Prickly Peresia: Examples of Home Care


The genus of Pereskia includes 24 species of cacti. They look like trees or bushes. Among them there are those that grow like vines. When grown at home, prickly perennial is a compact and elegant shrub. Caring for it is not difficult, if you follow all its rules, you will be able to grow a beautiful ornamental plant.

Varieties of Pereskia

Peresia is one of the most ancient types of cacti. Its feature is the presence of leaf blades, unlike most modern cacti, in which spines grow in their place.

Pereskia prickly

This bush got its name in honor of the French scientist N.K. de Peiresca. The name of the plant is found in the diaries of C. Plameira. Peresius prickly also has other names: cactus-rose or leafy cactus. In favor of the latter option is the presence of leaves and thorns growing on the stem.

Pereskia prickly

This is an evergreen perennial. Despite the fact that Peresius prickly belongs to the Cactus family, in appearance it looks like a widely branched shrub with upright stems. Over time, they become lignified with a brownish-red shiny bark. The plant has a powerful root system.

The height of this shrub can reach 10 meters. During the year, shoots grow another 20 centimeters. On the branches of pereskia grow not only leaves, but also long thorns.

The leaves have an oval or ovoid shape, the length is 3-5 centimeters. They have a smooth edge and a sharp tip. The shiny surface of the sheet plate protects against excessive moisture evaporation. To care for them, you need to regularly spray them with clean water.

Interesting! Prickly Peresia brings inedible juicy fruits with shiny yellow or beige skin. They can be conical or rounded. Inside the fruit, you can see several large seeds of black color.

This plant has 17 species. In the wild, large bushes can grow from them, and beautiful compact plants are produced at home.

Pereskia Godseff

Pereskia Godseffiana has thin stems. They are covered with numerous bunches of black long spines. Oval leaves have a pointed edge. They are on strong short petioles. The length of the leaves of Peresium of Godsef is six centimeters. Their plates are light green in color, the middle is rich green. The bottom surface may have a pink or purple tint.

Pereskia Godsef

Pereskia Godseffa has small flowers, they have white or cream color. This plant can reach ten meters in height. The time when you can see how Godseff's peresia blooms begins in early summer. Flowers emit a citrus-like scent.

Pereskia Shark

Pereskia prickly has another name - Peresia Shark.

Pereskia orange

This species can reach eight meters in length. The stems are lignified with olive bark. Their thickness can be 10-15 centimeters. On large leaf blades you can see easily distinguishable veins. Leaves grow on long petioles. Pereskia flowers with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters are orange in color. The cone-shaped fruits have a pineapple smell, but are inedible.

Home Care

Caring for prickly perennials at home is not difficult, however, when growing, you must follow certain rules.


Cactus echinopsis: examples of plant care and its varieties

This plant is thermophilic. When grown at home, the window sill on the south side of the apartment will be the most suitable place for the leaf cactus of Peresia. However, during the hot summer for the cactus, you will need to create a shading or move it deep into the room. Excessive exposure to direct sunlight on peresvy cacti can cause leaf burns. Regular ventilation will help protect the plant from excessive heat.

Note! The strength of Peresius prickly is that it does not suffer from drafts. In the summer, it can be kept outside the house: on the balcony or in the garden. However, in this case, you need to remember that heavy rain can harm the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to provide pereskii protection against getting under the stream of rain.


24 degrees of heat is the most suitable temperature for this plant during the warm period. In extreme heat, it is recommended to ventilate the Aculeata pereskia to protect against overheating. In autumn, it will be useful for a plant to be at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.

Stem, leaves and thorns

At this time, he begins a period of rest. The temperature should not fall below 10 degrees. For Pereskia, such a cold snap will be disastrous.

Important! This plant is able to tolerate heat well, so inadequate watering does not create problems for reproduction.

Top dressing

When vegetation and flowering are actively occurring in the shrub, he needs to organize top dressing. For this purpose, you can buy in specialized stores fertilizers that are designed for cacti. It is recommended to feed the plant root every 15 days. In this case, it is necessary to dilute the fertilizer twice as much as it is written in the instructions. During the summer and autumn period, top dressing is not required.

Pereskia cactus does not like organic and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Their use can lead to the formation of rot.

Tip. It is recommended to add nutrients along with irrigation.


Since the presence of a powerful and developed root system is characteristic of prickly peresia, it will have to be transplanted sooner or later. A deep pot in which there is a thick layer of drainage is suitable for her.

Planting soil should include:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • sheet earth;
  • clay-turfy earth.

It is important that the soil is not only fertile, but also loose.

Important! A transplant is not recommended more often than once every two or three years. The need for it exists only if the root system becomes closely in the pot.

As soon as the cactus is transplanted, it will receive new energy for growth.


Before the growing season, pruning is necessary. This must be done to form the crown correctly.




In summer, the plant needs watering. Its frequency depends on the state of the upper layer of the earth. If it is already starting to dry, then the time has come for a new watering.

It is important to take measures so that excess moisture can leave the pot with the plant. If stagnation of water occurs, it can cause disease and death of the plant. Such an environment is favorable for infection with a fungus, and can also lead to rotting of the roots of the cactus.

During the period when the air temperature is lowered, it is necessary to make the intake of moisture less intense. This is due to the slowdown of the plant during this time.

The plant is able to tolerate insufficient watering. However, shiny and beautiful leaves can be obtained only if they are regularly sprayed with clean water.

Flowering peresia

Reo flower: examples of flower care at home

In spring and summer you can see how prickly perxia blooms. The flower does not have a tubular structure, unlike most types of cacti. It consists of eight wide-open lanceolate petals and has a citrus aroma. During flowering, in its middle you can see a lush yellow core consisting of stamens. The flowering period is spring and summer, but it occurs with quality care.

This plant, subject to growing rules, is able to please the owners with its growth and flowering. Perezka prickly combines unpretentiousness in leaving and beauty.

Strelitzia flower: examples of care and growing at home


Watch the video: Dan Jurafsky: "The Language of Food". Talks at Google (October 2024).