Hoya Bella - Home Care


This plant has a special beauty and a pleasant smell. To care for him will not have to spend much effort. But we must not forget that the flower contains poison, which can harm young children. Adults can grow it in the house without fear of any consequences.

What does it look like to which family

Hoya Bella is a representative of the Gusset family. The exact name of the plant is Hoya lanceolata Bella. It has a small root system. In the wild, Hoya Bella is an epiphyte. If it is grown indoors, it is preferable to keep the plant in hanging pots. The flower feels good in a large flat container.

Hoya Bella Inflorescence

The stems are thin, flexible, branching strongly. They have a gray-green color. Internodes in the form of clearly distinguishable thickenings. On the shoots there are a large number of leaves. During growth, the branches fall down. Flower umbrellas grow at the ends of the shoots. Foliage has a shape resembling a rhombus. The size of the leaves is 2-4 cm. Their sides have a different color: the top is dark green, the bottom is a greenish whitish shade.

One type of flower

Common varieties

The most popular plant varieties:

  • Variegata - is distinguished by the special color of the sheet plates. They are green, with beautiful yellow stains.
  • Louis Buis - the leaves of this variety have a characteristic feature - a lighter central part.
  • Wee - the foliage of this hoya is smaller compared to other varieties. They are more numerous, making the plant look more fluffy. This is one of the variegated varieties.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

The plant is named after the famous English gardener Thomas Hoya. He worked for the Duke of Northumberland in the early nineteenth century. Thomas was fond of growing tropical plants in a cool British climate.

On a note! In the wild, the Hoya Bella flower is common in Thailand and Australia.

Is the flower poisonous

The stem, flowers and juice of the plant contain a poisonous substance, so it is not recommended to keep it in families where there are small children or pets who like to enjoy plants.

Hoya flower

Hoya Bella Flower Home Care

Hoya flower - what the varieties of Karnosa, Kerry, Bella, fleshy, multiflora look like

In order for the plant to develop and flourish favorably, it is important to follow the rules that take into account its features. For planting a flower, use cuttings. Features of the procedure:

  1. A flat and wide container is prepared for the flower.
  2. A layer of drainage and a little soil are poured into the bottom.
  3. A seedling is placed on it and the roots are carefully spread. 2-3 sprouts are usually planted in one pot.
  4. The plant is carefully sprinkled with a substrate.

During the first two days after planting, watering the flower is not recommended.

Lush bush


The plant is suitable for normal room temperature. Hot weather is undesirable for him. Hoya Bella does not tolerate strong winds, drafts and sudden jumps in temperature. Optimum temperature conditions - + 20 ... +25 degrees.

Note! The temperature should not be allowed to fall below +18 degrees for a long time. This can lead to flower disease.


For Hoya Bella at home, it is necessary to provide good lighting. However, on sunny days it is recommended to create a slight shade for it. In the cold season, when the lighting is weaker, you need to make it maximum.


Hoya Bella does not tolerate completely dry soil. As soon as the surface begins to dry, it is necessary to water the flower. It is important to ensure that no stagnation of liquid occurs in the soil. Otherwise, root decay will begin.

During flowering, watering should be quite intense. After that, it is enough to reduce its frequency to two times a month. It is recommended for this purpose to use settled or rain water. Do not use too cold a liquid. It should be slightly warmer than room temperature (2-3 degrees).

Important! In autumn and winter, watering should be significantly reduced.


Watering a plant alone is not enough. Since the surface of the leaves dries much faster than the soil, you need to spray them regularly. Moisture should not fall on the flowers. After the procedure, it is recommended to wipe the leaves.


The plant grows better in an atmosphere with high humidity. To do this, you can do not only spraying, but also place in the immediate vicinity of the flower containers with water.

Foliage plants


As the soil for the flower, a specially prepared substrate is used. For him, the land that is used in the process of growing orchids is suitable. To it you need to add a small amount of sand.

If you prepare the land for the flower yourself, then to get the foundation you will have to mix 1 part of sand, 1 - peat, 1 - compost and 2 - turf land. They also recommend adding some charcoal, moss and chopped bark.

