Cirrus asparagus - home care


Cirrus asparagus is popular in home gardening and indoor flower growing. He is especially fond of fans of feng shui, who believe that the plant is able to take away all the negative energy and prevent the onset of depression.

What does Asparagus Cirrus look like, to what family

Asparagus Plumezus, or cirrus (Asparagus Plumosus) - an evergreen perennial plant, belongs to the Asparagus family. Has a dense crown with many thin branched shoots. Foliage brings special decorativeness, small plates are reduced and expressed in scales. Due to its unusual appearance, asparagus is popularly called the "cobweb".

Cirrus asparagus was nicknamed the "cobweb" because of the lush crown with thin stems

Common varieties

The most common and famous varieties are:

  • Meyer - a compact shrub with a branching crown;
  • Crescent - grows in the form of a vine and reaches a length of 5 meters;
  • Sprenger is a low asparagus with long creeping branches and panicled small inflorescences.

Healing properties

The content of useful elements in asparagus is almost identical with asparagus. Among the medicinal properties of the cirrus species are:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache reduction with migraine;
  • removal of excess water and toxins from the body;
  • removal of inflammatory processes.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

Wild plume in nature is found in moist African forests. Like other types of asparagus and other asparagus plants, they were exported by botanists to Europe, from where they spread throughout the world.

Features of home flower care

An ancient plant in its history has managed to adapt to many environmental conditions, so the care of cirrus asparagus at home is easy to implement.


Asparagus Meyer - Home Care

During the growing season, the optimum temperature is 20-25 ℃. Do not deviate from this temperature regime, otherwise the bush may get sick. In winter, light coolness is required - from 14 to 17 ℃ above zero.

Note! Sudden temperature changes must not be allowed.


It is best to keep the plant at home on western or eastern windows, as the plant prefers moderate lighting. In the summer, it is useful to pull the pot out into the street, but to protect it from direct sunlight.


Asparagus is a water-loving plant, so frequent and plentiful watering is necessary. Usually the plant is watered 3 times in 7-10 days. With the advent of dry summer days, the frequency of watering is increased.


It is necessary to spray the bush, especially during winter heating and hot summer days. In winter, it is better to clean the plant away from heating pipes.

You need to spray the plant constantly


For the normal development of asparagus, increased humidity is required - at least 80%. This criterion, together with abundant watering, is the main one when caring for the bush at home.


To grow a plant, you need a humus-based soil mixture, which is best bought in specialized stores. It can be prepared at home by mixing loose turfy soil with humus and river sand.

On a note! Humus can be replaced with peat or other organics.

Top dressing

Top dressing is carried out twice a month with complex fertilizers intended for asparagus crops. During rest, asparagus does not need to be fertilized.

Features of winter care, rest period

Asparagus - home care and reproduction

Closer to autumn, they gradually begin to lower the temperature and reduce watering. Lighting should also be shaded, and top dressing ceased altogether.

When and how it blooms

Asparagus - types and care at home

If you properly care for asparagus Perist, then it should bloom for 6-8 years of his life.

Types of flowers

Small white flowers form single inflorescences. They are located throughout the crown of the bush.

Flower shapes

The flowers are very small in size - no more than 1 centimeter in diameter. They have the shape of stars and consist of 6-10 white petals.

Flowering plants pass almost imperceptibly

Flowering period

The bush begins to bloom in late May or with the advent of summer. This process lasts from 2 weeks to 1.5 months, depending on the conditions of detention.

Changes in flowering care

During the flowering period, you need to try not to disturb the bush unnecessarily. Top dressing with nitrogen-containing drugs to stop altogether.


Trimming the plant to form a crown should not be, this can provoke a halt in the development of stems. Only dried shoots need to be removed.

How cirrus asparagus breeds

Cirrus asparagus can breed in several ways: by seeds, cuttings, and division of the bush.

Seed germination

For sowing, it is better to purchase planting stock from a trusted seller. Each seed is buried in a nutrient moistened substrate. The procedure is recommended at the end of January or February. A box with seedlings is placed in a lighted place and covered with foil. In the process of growth, seedlings are periodically aired and watered.

Rooting cuttings

The most popular and easy to use method of reproduction. In spring, cuttings of at least 8 centimeters are cut from the extreme branches. Then they are buried in a moist substrate or sand. The container with the slice must be put in a bright place at a temperature of 20 to 25 ℃ above zero.

Shrub division is another common breeding method.

Other options

Asparagus can be propagated by dividing the mother bush. The procedure is performed with the necessary transplant. The asparagus is pulled out of the pot and carefully divided into several equal parts, each of which is planted in separate containers.


A bush should be replanted only if absolutely necessary, as it reacts poorly to such a procedure. An asparagus transplant is carried out only when infectious diseases appear, when the bush needs to be propagated and when the root system grows, as a result of which there is a need to change the capacity for growing.

It's important to know! It is advisable to transplant the plant by transshipment.

Possible problems in growing and disease

If you properly care for asparagus, then it practically does not cause trouble and is not sick.

Discards buds and leaves

Falling foliage rarely worries asparagus, however, if a problem occurs, then the air in the room is not humid enough.

Leaves turn pale

Tarnishing of the bush occurs due to lack of lighting and fertilizing. Depleted soil must always be fed with minerals, especially during the growing season.

The tips dry on the leaves

The drying of the ends of the leaves occurs due to dry air and the appearance of some pests that suck the juices from the stems.

Note! It is necessary to constantly conduct a visual inspection of the bush for the presence of parasitic insects.

Lower leaves fall off

This problem is the most dangerous of all of the above, in the absence of treatment, the bush can die. The lower leaves and shoots fall off due to excessive watering and the appearance of root rot.


Among pests, troubles most often cause:

  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • thrips.

Bushes need to be treated with chemicals, but asparagus reacts negatively to some of them. Therefore, it is most effective to begin treatment already at the first stages of the manifestation of pests.

On a note! It is useful to regularly wash the bush in the shower.

Other problems

Often asparagus acquires a yellow hue, which indicates an increase in temperature and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Signs and superstitions

Cirrus asparagus is popular in the teachings of Feng Shui, according to which a flower is able to remove all negative energy from the house. It is believed that it brings peace and tranquility, prevents conflicts among households.

But if the plant dies sharply - then this is a very bad sign, which means the imminent death of one of the relatives and friends of the owner of the bush.

Cirrus asparagus is an exotic tropical plant that has long migrated to apartments and houses as a houseplant. The shrub is easy to care for, propagate and transplant. It has many medicinal properties.


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