Money tree - is it possible to keep at home what it brings, is it possible to give it away


There are plants in almost every home. They make it more comfortable and perform a decorative function. In addition, plants have their own energy, which can affect the human condition. For example, it is believed that some indoor flowers can attract wealth, love, or well-being. It is these properties that the money tree has. But not every representative of the flora can be grown at home. For this reason, many vegetation lovers are interested in the question: can a money tree be kept at home?

Is it possible to keep at home

The people call the fat girl a money tree. This is due to common signs that the plant has grown:

  • Finding a flower at home attracts material well-being;
  • If every Wednesday we talk to the tree about the expenditures made and the amounts earned, it will help to increase the latter and implement all the plans. In addition, the tree will help to avoid unnecessary purchases;
  • Juicy and thick foliage is a sign of positive energy in the house. In such an environment money will always be present;
  • The fall of a large number of leaves indicates possible material waste, which will be unplanned. From ancient times it was believed that the fall of leaflets from a fat girl warns of a loss of money;
  • For good plant growth and improvement of financial position, it is recommended to bury 3 coins in a pot of earth. According to signs, such an action will not allow the wallet to empty;

The fat woman is a symbol of material well-being

  • Some believe that material well-being can be achieved by hanging bills on branches of a money tree. From time to time, banknotes need to be replaced with new ones. Those that hung spend on personal needs, there is no need to store them. This is a kind of launch of the money cycle;
  • As needed, the tree needs transplants. As a rule, this is done once a year. In order not to worsen material well-being, during this period the plant needs additional care. It should not fade, a new pot is selected more spacious than the previous one;
  • In case of illness, one of the domestic plants accumulates a negative in itself and begins to wither. After recovery, the representative of the flora returns to its original form.

A lot of folk signs are associated with the money tree

The tree also has other advantages: the presence of bactericidal properties, the absence of allergic compounds in the air. Few people know that the fat woman is used in folk medicine. But its dosage should be minimal, since the tree contains poison. Leaves are used to treat skin diseases, rashes, sore throats. For this, special decoctions are prepared. Plant juice helps get rid of bruises and stretch marks.

Important! The leaflet is a great emergency aid for a bee sting. The sheet is cut and applied to the wound.

Caring for a money tree is not an easy task, especially if the plant withers.

Harm fat

Some believe that you can’t keep a money tree at home. The main reason again is superstition:

  • The death of the plant indicates a financial collapse. It should be taken into account that it can be a warning, but not the cause of this event;
  • According to Feng Shui, the tree carries yin energy (it is a female plant). If most of the plants are succulents, then an excess of female energy is formed. This can lead to a deterioration of mood, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, pessimism. Correcting the situation is easy: you need to add a flower with male energy ("yang").

If the succulent wilted, expect a financial collapse

Important! In a female plant, rounded flowers and leaves, shoots creep. Male - has spines, pointed leaves and flowers.

Of the objective reasons why it is impossible to keep a money tree at home, there is only one - the leaves contain arsenic. The substance is poisonous, but poisoning can only be obtained by eating leaves. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the plant should not be accessible to curious animals and small children.

Money tree poison

The tree contains arsenic. Despite the small dosage, special care should be taken if there are children in the house. The poison is dangerous to them in any quantity. An eaten leaf can cause not only diarrhea and vomiting, but also a severe allergic reaction. In some cases, loss of consciousness may occur. Preventing a problem is easier than eliminating it. When children appear, the tree is removed to an inaccessible place or disposed of.

The money tree will contain the poison, it is better to hide it from small children

Where should the flower stand

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To choose, it is worth following these recommendations:

  • The room should not be cold or hot, the presence of a large amount of dust is excluded. If you put the indoor tree at random, it can wither. It is worth remembering that the money tree is not a weed;
  • The flower does not tolerate a sharp temperature drop and drafts. For this reason, it should be in a ventilated room, where the temperature will fluctuate from 19 to 24 degrees;
  • Dry air is not suitable for the representative of the flora, so the places near the battery or fireplace are also not suitable. High humidity allows the plant to direct energy to the house. Great place - next to the aquarium. Continuous evaporation will create an optimal environment. Another suitable place is the bathroom. It should not be a malfunction. Leaking pipes will entail a drain of money from home;
  • Indoors determine the zone responsible for attracting material well-being. You can use the Bagua net for this. Conditionally divide the room into 9 parts. In the lower right corner there will be a safe area. Typically, this is the southeast area of ​​the room.

Important! The color of the walls also matters. It should not be red. It is worth giving preference to green, violet, lilac color shades.