Top dressing

In summer, you need to regularly fertilize the soil. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizer is suitable, but not in the form of a concentrate, but highly diluted. Too much fertilizer can harm the plant.

Features of outdoor cultivation

Hoya Kerry - home care

You need to choose a well-lit area in the house, on which there should be no draft. Watering the flower is performed as the topsoil dries. Fertilizers need to be applied three times a year, in the summer - every month.

In wild nature

When and how it blooms

Hoya Carnosa - Home Care

After the appearance of peduncles, flowering begins in one or two months. At this time, it is not allowed to move the plant to a new place. With good care, Hoya Bella can please with abundant flowering for many years.

Types of flowers

Hoya Bella's flowers look like they are made of wax. Their diameter is 1-2 cm. Flowers grow in the form of inflorescences at the ends of peduncles.

Flower shapes

The flowers of the plant resemble stars. They have a white color and a prominent inner crown, which can be purple or pink. Round inflorescences are similar in shape to an umbrella. A group of flowers usually consists of 7-9 pieces.

Flowering period

The life time of Hoya Bell flowers is 8 days. They appear throughout May or June. After the fall of faded buds, new ones soon form. The flower has a strong aroma containing notes of vanilla. It is not as harmless as it may seem, and can cause a headache.

Changes in flowering care

When Hoya Bell grows flowers, she needs more intensive watering than in other periods of time. During flowering, the plant is watered at least three times a week.

The flowers are waxy.


Performing this procedure for a flower is optional. However, when dried or diseased shoots appear, they must be cut off.

How to breed

In practice, several methods of breeding hoya are used. The most commonly used propagation is by cuttings.

Seed germination

For germination, the seeds are planted in the ground in a plastic container. They are covered with a film and provide regular watering. In two weeks sprouts will appear. They need to be seated from each other. A week later, the plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Rooting cuttings

The use of cuttings is the most popular option for propagating a flower. It is necessary to cut 3-4 cuttings from the shoots in the spring, separating them in the internodes. The bottom pair of leaves is removed. The cuttings are placed in a container with earth and begin to water regularly. The appearance of roots should be expected in 2-3 weeks.

On a note! It is recommended to place the container in a well-lit place and daily ensure a temperature equal to 25 degrees Celsius.


To do this, choose an escape, slightly cut it and wrap it with moss. Regular watering is necessary. After two weeks, the root system begins to grow at the incision site. After this, the sprout is disconnected and planted in a permanent place.


A plant can be replanted if it grows too much, but this should be done no more than once every three years. Transplantation is recommended only as a last resort. This is due to the fact that the plant is very difficult to tolerate.

Hoya flower

Possible growing problems

If you carefully care for the flower, then the likelihood of diseases and pests becomes minimal. You must regularly inspect Bell's hoya to monitor her health. If disturbing signs are found, measures should be taken to treat the flower as soon as possible.


In case of damage with a spider mite, it is necessary to spray the plant with Actellik. To prepare the solution, 15 drops of the composition are dissolved in one liter of water. To combat this pest, it is recommended to make the humidity in the room higher.

Additional Information. When attacking the hoya, the leaves are wiped with soapy water. You also need to spray Karbofos. If a mealybug is found, onion or garlic infusion will help to cope with it.

Other problems

If the roots are overmoistened, this can lead to infection of the flower with root rot or powdery mildew. First, the affected parts of the roots are removed. Then it is necessary to spray with fungicides. You also need to change the topsoil.

Signs and superstitions

There are several beliefs associated with hoya:

  • Some believe that the flower enhances sexual activity. Therefore, sometimes it is put in the bedrooms, despite the strong smell.
  • It is believed that Bela Hoya has a calming and harmonizing effect.
  • If the flower blooms well, this indicates that the spouses are faithful to each other.
  • It is also believed that Hella Bella softens and settles family conflicts.

Growing in a hanging hood


Growing Bell Hoya requires minimal effort. Subject to the rules of care, the flower will delight the owner with its unusual beauty for many years.


Watch the video: Hoya bella Houseplant Care73 of 365 (October 2024).