What are the flowers like daisies


There are a large number of plants that during the flowering period resemble chamomile. In this article, you can find the names and descriptions of such plants.

Camomile-like flowers

Often you can meet flowers whose appearance resembles a camomile. Even experienced flower growers sometimes find it difficult to determine the type of decorative culture. The descriptions below will help you recognize the plant.

Felicia - flowerbed decoration

Blue daisies

Blue chamomile belongs to the category of plants of the Aster family. Flowers are widespread in South Africa. Experts call perennial felicia. In our climatic conditions, it is possible to grow a South African plant as an annual crop.

Note! Blue daisies are grown near curbs, rocky gardens or along paths.

Landscape designers plant felicia in flowerbeds with beautiful yellow flowers. Blue chamomile inflorescences are used in the preparation of cosmetics. In appearance, felicia resembles a white garden daisy. Blue flowers contain purple hues and a yellow center.

The height of felicia reaches 25 cm. The stems are covered with a large number of small leaf plates. The diameter of the flowers is within 5 cm. Flowering is characterized by abundance and duration.


Astra belongs to the category of herbaceous perennials belonging to the family Compositae. There are almost 200 varieties in the genus. Aster leaf plates are simple. Bushes can grow up to 10-150 cm. Inflorescences consist of petals of various lengths, reminiscent of the shape of the tongue. They can be painted in various shades:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • crimson;
  • lilac and others

Interesting! Flowers like daisies are often grown along garden paths.


Cineraria is a decorative culture characterized by bright flowering and silvery leaf plates. Plants are used by landscape designers to garden flower beds and areas along the house. The colors of the petals can be very diverse, which allows each grower to choose a plant to his taste. Unpretentious culture does not require complicated care and can be grown at home. Pots of flowers are located in the hall.

The height of the bushes can reach 35-90 cm. The core root system is deep enough into the soil. Lyre petiolate leaf plates are naturally endowed with cirrus-dissected outlines. On the surface of the foliage, you can see soft fibers of a silver-blue hue. Flowering begins in mid-summer. At this time, the bushes are literally dotted with inflorescences-baskets, which can be either simple or terry. Flowers can be painted in various colors:

  • yellow;
  • white;
  • red;
  • purple.

Flowering pleases the owner of the site almost until October.

Cineraria as a houseplant


Osteospermum belongs to the category of herbaceous plants with large flowers. The second name for a daisy-like flower is African daisy. During flowering, baskets of lilac-pink color with a purple central part open on the bushes. African chamomile flower has a long and abundant flowering. A grassy crop is grown as an annual. Strongly branching shoots can form a ball or grow rapidly upward. The height of the bushes is in the range of 100-145 cm. Oval leaf plates of oval shape are characterized by increased density.

Note! Aromatic glands are located on the foliage, due to which a tart aroma comes from the plant.

White flowers similar to daisies

Below you can find the most popular white flowers that look like chamomile in appearance.


Anacyclus belongs to the category of perennial or annual creeping crops, the height of which does not exceed 10-12 cm. When flowers grow, a voluminous carpet is formed. The foliage of the plant is finely dissected. It is painted in dark green tones. You can admire the flowering throughout the summer. Bushes must be planted in well-lit areas with well-drained soil. For reproduction, you can use the seed or vegetative method. Landscape designers plant anaciclus during the design of rock gardens and discounts.

Orange daisies

The best color daisy is considered to be the goat. The herbaceous perennial is naturally endowed with a fibrous surface rhizome.


Doronikum flower growers are often called a sun daisy or a roe. The representative of the Astrov family is widely distributed in North Africa. Culture does not need complicated care. The unpretentiousness and vitality of the roe is the main advantage of the variety. Upright stems branch not well enough. The height of the bushes can reach 35-100 cm.

Doronicum is a perennial herb. It has a fibrous superficial rhizome. Strong, erect stems branch weakly. They grow 30-100 cm in height. On branches and leaf blades, short pubescence can be considered. The extreme parts of the stem foliage are covered with glandular formations. Yellow chamomile, whose name is doronicum, is distinguished by the formation of single or grouped corymbose inflorescences.


Pink daisies title

The most effective representative of pink daisies is considered feverfew, a description of which can be found below.


The perennial culture belonging to the family Compositae is distinguished by the formation of grassy shoots. The core of the flowers of an unpretentious plant is quite lush. The pyrethrum not only decorates the site, but also helps to repel harmful insects. The perennial is endowed with a fibrous root system by nature. The length of upright grassy shoots reaches 55-70 cm. Foliage of cirrus-dissected type is painted in bright green tones. The diameter of the inflorescences is in the range of 30-60 mm.

On a note! The duration of flowering pyrethrum (Caucasian chamomile) reaches 40-60 days.

Small daisies - as they are called

The most popular small daisies are considered anemone and argyrantemum. The following is a description of each of these plants.

Anemone Bland

Anemone Bland belongs to the category of mountain flowers, which are common in the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Flowers are planted in nutritious calcareous soil. Plant height barely reaches 20-25 cm. Carved foliage looks quite impressive. The diameter of the inflorescences is in the range of 6-7 cm. The duration of flowering is 21 days. Petals are painted in blue and blue.


Argirantemum is often called daisy chrysanthemum. Specialists distinguish about 20 species of plants. The most popular among gardeners is the shrub type. The height of the bushes reaches 30-100 cm. Cirrus-dissected foliage is painted in silver or bright green shades. The flowering period begins in mid-summer. The shape of the petals is similar to chamomile, both in shape and in color.

Helichrysum margaritaceae

Helichrysum margaritaceae is an ornamental culture whose height does not exceed 8 cm. In the area of ​​short peduncles, inflorescences of a white hue and small pubescent gray foliage are formed. Flowering begins in the first weeks of summer.

