Rose Flammentanz - planting and care, how to cut after flowering


Flementants is a variety of climbing roses that are used in landscaping. Plants harmoniously look both on a seasonal dacha, and as an addition to architectural constructions. In order to create an aesthetic and sophisticated atmosphere with roses, you need to study the information about the variety and pay attention to the rules of planting and caring for the plant.

What kind of rose is Flamentants?

Most species and varieties of roses prefer a warm sunny climate, which causes a lot of difficulties for gardeners. In the modern world, this is no longer considered a problem, since leading experts from the field of selection have long bred several varieties that can please everyone with their beauty, regardless of climatic conditions. Among such varieties is the climbing rose Flammentanz.

Bright red blossoming buds create a spectacular combination with pale green foliage

In 1952, a German breeder crossed two varieties of roses. The resulting klimber had excellent external characteristics, so it was officially registered and put up for sale in Germany. Over time, more people learned about the features of the hybrid, and therefore its popularity spread throughout the world.

For reference! The name is due to the bright red color of the petals. From the German language, the word "flamencer" is translated as "fire dance."

The root system of the rose is quite large. She easily copes with the cold, calmly surviving them underground.

The climbing rose consists of a stem on which up to 5 small flowers are located. The whole stem is covered with large and very sharp spikes. Leaves have a deep green color and shine.

The size of the flowers when blooming reaches no more than 8 cm in diameter. Petals are considered terry, inside the flower are bright yellow stamens.

A shrub plant can grow up to about 2 meters in height.

From the buds comes a pleasant, barely perceptible, but at the same time steady, smell.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The plant's pluses are its resistance to weather conditions, as well as its appearance. With the help of a climbing rose, you can give an unusual appearance to any, even the most ordinary-looking, site.

  • Rose will perfectly decorate the fence, the wall of the house and small architectural objects.
  • Resistance to cold allows you to plant a plant in Siberia and the northern part of Russia. Rose is able to survive frosts up to -30 degrees.
  • In general, the rose is unpretentious in care, which can not be attributed to significant advantages.
  • The variety allows you to grow both the usual kind of roses, and a variety that can curl.
  • It’s easy to grow a flameman, so even a beginner gardener will cope with it.

The disadvantage of roses is one minus associated with flowering - the rose blooms only 1 time for the entire season.

Use in landscape design

Flementants - a climbing rose that is suitable for landscaping and decorating sites. Plants can create an amazing picture in the country or in the park.

Climbing plants can develop along the wall and supporting columns, fences on the flowerbed and fence.

A wicker rose will decorate the house

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Planting and growing a Flamentant rose is quite simple, so any person can handle the process. It is important to properly prepare seedlings and soil before immersing future roses directly in the ground.

Care for irises after flowering - when you need to prune leaves

Climbing roses in the form of seedlings are planted. They can be purchased at a flower shop or obtained independently from cuttings, the role of which are the shoots of roses available on the site.

Landing is recommended to be carried out in late April - early May, when the soil is sufficiently warmed up, and the temperature becomes more or less constant.

Note! You can plant roses in the autumn period, but you need to do this before the beginning of October, until the temperature drops to low levels.

Thus, the owner of the plot should choose when to plant a climbing rose. Flamentants is oriented on local climatic conditions.

Place selection, preparation

The landing site should be well lit by sunlight. Then it will be possible to get a large number of healthy and beautiful flowers. In addition, it is worth taking care that the bush is not subject to drafts and the influence of strong winds, which can negatively affect the growth and development of the plant.

Before planting, the root system must be inspected and make sure there are no signs of decay.

Before planting, it is best to keep seedlings for several hours in water - this procedure will provide the plant with moisture, which is extremely necessary for a fragile plant.

Soil must be taken care of in advance. An ideal soil is a mixture of fertile soil with manure and peat.

Landing procedure step by step

To plant a plant, you need to prepare seedlings and soil, and then proceed to planting.

  1. Form a landing hole measuring 0.5 x 0.5 m.
  2. At the bottom of the hole, put pebbles or crushed brick at a depth of 25 cm.
  3. Pit need to be abundantly watered.
  4. Place the seedling in the hole, cover it with soil and tamp.
  5. Water the plant and sprinkle the flowerbed with sawdust.

Attention! We must not forget that the distance between the seedlings should be at least 1 m.

Plant care

A major role in the formation of a plant is played by its care. For example, this rose needs to be weeded regularly, removing all the weeds surrounding the plant.

  • Watering rules and humidity
How to prune daylily after flowering

Water the plant during its growth literally 1 time per week. On average, 1 bush accounts for about 20 liters of water.

Important! The abundance of moisture will adversely affect the root system of the plant, causing it to rot.

  • Top dressing and soil quality

Fertilizers can be applied only if necessary. For example, if it is noticeable that the rose is behind in growth, then it is worth adding top dressing to the soil. When everything is in order with the development of the flower, then mineral supplements will not be needed.

With proper care, you can get a very beautiful decor on your site

When choosing fertilizers, it is worth giving preference to those that are rich in potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and wood ash.

  • Pruning and transplanting

A climbing rose needs to be processed in a timely manner, pruning every six months. Pruning should be appointed at the beginning of spring and summer, when the plant has already faded.

Affected shoots are cut off necessarily to rejuvenate the plant, allowing new ones to develop without difficulty.

  • Features of wintering a flower

In winter, it is necessary to hide the bush under polyethylene, and sprinkle the flower bed itself with plenty of wood sawdust. Such actions will help provide the necessary heat for the root system.

Flowering roses

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During flowering, buds of climbing roses of the Flammentants variety look great. Bright coloring burns with fiery fire, justifying its name. During flowering, a light aroma comes from roses.

Attention! During the period of active flowering, too many buds may appear on one stalk - then it starts to bend and break.

Flowering itself lasts about a month and a half, starting in May. After this, the rose fades and passes into a dormant period until the next year.

During flowering, a large number of flowers can form, which will exert excessive pressure on the stem, breaking it. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to take care of the support of the plant in advance.

After flowering, cuttings are usually cut if necessary, and the plant is covered with polyethylene for wintering.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

Lack of flowering can be caused by improper care of the plant. In this case, the first thing they analyze is the conditions of detention. Sometimes you have to carefully remove the bush from the ground and inspect its root system for rotting.

Flower propagation

The most effective method of propagating roses is considered to be cuttings. The method allows you to multiply existing bushes in areas.

Cutting of cuttings usually occurs in late summer or autumn. The seedling obtained from the cuttings is planted in open ground at the beginning of the last spring month, after he survived the winter in a closed, warm room.

Detailed description

Cuttings involve the collection of shoots. It is necessary to cut them from below at an angle of 45 degrees and make an even cut from above. The lower leaves and branches should be removed, and the upper ones cut only half. The cutlery must be sent to a container with sand and soil.

Important! To speed up the process, you need to cover the handle with a plastic bottle.

After a month, the stalk can be transplanted into a pot of soil and left indoors at a temperature of +25 degrees.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Variety Flamentants is resistant not only to weather conditions, but also to diseases and pests. The rose is resistant to powdery mildew, rust and black spotting.

Leaves will signal the disease

In case of detection of other diseases, it is worth contacting a flower shop to purchase special preparations for processing.

Note! If you select a sunny area for the plant, then the probability of infection with the fungus will be minimized.

Rosa Flammentants is an incredibly beautiful garden plant that will brighten up any boring area. Subject to the rules of planting and care, you can achieve healthy and beautiful flowers.


Watch the video: How to Care for a Rose Bush (October 2024).