Mint: home care and breeding methods


Mint (plectrantus) is a perennial evergreen plant of the Yasnotkov family. Plectrantus came to Russia from South Africa; the individual is also common in Australia. The genus unites 250 species of herbaceous perennials and shrubs, rich in spectacular foliage with carved edges, a variegated white-cream color. It blooms with white, purple, purple bells, collected in multi-flowered inflorescences. The culture is well established in room conditions with moderate heat and moisture.

Home Care


Mint is actively developing in bright but diffused light. Direct sunlight is not recommended. When placing a mint pot on the windowsill on the south side of the room, it is necessary to provide for the mandatory protection of the culture with a screen. With short daylight hours, the bush needs additional illumination with a neon lamp.


From spring to the end of summer, homemade mint is watered to form a dry crust in a pot (the optimal interval between moisturizing is 3-4 days). In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced to moderate, moistening the soil a day or two after drying of the upper soil layer. Overdry of an earthen coma provokes poor flowering and bud dropping, waterlogging entails rotting of the root system and parasitism of an individual. For irrigation of the culture, settled water of room temperature is used.

Growing decorative mint at home

Humidity of air for a mint tree does not play a role at temperatures below 22 degrees, in a more sultry period, the individual is sprayed from drying out. The lack of moisture on the leaves and stems threatens with rapid evaporation and loss of accumulated moisture. Mint will fade.


The soil used to grow the mole tree should have a low density. There are five main components of the substrate for room mint: in an equal proportion humus, turf and leafy soil, as well as half of the river sand and peat. In the absence of leafy soil is replaced by ordinary garden soil. It will be useful to add perlite, which regulates the humidity of the substrate and gives it "airiness".

Note! Subtropical crops need aeration and are unpretentious to feed. Fertilizers should be added between April and August. Active growth of plectrantus is stimulated by mineral and organic compounds, alternating means every two weeks.

Temperature mode

In the natural habitat, decorative mint grows in the shade of tropical trees at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. For home varieties, the indoor air regime is quite suitable. Cooling the room to 15 degrees provokes falling of leaves, further death of the plant.


Pruning of the young processes of the plectrantus is a prerequisite for the formation of a lush bush. To get the "paws" of the molar tree hanging from the pots, pinching should be done more often. The procedure involves shortening the weak and leafless shoots in half. The cut stems and leaves of the mint tree are suitable for preparing spicy dishes and antibacterial drugs.

Plant transplant

Indoor rose: home care and methods of reproduction

A mint transplant is required immediately upon acquisition of an indoor flower. Preserving the integrity of the earthen coma, the plant is carefully moved into a larger flowerpot. For 5 years, transplantation is carried out annually, in subsequent periods - once every 2 years. With the disappearance of the threat of spring frost, the culture is ready for transplanting into the soil. Perform manipulations at the beginning of the growing season.

Note! It is better to choose a medium for growing sprats, it’s medium, a strong root system near a mole tree, dimensional or flat flowerpots will negatively affect the drainage, which is extremely necessary for the culture.

Mint Diseases

Blackening sheet

If the tip of the leaf is blackened and dried up, there are several reasons: low humidity, hard water for irrigation, elevated room temperature or, conversely, low. Dry browning is often the result of a burn. For watering indoor plants, it is good to use melt and rain water at room temperature. To avoid burns, it is important to prevent the leaves from touching the window, and avoid direct sunlight. Mint grows well in partial shade.

Fatsia flower: home care and methods of reproduction

"Sluggish", soft or wet dimming - a sign of abundant watering, too low air temperature in the room, drafts or excessive compaction of the earth in the pot.

Note! If dark soft leaves are found, watering should be stopped for two weeks, more often loosen the earth in a pot to provide air access to the roots. The following watering should be done as the top crust dries by 2-3 cm.

If the blackened areas on the leaves become wet, slippery, root decay is possible. Having removed the flower from the container, it is necessary to examine the processes and cut off the damaged roots to a white healthy tissue. Sprinkle places of cuts with charcoal and transplant the individual into a larger pot.

Leaf drying

If the mint flower dries and crumbles, the plant lacks moisture. Elongated stems and small pale leaves are formed with a lack of light. In too bright a sun, the leaves turn yellow and curl or turn brown and dry.

Breeding methods

Yucca: home care and plant propagation methods

For breeding plectrantus use cuttings, seeds or division of the bush. The methods are simple and effective, 96% of planting material will quickly take root in a new pot.


Fragrant plectrantus easily propagated by cuttings and leaves. You can perform the procedure year-round. The main thing is to use healthy processes. The trimmed tops are immersed in a glass of water (in the case of a sheet, it is worthwhile to exclude touching the sheet plate of water). After 1-2 weeks, roots will appear, the plant will be suitable for transplanting into a pot with soil.

Planting room mint with cuttings

Bush division

The method is effective for annual transplantation of culture with a developed root system. The processes separated from the rhizome of the main flower are immediately planted in separate containers with a prepared substrate.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. The Indian borage is taken out of the pot and slightly shaken the ground from the roots.
  2. A sharp blade divide the rhizome.
  3. Charcoal cuts are processed, preventing decay of the processes.
  4. Transplant new fragments into appropriate tanks.
  5. Lightly moisten the soil mixture and provide proper care.

Seed planting

Mint seeds germinate in spring at a temperature of 20-24 ° C. It is enough to scatter seeds over the soil, slightly pressing individual fragments into the soil. Plectranthus will rise within a week and will need moderate watering. After a month, the grown seedlings are transplanted into flowerpots with the ground.

Peppermint use

Evergreen Mexican mint has analgesic, expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties, is known for moderate sedative effects and is an excellent antioxidant.

The scope of Cuban oregano is quite wide:

  • In cooking. Plectranthus is a spicy culture similar in aroma and taste to oregano and thyme. Fresh and dried leaves of room mint are seasoned with vegetable, meat, chicken dishes. Mint gives an exquisite taste and delicate aroma of lamb, beef and game. Spanish thyme gives a special charm to stew, toppings, soups and sauces.
  • In floristry. Plectranthus is a favorite culture of most gardeners. The decorative and antibacterial properties of a houseplant with the smell of mint and lemon prompt many florists to use the flower in the decor of a room, terrace, balcony, conservatory, or greenhouse. In the subtropics and tropics, French thyme is a regular in gardens.

Important! The pronounced phytoncide properties of the indoor flower with the smell of mint and lemon contribute to the rapid destruction of pests. Perennial essential oils freshen the air in the greenhouse, giving lightness and a pleasant fragrance, a positive mood, working capacity and inner harmony are provided.

  • In medicine. The use of plectrantus in folk medicine is achieved by phytoncidal properties, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, has a moderate sedative effect.
  • At home. The pleasant lemon-mint aroma of plectranthus and the phytoncide characteristics of room mint are highly appreciated by the inhabitants of many countries when creating a sachet for flavoring linen and clothes.

Popular varieties of plectrantus


At home, you can grow several varieties of room mint. Among Russian gardeners, varieties are popular: Ernst bush, felt mint, Limelight, Ertendahl variety, whorled, Uvongo, Mona Lavender. Madagascar culture is considered the most beautiful (the second name is coleus-like plectrantus).



Watch the video: Mint, How To Propagate From Cuttings (October 2024).