Helichrysum margaritaceae


Mesembryantemum is a plant that belongs to the class of succulents. The height of the bushes can reach 15-16 cm. A heat-loving crop should be planted in well-lit areas with sandy soil. Upright stems are highly branched. The leaf plates are planted quite tightly and painted in a pale green palette. The foliage is located by the opposite method in the lower part of the bush and alternately in the upper region.

Big daisies

What are the names of the large daisies that can often be found in flower beds? It is worth considering descriptions of plants that fall into this category.


Gerbera is a bright representative of the Astrov family. The decorative culture prefers zones well lit by sunshine. Gerbera petals come in various forms:

  • tubular;
  • spiky;
  • curly.

Petals can be painted in a variety of colors.

African daisy or gatzania - a flower similar to a daisy

Lily-like flowers, only small

Gatzania is an ornamental plant that has bright petals that can be colored in:

  • lemon shade;
  • cream;
  • lilac;
  • red;
  • orange, like a marigold, etc.

Specialists in the field of floriculture allocate about 40 varieties of African chamomile, which pleases with its flowering for five months. The height of the bushes reaches 35-40 cm. You can grow a perennial plant species, both in the open ground and at home.


Leucanthemum - multicolored daisy-like flowers

Yellow daisies - perennial flowers

Leucanthemum is a representative of the Astrov family, which people are used to calling a garden daisy (multi-colored daisy). Perennial is unpretentious, lack of requirements for soil composition and resistance to frost. The height of the bushes reaches 100-125 cm. Flowering pleases the owner of the site twice (in late spring and late summer). Inflorescences with a yellow center are painted in white tones. Their diameter is within 10 cm.

Leucanthemum Luna and chamomile: differences

Calla lilies - how varieties and varieties look and are called

Despite the fact that the nyvyanik has a number of similarities with chamomile, experts count a large number of differences between decorative cultures, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • pivot root system
  • bright scarlet color of the root system of the vernica Luna;
  • the indicator of the height of the bush of the leucant (popovnik) is in the range of 25-80 cm;
  • basket-like inflorescences of the companion consist of 2 types of flowers (reed and tubular);
  • the elongation and integrity of the leaf sheets of the novice with the presence of small notches along the edges.

Echinacea plant similar to a large chamomile

Echinacea is a medicinal plant. One of the most popular types of echinacea, which is actively used for medical purposes, is the narrow-leaved type. For the landing of Echinacea, it is worthwhile to select areas well-lit by the sun's rays. The soil should be systematically moistened, and the weed grass removed. Nearby shrubs should be transplanted, and unnecessary can be cut so that they do not obscure a useful plant.

Note! Echinacea, beneficial, can effectively cope with the symptoms of colds and SARS. There are a large number of recipes for chamomile flu remedy with echinacea in the composition.

American daisy

Purple Echinacea is considered an American chamomile. Inflorescences, despite the name, can be painted not only in purple colors, but also in:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • cream.

The central part of the American chamomile is convex, and the petals are drooping. The height of the bushes can reach 140 cm. For propagation, it is worth using a seed or vegetative method.

Additional Information! Often lovers and craftsmen make chamomile from double corrugated paper, trying to create a plant similar to an American chamomile.

Terry calendula

Calendula is endowed by nature with a large number of useful properties. Decorative culture belongs to the category of perennials. The height of the bushes can reach 40-80 cm. The pubescent oval-shaped foliage can be painted in various green shades depending on the variety. Cadendula can be planted in flower beds or grown along garden paths.

Terry Calendula

Osteospermum or Cape Daisy (Cape Chamomile)

Osteospermum is a herb with large flowers. During the flowering period, the owners of the site are pleased with a huge number of pink and lilac flowers. Decorative culture can be grown both in open ground and at home.

Planting seedlings with your hands is important very carefully so as not to damage the root system. In the spring and summer months, experts recommend adding organic matter or mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Interesting! If you wish, you can plant a flower seed in open ground at the end of April, so that soon the area will be decorated with flowering bushes, the leaves of which emit a pleasant aroma with hints of astringency.


Arktotis is a representative of the Astrov family, which is distributed in Angola and Zimbabwe. Culture is divided into 2 types:

  • shrubs;
  • herbaceous plants.

On the surface of the leaf plates, one can consider dense pubescence, the shade of which is close to white. Notched-toothed foliage is located on the shoots in the opposite way. The diameter of the inflorescences is within 8 cm. The petals of the plant are painted in a different palette:

  • Violet
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • purple.

Flowers can be planted along the walls.


Coreopsis is a decorative culture, a bright representative of the Astrov family. The plant, depending on the variety, can be either annual or perennial. Aerial openwork growth, consists of thin branches. Dissected green foliage is endowed with a lanceolate form by nature.

Note! If desired, Coreopsis can be planted according to a predetermined scheme of planting in a flower bed near a house or in lawn grass. The plant will become a real decoration of the site.

Perennial sunflower

Perennial sunflower can grow up to 400 cm in height. The plant will delight the owner of the plot with bright flowering in late summer and early September. Frost resistance of the culture is considered an advantage. The plant does not need preparation for winter cold.

Perennial sunflower



The herbaceous annual is distinguished by sprawling bushes, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm. Cosmea petals can be painted in pink, purple and burgundy tones. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 10 cm. Annual can propagate by self-sowing. The culture is grown both in open field and at home.

There are a huge number of flowers that look like chamomile. The above descriptions of flowers will help determine which plant is ideal for growing in your own garden.


Watch the video: Daisies that look like Daisies and Daisies that don't. (September 2024).