Money tree in the bedroom

To get the most benefit for the money tree, you need to choose the right place. The apartment (or house) should have a lot of heat and light, but direct sunlight should be avoided, especially in summer. Hot summer air will ruin the plant.

Putting a tree in the bedroom is a good idea. The plant absorbs bad odors and purifies the air. For this reason, the succulent crackle is often called a filter tree. When placing a tree in a bedroom, it is worth remembering the amount of light. If there is a lot of shade in this room, it is better to put the flower pot in another place.

The best place for a fat woman is a lighted and ventilated bedroom

Can I give / throw away a fat girl

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Relocation, the need for a change of scenery, and other reasons may make it necessary to throw a money tree. People who believe in signs are of the opinion that one cannot do this with a fat woman.

If a plant lived in a house for a long time and brought joy, it accumulated excess energy of each member of the family. It is simply forbidden to throw it away, it is necessary to return the flower to nature, for example, to take it out to the street and bury it in the ground.

When a flower has a fatty trunk, a bad trunk is thrown away and it is allowed to leave a sprout for itself.

So that the tree does not attract trouble and lack of money, you need to get rid of it correctly:

  • leave at the entrance;
  • throw in the trash an old flower, leaving one shoot for itself;
  • give the fat girl to the person who wants to care for her.

Before any of these actions, you should mentally thank the flower for the time spent in the house. It does not matter how long the plant has been in the family. Only after such a ritual can it be thrown out.

Do they give a tree from home?

Money tree - home care and flowering

A fat woman, grown by all the rules, promises the owner wealth and prosperity. For this reason, the plant will be a great gift for any occasion.

Important! In order for succulent to bring wealth, it must be grown independently. A purchased plant will not bring positive energy to the house.

Several signs will help to get acquainted with the meaning of such a gift:

  • A small fat woman will become a guarantor of a small but stable income growth for the person who was presented with a gift;
  • Receiving a sick tree as a gift is a sign that a person or family has envious and ill-wishers. They show negative emotions regarding material well-being. Such acquaintances should be fenced off. Despite the negative, it is worth the effort to cure the plant. If you manage to do this, it means that money will be found in the house, despite the envy and intrigues of friends.

Fat girl is a great birthday present

What brings succulent to the house

Money tree brings financial and spiritual prosperity to the house. It takes away diseases from people and is used to prepare decoctions. It is worth highlighting a few more signs associated with the plant:

  • When buying or donating a large money tree, you should not immediately expect to receive financial profit;
  • If the tree fell from its place, but the leaves did not crumble, it means that income will soon increase. If the earth crumbled from a pot during a fall, and it crashed itself, we should expect a loss of well-being;
  • If the flower receives the disease, it must be restored in a short time. Failure to do so may result in financial problems;
  • Dust should not accumulate on leaves for a long time. She takes away the positive energy.

Important! Flowering in Crassula occurs very rarely. If there are inflorescences, it is worth making a wish related to financial means. Many believe that it can be fulfilled in a short time.

Why is the fat woman called the money tree

The fat girl has been called the money tree for many years. A houseplant has long been considered a talisman, attracting wealth and prosperity to the family. The thing is that the representative of the flora has dense round leaves, similar to coins (silver dinars).

In different countries, a tree can be called differently: a tree of happiness, an African monkey bread tree, a tree with silver dollars.

The fact that the money tree attracts financial well-being is also recognized by Feng Shui. But this fact is explained a little differently. It is believed that leaves accumulate energy, which can be directed to attract wealth. Some conditions must be observed:

  • quality care;
  • faith in the ability of plants to attract material well-being;
  • flower arrangement in the southeastern part of the home.

The leaves of a fat woman resemble coins in shape


There is one more point - you should run "plant magic". To do this, perform several actions:

  1. Banknotes are hung on branches, and coins are buried in the ground.
  2. They tell the plant about their financial successes, while stroking the leaves.

Under the tree you can count money.

Largest money tree

The fat woman reaches the size of a real tree only in natural habitat, in the homeland (in South Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar). At home, getting a tall plant will not work. In the world there are specimens that reach a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. But to achieve such a result is very difficult, it will take at least 20 years.

Money tree can become a talisman to attract prosperity, but only if it is properly looked after: water, fertilize and regularly transplant. The fat woman can become a family doctor, relieve sore throat, joint pain. You can give it away, thanking for the time spent in the family.


Watch the video: Want to attract money in your life? Place this plant at your home now! Money Tree (October 2024).