When to dig up hyacinths after flowering


Hyacinth is a perennial plant belonging to the Asparagus family. Its leaves are dense, long, small flowers at the top form voluminous tassels. They differ in a variety of colors: there are blue, pink, lilac, red and yellow hyacinths. The plant propagates by bulbs, they are dense, have a round shape. Previously, he was attributed to the Liliaceae family, to which tulips are ranked.

The need for annual digging of hyacinths

Perennial hyacinth bulb. She is able to function for 10 years. After this period, flowering stops, and usually use new planting material.


Whether hyacinths need to be dug for the winter is determined by environmental conditions. In the southern regions, characterized by a warm climate, you can not touch the flower, leaving it to winter in the ground. But this can lead to a deeper bulb. At the same time, attempts to get to it can lead to damage. Also ignoring digging will affect flowering. It will not necessarily disappear, but it will not be so magnificent and colorful.

Mid-range conditions require digging hyacinth every year. It is necessary that:

  • eliminate the possibility of decay;
  • protect from rodents and other pests;
  • provide abundant flowering in the future.

Digging bulbs for storage

The appearance of hyacinth can determine its readiness for digging. After flowering, the bulb continues to receive the nutrients necessary for growth.

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When to dig out hyacinths:

  • after flowering, several weeks have passed;
  • leaves wither, turn yellow.

Dead parts of the plant must be cleaned. This will exclude decay and save energy aimed at maintaining the life of wilted leaves. At the same time, carefully dig out the onion. Next, perform simple steps:

  • clear of the earth;
  • inspect for damage and rotten areas;
  • put in a warm room for 2-3 days;
  • remove dried roots and husks.

Optimum digging time

Hyacinth is usually dug in June-July. The main thing is not to start the process ahead of time. Otherwise, the plant may not bloom the following year.

Note! It is necessary to dig out hyacinths after flowering when the ground part begins to die. Immediately after the end of the process, the plant should not be touched.

Hyacinth after flowering

The bulbs should gain strength, since there is a period of rest ahead, which the plant experiences without soil. For example, in the suburbs hyacinths bloom in the first half of May. Therefore, the optimal time for digging falls at the end of June.

If after flowering the leaves maintain a healthy appearance for a long time, this will have a beneficial effect on the plant. So it will get more nutrients. Therefore, they usually continue to pay attention to and care for hyacinth. Fertilizers applied to the soil will help to preserve nutrients and prepare for dormancy. Watering is gradually reduced.

If the plant bloomed again, then the digging is usually postponed, the end of the colorful period is awaited. After flowering is complete, the arrow is removed so that the plant does not waste strength on the formation of seeds. Therefore, the box is not necessary. This will help preserve more nutrients needed at rest.

Bulb extraction rules

When it comes time to dig up hyacinths and tulips, you need to act carefully. the main thing - Do not harm the flower, carefully remove it from the ground, observing simple rules:

  • Be sure to wait for clear sunny weather, on rainy days it is better to abandon the procedure;
  • If hyacinth grows in open ground, use a pitchfork or a bayonet shovel. In this case, it is better to take the land with a margin so as not to damage the plant. It is better to drip to a depth of 30-45 centimeters. When cultivation is carried out in a pot, the tubers are shaken out of it;
  • All bulbs, large and small, are removed from the ground. They are called kids. It is necessary to carefully check whether parts of the plant remain in the ground;
  • Peel the onion from the soil and send it for drying to a ventilated room. The temperature is kept within 20 degrees. After a week, planting material is prepared for storage.

Precautionary measures

It is important to dig a hyacinth until the leaves die off completely. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them in the ground. Dry foliage will break, the bulbs will be lost. Digging without landmarks is fraught with damage to the plant.

Important! Peel bulbs only from dried soil. If it is wet, then it is worth drying the extracted plant along with an earthen lump. Only after it dries, continue the process.


Digging Processing

When to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering

After removing the bulbs, they are recommended to rinse them under running water. It should be cool, not higher than 18 degrees. Then the plant must be etched. To do this, keep it in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Its temperature should be about 50 degrees. There are also special solutions, as an alternative way. For example, Karbofos, the active substance of which kills harmful insects, has disinfecting properties. Half an hour in a solution (3%) will help to disinfect the flower. You can also use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which has a disinfecting effect.

Bulb storage rules

After the tubers have dried, they are peeled. At the same time, they act neatly, because underneath it may be the children of the plant. They are separated from the main bulb. Then all the material for transplant is transferred to the box. The entire dormancy period of the plant lasts three months. It is important to ensure a comfortable environment in order to maintain the health of tubers, not to harm them.

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The first month of maintenance requires coolness, the temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. Then the bulbs are transferred to a warmer room. The main thing is that it is well ventilated. In this case, the temperature is maintained in the range from 25 to 27 degrees. So the plant is stored for another two months. At the same time, they carefully monitor the tubers so that they do not dry out, otherwise they will die or not be able to take root. To do this, they are periodically sprayed with water.

Note! Before the planned planting date, the plant is tempered. To do this, reduce the temperature to 10 degrees. The procedure is carried out 7-10 days before transplantation.

If during the dormancy children appeared on the bulbs, then it is recommended not to place them in open ground immediately. It is better to give them time to get stronger by planting in pots. At first they grow at home, like houseplants. After several years, they can be transplanted into the street. This usually happens after 3-4 seasons.

Hyacinth at home


Hyacinth transplant after flowering

You need to transplant the plant in the fall (we are talking about warm regions that do not require digging bulbs for wintering). The most suitable period is from mid-September to early October. Hyacinth must have time to take root after planting. If you carry out the procedure later, he may not have time to develop the root system before the cold. An earlier planting will lead to rapid flower growth in warmth. By the onset of cold weather, the first entrances will appear, which will die on frosty nights.

When landing, the earth should have a temperature in the range from 7 to 13 degrees. It is necessary to adhere to the rules so as not to harm the plant and maintain its health:

  • 2-3 weeks before the planned planting, you need to prepare the land, dig and fertilize;
  • If necessary, reduce the acidity of the soil so that the plant is comfortable. The easiest way is to add chalk to the ground. Only then can it be planted;
  • Between the colors you need to leave a distance of at least 8 centimeters. When using small bulbs, the distance is reduced;
  • Tubers need to be planted to a depth of about 12 centimeters. At the bottom of the hole lay a small layer of river sand;
  • Empty places are filled with soil and watered;
  • Insulate plants for the winter. For this, beds are covered with straw, sawdust, some use fallen leaves. You can use lapnik and peat. With the onset of spring, plants need to be opened. The signal for this is melting snow.

Proper care, timely digging of bulbs, comfortable conditions during dormancy will reward abundant flowering. In spring, the garden will be filled with aroma, plants will sparkle with different colors.



If hyacinths of the same variety are planted, then you need to place the tubers at an equal depth and select according to size. Then they will bloom at the same time. Simple rules will allow you to enjoy the abundant flowering of one bulb for at least 10 years.



Watch the video: Hyacinth Care, After Flowering (October 2024).