Rose Queen of Hearts (Queen of Hearts)


Queen of the heart - this is the name of the Queen of Hearts rose variety. This plant really won the hearts of many amateur rose growers with long flowering, bright flowers with numerous petals. The culture is suitable for beginners due to the fact that caring for it is quite simple.


Rosa Queen of Hearts represents the Floribunda group. The plant added to the class 11 years ago, in 2008. This year is considered the year of birth of the variety. He was bred by German breeders specifically for gardeners who have no opportunity to devote all their free time to the site. The plant was created in the official Kordes nursery.

Queen of Hearts Rose Bush

Grade description

The Queen of the Heart is a tall shrub. Its height is 90-105 cm. Width is 50-80 cm. Stems are powerful with numerous spikes. The leaves are emerald, medium glossy, medium size.

Rosa Queen of Sweden (Queen of Sweden) - variety description

Each stem may have 2-3 flowers. There are also single buds. Each flower is like a work of art. The diameter of the saucer-shaped flower is 9-11 cm. The splendor is created due to the abundance of petals. In one flower, there can be about a hundred. The color of the petals is warm pink, with a rich coral undertones. There is a velvety coating.

Note! The variety is a favorite of flower growers for abundant flowering. It begins in the second decade of July and lasts until mid-September.

Among the characteristic features stand out:

  • Frost resistance. The bush withstands winters up to -20 degrees.
  • The aroma is floral, weak.
  • Velvet flowers endure rain and rain without losing freshness.
  • If there is a lot of sun on the site, then the petals can fade slightly, burn out.

In the sun, the petals may fade

Rosa Queen of Hearts, like other representatives of Floribunda, blooms profusely and brightly. The period of activity starts in the spring. By the beginning of summer, buds are forming. In June, they open. Flowering is long, repeated. It stops at the very beginning of autumn. After flowering, roses gradually enter a dormant period. It falls on the cold season.

The variety blooms profusely and continuously

Advantages, disadvantages

Rose Amber Queen

A person who decides to purchase a variety must know about its advantages and disadvantages. The plant has more positive moments than negative ones.


  1. does not require special care;
  2. has strong immunity;
  3. high decorative characteristics;
  4. suitable for growing as a single plant and as part of mixborders;
  5. abundant flowering with the possibility of re-formation of buds.


  1. not quite suitable as cut roses;
  2. the predominance of thorns;
  3. the petals may fade under the sun.

Variety in landscape solutions

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

Rosa Hearts looks decent as a single bushes in front of the veranda of the house. Landing as part of pink collections is allowed. The variety can become a spectacular element of a rockery, mixborder, flower bed with different plants.

Planting roses hearts

Before you begin to engage in a variety of queen of hearts, you should know the details of its cultivation, planting. Among the main points that you should pay attention to first of all:

  • in what form the landing takes place;
  • suitable time of year;
  • selection of beds;
  • soil preparation;
  • step-by-step landing technology.

In what form is landing

In order for the rose bush to take root on the site, one should give preference to healthy seedlings. The age of such planting material must be at least two years. It is best to take a young bush in a pot, that is, with a closed rhizome. Seedling height - at least 20 cm.

The age of a suitable seedling is 2 years


Queen of hearts rose is planted in open ground in late spring. Do not expose the seedling to temperature extremes.

Bed selection

Roses are plants that do not like moving. Therefore, the place for the bush should be carefully selected. It should be away from the accumulation of groundwater. The bed is chosen in a slightly shaded place. The plant will not tolerate sunbathing throughout the day, except for the burning of petals, the bush may begin to wither.

Important! It is necessary to protect the rose from drafts. Wind gusts negatively affect the condition of the plant.

Soil preparation

Rose Queen of Hearts is undemanding to the ground. The main thing is that it be nutritious and light clay. The acidity is neutral. Otherwise, river sand, peat, manure, compost, and some lime are added to the soil pit.

