in consistency.

Such a culture is not picky, does not require a significant waste of time and money to care.

Interesting to know!Drops of milky juice may appear on the leaves of the rubber tree. This substance has significant irritating properties. If it gets on the skin or mucous membranes of a person, it can cause allergies, itching and rashes. Rinse the affected area immediately with plenty of clean water.

Ficus - home care, ficus diseases

Although at times it seems that all varieties of ficus are the same in care, this theory is erroneous. All varieties externally differ in the shape and color of the leaves, branching methods, etc. Accordingly, each species has its own characteristics and care rules.


Ficus elastic is the most common form. Branches of this variety are formed gradually. When grown indoors does not give color. However, the leaves grow large, filled with juice.

Rubber ficus should be moistened only if there is a visible need. In the winter season rarely needs watering.

With active growth, a stick can be attached to the trunk of the plant. It will help grow ficus up, and not to the side, while not breaking the pillar itself.


A type of ficus that can easily be grown at home. Received its name from one of the cities of Africa.

Has a dark green shade of leaves all year round. The leaf itself is round in shape with a sharp tip and smooth surface. It is 28 cm long and 20 cm wide. The stem of the ficus is massive and thick.

An example of healthy ficus Abidjan

Important! A.After moving, for example, from a store to an apartment, a ficus can discard all its leaves. Do not worry, this is a protective reaction of the flower to environmental changes. Within a couple of weeks, he will recover and again start letting out leaves.

It should be watered as the soil dries up, with clean, or better, standing water.

In a room environment, Abidjan does not bloom. For uniform stretching, pinch the upper stems. Ficus grows to 50 cm per year, so it is worth doing this procedure once every half a year. Transplantation is carried out every 3-4 years.


Belize, as a species of ficus, was bred in artificial conditions. This method is also called variegated. Because of this mutation, ficus leaves are variegated, usually green, yellow, gold, brown, red. Colors smoothly transition from one to another. The flower itself is quite large-leafed from 23 cm in length and 15 cm in width.

This ficus loves bright sunlight, without direct rays, fresh air. In the summer, Belize can be set in front of an open window or taken out onto the terrace. Water it as needed.

For transplantation, they use purchased soil intended for ficus. It is filled with the necessary minerals that are needed for the full development of the plant. 


This species of ficus was bred relatively recently, in one of the greenhouses of Holland. Its origin is a consequence of the mutation of another species of ficus - Decor.

Ficus melanie grows in breadth, not in height. Such growth makes it possible to independently control the size and shape of the crown. This can be done by pinching the extreme stem.

It adapts perfectly to the room environment.

Important!With a sharp appearance of red or brown spots on the leaves, it is worth reducing the amount of water. Damaged areas are a signal of excessive watering. Subsequently, the leaves may completely fall away.


Ficus Robusta is a tall tree. This species is the only one of all that has such active growth in height, thanks to aerial roots that stretch upward. In the wild, Robusta ficus can branch and reach 60 m in height.

The leaves of the flower are dense, have thick skin, a characteristic dark green color. Ficus elastic Robusta should be purchased only because it is able to purify the air from pollution, dust and toxic fumes.

Robusta is not picky. He is able to adapt to any conditions.

Interesting! When cleaning the house, do not forget that dust settles on any plant. Wipe the leaves with a clean, damp cloth.

Black Prince

Ficus Black Prince is a special variety that captivated many florists with its unusual color scheme: deep dark green leaves with a brown vein in the middle. Large leaves 25 cm long and 17 cm wide, elastic, have a shiny coating.

The black prince at home looks noble and expensive

The Black Prince actively blooms in South Indonesia, West Africa and Asia. To maintain growth and external beauty, you can use the tips:

  • The black prince loves a lot of sunshine. It can be put in a darker place, but the leaves will not have a saturated color, growth will slow down a little.
  • Water it only when the topsoil dries up by 2 cm.
  • Fresh warm air will benefit the plant, but do not keep it in the draft.
  • Young ficus is enough to transplant 1 time per year, a more mature plant 1 time in 3 years.
  • Wipe leaves regularly from dirt and dust.
  • In the spring you need to give fertilizers.


Ficus Sriveriana - one of the varieties grown in artificial conditions in Belgium in 1957.

The leaves of the plant are thinner than those of the next of kin. The leaf itself is ellipsoidal, with a marble coloring of dark green, light green, yellow and mustard flowers. The structure of the leaf is cut by veins. The stem has a yellow tint. The standard sheet is 24 cm long and 18 cm wide.

