Peony Rosea Plena in the garden


Peony Rosea Captivity - a beautiful and elegant flower that will decorate any garden. The plant is unpretentious in care, but has some features that all gardeners who decided to cultivate a culture should know. Designers like to use a similar plant to decorate summer cottages.

Peony Rosea Plena (Paeonia Rosea Plena) - what kind of variety

There are many types of peonies that differ in appearance. Variety Rosea Plena is a very beautiful plant with large pink flowers.

The plant is characterized by sprawling bushes with lots of greenery. The stems can reach a height of 80 cm. The root system is powerful, goes deep into the ground, so the peony quite easily survives winter frosts. The leaves are large, dissected. The flowers in diameter can reach 15 cm, the petals are bright pink in color. During flowering, a wonderful aroma is noted.

Peony Rosea Captivity - a beautiful plant that will decorate any site

For reference! It is a perennial plant, has medicinal properties.

The flowering period is short-lived, up to two dozen buds can immediately blossom on the bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

This peony variety has both positive and negative qualities. The pluses of the plant include:

  • mass flowering
  • beautiful appearance
  • good resistance to frost,
  • easy care
  • lack of need for regular transplantation.

Summer residents include a short flowering period to the negative sides, however, even after it the plant has a rather attractive appearance due to the beauty of glossy foliage.

Use in landscape design

Peony Rosea Plena is often used in the design of the country landscape. It looks great in solitary form, but is often used in joint landings.

Peony bushes are sprawling, with lots of greenery

A variety of varieties of flowers are planted against its background, which are in perfect harmony with the bright greenery of the culture.

It is interesting! This variety in Russian catalogs also passes under the names of grassy peony Rosi Plen or official Rosi plen.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

In order for the plant to please with a beautiful appearance and abundant flowering, it is necessary to plant it correctly and carry out the necessary care.

Peony Rubra Plena (Paeonia Rubra Plena) - features varieties

The variety description says that the root cuttings planting method is used most often. For this, roots with buds are separated from the rhizomes of an adult bush.

Attention! It is recommended for the prevention of various diseases to process the shoots with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After drying, the sections are treated with activated carbon. The procedure for harvesting planting material is carried out in late August.

Planting prepared rhizomes is carried out in the autumn - it is better to choose September for this purpose. If desired, a similar plant can be planted in April-May, but this year you should not expect flowering.

Location selection, preparation

Peonies love bright and sunny places without drafts. Good drainage is important for them, they prefer fertile soil.

Before planting, you need to dig a hole 60 * 60 in size, lay a drainage layer at the bottom - gravel, crushed stone. Then, a mixture of peat, sand, and sheet soil is half-filled into the hole.

For breeding, it is better to take a plant aged 3-4 years. It must be carefully dug up, cut off all the stems. The rhizome is cut into several parts, so that each has a pair of buds and additional roots.

Landing procedure step by step

Planting a peony of Rosea Plen in the ground is quite simple. It is important to perform all the steps in order:

  1. A rhizome is placed in a prepared and spilled water pit.
  2. The upper kidney should be at surface level.
  3. A new sprout is filled with soil, slightly crushed, well watered.

After some time, you can mulch the place around, using sawdust for this purpose.

Seeding (for breeding)

Peony Kansas (Paeonia Kansas) - cultivation in the garden

Planting peonies with seeds is used only for breeding. The process is troublesome, takes a lot of time. In addition, the seeds germinate rather hard, and small plants develop for a long time. Such bushes begin to bloom only at 6-7 years.

The Rosea Plena variety blooms with beautiful pink large flowers

Plant care

Peony of the Rosea Plena variety is quite unpretentious in care, however, some features are recommended to be taken into account. Then the plant will please with a beautiful appearance and abundant flowering.

  • Watering and feeding
Peony Sorbet (Paeonia Sorbet) - cultivation in the garden

Peonies need constant hydration during the period of bud formation. At this time, a pair of buckets of water is poured under each plant. The rest of the time, 1 bucket per week will be enough. In rainy weather, irrigation is not necessary at all.

Peonies Rosea Plena respond well to various dressings. In the spring, it is recommended to fertilize the plant with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, in the fall it is better to add a flower of nitric agents.

  • Mulching and cultivation

The loose soil allows the root system of the culture to receive more air and moisture, so a similar procedure is necessary. Along the way, weed removal is recommended. Mulching allows you to retain moisture in the soil longer. As mulch, mowed grass, leaves are used.

  • Preventative treatment

As a preventive measure, it is recommended that the plant is not sick and not affected by various insects.

Attention! When pests or signs of the disease appear, it is recommended to immediately treat the bushes with special means, without relying on folk methods of control.

Blooming peony ofisinalis Rosea Plena (Officinalis Rosea Plena)

The flowers of the peony of the grassy Rosea Captivity have a rich pink tint and a wonderful smell. During the flowering period, the plot is simply amazing in its beauty and splendor.

The flowering period falls at the beginning of June. Unfortunately, such a variety is characterized by a short duration of budding. After the plant has bloomed, it remains quite decorative and begins to gain strength by autumn and wintering.

Peony is very often used in site design because of its decorative appearance.

During flowering, it is recommended to remove wilted flowers, but leave the stems. At this time, the peony can be fed with mineral fertilizers. After flowering is over, organic fertilizers are applied.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The absence of flowers on a peony is possible if the culture is affected by diseases and pests. It is possible that the plant does not like the conditions, the soil is not suitable for acidity. Do not wait for flowering from bushes younger than two years.

Peonies after flowering

After flowering, the plant gradually goes into a dormant state, builds up green mass and prepares for the winter period. He does not need special care at this time.

A transplant of adult plants is best done in the fall, when the growing season has ended. In the spring, the formation of buds occurs; when transplanted, the flower may die.

Peony pruning is carried out in autumn. Cut the tops almost to the ground, leaving small sprouts. In spring, such a procedure should not be carried out, because the plant does not have time to gain strength by winter.

Attention! The culture tolerates winter frosts well, but young plants after pruning are covered with a layer of mulch or covering material under which they winter. In the spring, shelter must be removed.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

This variety is quite resistant to diseases and attacks of harmful insects. Of the diseases, the bushes can be affected by gray rot and other fungal diseases. You can cope with them with the help of special fungicidal agents.

Of the pests, aphids, ants, and nematodes pose a danger to peonies. When the last infection, the bush will have to be completely destroyed. But with ants and aphids, a lover of peonies can very well fight. There are folk methods for eliminating insects. If they do not help, it is perfectly acceptable to use special chemistry.

Peony Rosea Captivity - a beautiful plant that will become a decoration of the garden. The culture does not require complicated care, easily tolerates frosts, and with proper care, it will please with abundant flowering and large flowers.