Step-by-step landing technology

Following the recommendations, you can take the right step towards a decent flowering bush:

  1. Preparing the hole. In volume, it should be 10-15 cm larger than the rhizome.
  2. The earth, which was managed to be removed from the pit, is mixed with manure, ash is added, a handful of the nutrient mixture for garden flowers.
  3. The seedling is placed in the hole so that the inoculation or the root neck is only 2-3 cm deepened.
  4. The hole is filled with earth, rammed.
  5. Around the young bush is a shallow near-trunk circle. It is filled with water.
  6. Planting is mulched with compost.

Watering after planting

Care Procedures

Caring for a rose contains the following procedures:

  • watering;
  • fertilizer application;
  • sanitary pruning, transplanting;
  • preparation for wintering.


Rose bushes love water, but do not tolerate its stagnation. Watering should be once every 10 days. Do it in the evening and only at the root.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied both complex mineral and organic. They alternate. It is allowed to feed the shrub 3-5 times from May to September at regular intervals.

Sanitary pruning, transplantation

Pruning is carried out twice a year. In the spring, the elongated branches are shortened, damaged shoots are removed. In autumn they get rid of leaves, faded buds.

Additional Information! Plant transplantation is carried out in exceptional cases. For example, the location is not selected correctly. In this case, the plant is transferred to a suitable bed with an earthen lump.

Winter preparations

Rose hearts grow well in regions with cool climates. For example, in the Urals, central Russia, Moscow region. Its winter hardiness, declared by breeders in the description, is about -20 degrees. Therefore, the gardener should prepare for wintering. First they dig a bush, make a peat pillow and cover it with a spanbond.

During flowering

During the flowering period, the main care consists in proper watering. Blooming buds are cut. This stimulates the plant to re-bloom. At the beginning of summer, nitrogen is introduced, in August - superphosphate. Like other varieties, the queen of hearts rose responds to spray irrigation of a bush. To do this, take warm water. The procedure is performed in the evening.

Flowering problems

A variety may refuse to bloom for the following reasons:

  • inappropriate place (wetland, bright sun all day, etc.);
  • aggressive neighbors (combination with lilac, spirea shrub, which take all nutrients from the soil);
  • too much cropping.

Important! It is possible to organize a decent flowering only with proper care.

Diseases, insects, the fight against them

Rosa Queen of Hearts is distinguished by strong immunity. She is almost never overcome by diseases, but insects can bite. Among the common ones:

  • thrips;
  • red ticks;
  • aphid;
  • leaflets, etc.

In order to protect the queen of the garden, it is recommended to plant fragrant marigolds nearby. They repel insects. If an attack of pests has already occurred, it can be repelled by means of:

  • Fitosporin;
  • Gamair;
  • Alirin-B;
  • Golden spark, etc.


The variety propagates best by cuttings. However, a novice gardener must know how to do it right.

The best time

The most optimal time for harvesting cuttings and their rooting is the second or third decades of June. Cuttings are procured from adult bushes. For this, both green branches and woody ones are used.

Step-by-step process

First cuttings are prepared. The thickness should be like that of a simple pencil, length - 10-15 cm. The lower part is cut at an angle. After the cuttings are ready, the following steps are performed:

  1. Cuttings are treated with a growth stimulant.
  2. A bed is being prepared. It should have fertile loose soil.
  3. Cuttings are inserted into the ground at an angle of 70 degrees.
  4. The bed is covered with a film.
  5. Every day the film is cleaned, the kids are aired, sprayed with water.
  6. Rooting will occur in 20-30 days.

Cuttings are placed in a growth stimulator


A beautiful pink shrub Queen of the heart will decorate any compound. Due to the strong immunity, the plant will not cause the gardener trouble due to illness. Care of the variety is simple: the main thing is to shed, crop and fertilize the crop on time. She is sheltered for the winter.


Watch the video: The Queen of Hearts Who's Been Painting My Roses Red? (October 2024).