The variety requires a lot of heat, light and moisture.

Interesting to know!Depending on the temperature in the room and its illumination, the pattern on the leaves can change and migrate throughout the plant. Color in summer and winter will differ significantly.


Ficus Tineke with proper care can reach gigantic proportions. Has a yellow fringing on the edge of the sheet. According to the characteristics, it fully corresponds to the ficus type of Elastic.


In general, variegated ficuses require careful care, but not Tricolor. Its leaves combine three colors: a brown stem, a green center and yellow edges. New leaves have a pink tint, but over time it disappears.

Tricolor actively absorbs sunlight, due to this, the color is formed. Without it, the leaves will lose elasticity.

Ficus Tricolor In The Wild


The decor has large sheets measuring 30 cm, cut by veins. The middle of a leaf of yellow color, sometimes brown or pink, smoothly turns into green. The edges of the leaf are wrapped down. 

Is it possible to keep ficus at home - is it good or bad?

Before buying, you should carefully study the flower: the soil should be clean, without mold, the roots are young, the leaves are fresh. You can plant and grow a flower at home.

What you need for landing

Prepare a new pot at least 3 cm larger in diameter than before. Also need soil for ficus, soot or coal, expanded clay.

Choosing the best place

The place should be sunny, warm, without a draft. The east or west side is perfect.

The best place for the growth of any type of ficus is the sunny side

Step-by-step landing process

Transplantation is possible after 2-3 weeks of adaptation in a new place. Do it this way:

  1. A little coal is added to the already prepared soil mixture.
  2. Cleans the root system of excess. Damaged places sprinkled with carbon black.
  3. Transfer the plant to a new pot, cover it with earth until the root neck begins.
  4. Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot to strengthen the root system.

A new plant is watered after 4-6 days.

After transplanting, the leaves may fall - this is normal. Ficus will not take root quickly, it will take time.

Ficus root system

If you do not know how to root ficus with large leaves, try one of the traditional methods: leaves and cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings

When the ficus is too old, the upper part is cut off. Even in cut form, it is suitable to reproduce. Cuttings are perfect for planting a new plant. How to plant:

  1. The stalk (top) is well washed from milky juice.
  2. The lower leaves are tucked in and lightly tied.
  3. The stalk is not planted in the ground much, on one internode.
  4. Abundantly watered.

 Interesting to know!It will take a little effort and time, any type of ficus can be propagated in this way.

Leaf cultivation

For growing, you need one leaf with a kidney. It is she who serves as a point for the growth of the root system.


  1. Expanded clay is put at the bottom of the plastic cup and holes are cut through to drain excess water.
  2. Sprinkle with loose soil so that the kidney remains on the surface.
  3. To support the plants use a wooden stick.
  4. Water the soil.
  5. A plastic bag is put on top to create a greenhouse effect.
  6. They wait 4-5 weeks for the leaf to form a root.

An example of an already developed root system

Important!Before planting, from the edge of the leaf you need to wash off the milky juice, it significantly slows down the formation of the plant.

Both methods are effective, but which one will be faster depends on the soil and climate. Damaged or broken roots cannot be made to grow. You need to take care and shape the plant constantly so as not to miss the moment of transplantation. 

Special care requires only some varieties of ficus.

Watering mode

For normal growth, moisten the soil only when the soil dries to a depth of 2 cm or 2 fingers. Depending on the season:

  • in the summer - 1-2 times a week;
  • in winter 1 time in 10-14 days (see as).

Sheets should be wiped once a week, with the windows open, you can repeat the procedure more often. With abundant watering, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. All spoiled leaves need to be cut. 

Top dressing

Top dressing is an important factor in the development of a flower. Fertilize the land in the period from the beginning of April to the end of September 2 times a month. For this, you can use mineral and organic additives. Water only the soil, not allowed on the foliage.

 Interesting to know!Disease, parasites, infection - the reasons why you need to refuse to feed. It is necessary to treat after consultation with a professional.

Winter preparations

When the cold season begins, the ficus should be moved as far as possible to sunlight without exposure to cold air on the leaves. Do not water with cold water.

Ficus is a simple, beautiful and healthy flower. Due to its cleaning properties, it can filter indoor air. It does not accumulate harmful substances, but processes it into sugar and amino acids.


Watch the video: How To Polish Houseplant Leaves Rubber Plant (October 2024).