Sansevieria cylindrical - home care


Sansevieria is cylindrical - one of the most exotic species of this genus of plants. A beautiful flower with long erect xiphoid leaves is very popular among gardeners and, moreover, does not require special care.

What looks like sansevieria cylindrical, to which family it belongs

Sansevieria cylinder or cylindrical (Sansevieria Cylindrica) is popularly called simply - Pike tail. A plant of the Asparagus family is characterized by long tubular leaves that grow directly from the ground. They are very smooth to the touch and shine, due to the fact that they are covered with a dense wax layer.

The cylindrical appearance of sansevieria leaves wrapped in a tube

Common varieties

The most famous and sought-after varieties of this species of plants are:

  • Sansevieria Velvet Touch (Velvet Touch) - got its name because of the velvet touch stems.
  • Sansevieria Bacularis (Sansevieria Bacularis) - a bush with dense dark green tubular leaf plates that do not close on the stem, but grow from the ground.
  • Sanseviera Skyline - has smooth and shiny leaves, on which there are dark stripes.
  • Sansevieria Twist - can grow up to 50-60 centimeters, according to the external description it is very similar to a cylindrical view.
  • Sansevieria Spaghetti - leaves are rounded, with small grooves along their entire length.
  • Sansevier Mikado is a very rare variety with thick fleshy leaves and dark green vertical lines on them.

Healing properties

The great advantage of sansevier is that it has healing properties:

  • normalizes pressure;
  • improves overall health of the body and strengthens the immune system;
  • treats colds;
  • used externally to treat inflammation and other skin diseases;
  • normalizes the gastrointestinal tract.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

Homeland plants are South African territories. At the beginning of the 20th century, sansevieria was exported to Europe, from where it migrated as an indoor flower to the rest of the world.

Features of home care

It is easy to take care of cylindrical sansevieria, the main thing is to create certain climatic conditions in the room where it grows.


Sansevieria - home care and reproduction

The most comfortable temperature for a flower is + 10 ... +25 degrees. The bush normally tolerates a sharp cooling, but in the heat it is better to put the pot in aerated rooms.


There are no special requirements for lighting. It is better to keep it in diffused light so that the sun's rays can not burn the fleshy decorative leaves of Sansevier.


During the growing season, the bush needs to be watered every 7-10 days, but during dormancy, it is enough to slightly moisten the soil once a month.

Important! During wintering, it is better not to water the soil, but to spray from the spray gun, but avoid getting water on the ground part of the flower.


Caring for sansevieria does not require a spraying procedure. This can cause leaf rot due to water entering the sinuses. It is better to wipe the plates with a damp cloth.


Moisture indicators should preferably be kept at an average level. If necessary, it can be increased by adding water to the pan of the pot.


The flower prefers slightly acidic soil. The substrate can be prepared at home. To do this, mix loose soil, sand and a small amount of humus.

It is better to get a substrate for a flower in a store

Top dressing

To fertilize the plants, it is necessary to choose special complex mineral fertilizers intended for succulents. In the soil you need to constantly replenish the content of potassium and phosphorus.

Note! When a plant is fertilized with fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen, its leaves lose their variegated color and become monophonic.

When and how it blooms

Sansevieria Hanni - Home Care

Flowering cylindrical sanseviera passes almost imperceptibly. Inflorescences are in the form of a brush and are located on a long and erect peduncle. In length, it is the same as the leaves of the flower, but sometimes it is higher. Small flowers with white-cream petals have a tubular shape. Some varieties have pale pink flowers.

The bush blooms only about a week. After 5-8 days after the buds open, they begin to close back and fall off.

Blooming Sansevieria

How cylindrical sansevieria propagates

This species can reproduce in several ways, all of them are easy to use.

Seed germination

Mother in law flower - home care

Reproduction of sansevieria by cylindrical sowing of seeds is practically not used in home floriculture. Sown seeds in boxes with a substrate for succulents. They need to be deepened by 1-2 centimeters. Then pour and cover with a film. In a month, the first shoots will appear.

Rooting cuttings

To propagate the plant by cuttings, you need to cut a part from the side sheet with a length of about 10 centimeters. Cuttings are buried in a box with the soil mixture, watered and covered with a film.

Important! So that the plant does not get sick, the places of cuts are treated with activated or charcoal.

Propagation by cuttings


Air lay

It is possible to propagate the flower by secondary rosettes, this method is similar to rooting the side layers. In the spring, rosettes are separated from the bush and planted in a separate pot.


The need for transplantation depends on the growth of the bush. Young sansevieria is transplanted every year in the spring, and an adult - every 3 years.

Possible problems in growing and disease

Sansevier almost does not suffer from pests and diseases, but occasionally problems still arise.

Flower drops buds and leaves

Most often this is due to the dry air in the room. Sometimes a flower just lacks some minerals in the ground.

Leaves turn pale

This condition occurs due to a lack of fertilizing and lighting. It is better to keep the bush in slightly diffused light, but not in the shade.

The tips dry on the leaves

The edges of the leaves dry out due to dry air and high temperature in the room. Sansevieria does not like heat, so you should take care of a suitable room for cultivation in advance.

Lower leaves fall off

This is due to excessive watering and poor quality water. Too cold liquid can quickly destroy the bush.


Of the pests, a flower can infect a spider mite, which makes a barely noticeable web on the leaves. Insects love to feast on fleshy leaves, from which they dry up and die.

Signs and superstitions

Since ancient times various sanctuary has been attributed to Sansevierieres due to the fact that they possess many healing properties. It is believed that the plant brings peace and prosperity to the house, protects the household from quarrels and troubles.

However, there is one known superstition associated with sansevieria. Because of the sharp leaves, it was nicknamed Mother-in-law's tongue and it is believed that the plant helps to gossip and spreads misunderstanding among the inhabitants of the house.

The plant has an elegant appearance


Sansevieria cylindrical is distinguished by its decorative leaves, which, although not variegated, have a sophisticated and elegant look. Easy care only contributes to the popularity of this species in home gardening.


Watch the video: How to Care for Sansevieria cylindrica & Some Shout-Outs (October 2024).