How and where to store tools: savvy summer residents share secrets


With the onset of heat, gardeners and gardeners take out tools and various household equipment from sheds and pantries. In the midst of spring work, everything that is necessary for a summer resident should be at his fingertips. Constantly there is a need for shovels, rakes, scoops, pitchforks and pruners. On the one hand, they need to be as close as possible to the place of work. On the other hand, how one doesn’t want the objects scattered around to break the neat appearance of the site! There is only one solution: you need to identify and equip a place for summer storage of tools. And in the winter they also have to be folded somewhere in order to fully meet the new summer season.

For spring, summer and autumn

The aesthetics of open space will not be violated if one of the proposed ideas for convenient storage of tools is used. Everything you need will be at your fingertips, but not in front of your eyes.

The space under the terrace or porch

If at the design stage of the house you even foresee a slightly raised porch or terrace, consider that you have already determined the place for shovels and rakes. It is enough that the structure is at least half a meter from the surface of the earth. The greater the distance from the ground and the length of the same terrace, the wider your possibilities.

The free space under the terrace is well organized. Even the steps of the stairs are converted into boxes in which a wide variety of little things can be stored

You can simply close the space, providing it with an aesthetic door. You will get an original barn, which, by the way, will additionally strengthen the terrace. If there is not too much space under the porch, it is better to limit yourself to drawers, turning the side of the porch into a kind of chest of drawers. At the same time, design should be chosen according to one’s own taste, it is only important that it corresponds to the general style of buildings.

Another option for creating a utility room under the terrace of the house. It can accommodate not only garden tools, but also a bicycle, for example, or a small boat

Garden bench is also suitable

As a rule, the space under the garden benches is not particularly interesting to anyone. And we will fix it and not let him empty. Let instead of the usual bench we have a box in which we put the tools.

At the same time, the general aesthetics of the site will not be affected, but the space under the bench where it is so difficult to mow grass will be put into operation. Secateurs, scoops and hoses can be stored directly next to their place of use.

This bench does not look like a repository for tools, but it is used that way. Outwardly similar to a fashionable sofa, it is multifunctional

We are building a special box

And now we will do otherwise. First, we will calculate the box with which parameters we need so that the entire inventory can fit easily there, and then we will think about what other functions he could perform on our site.

Such a wooden box will certainly find some other useful use in the household. For example, you can grow seedlings on it or use it in a gazebo as a dining table

Suppose we make a tank with sliding shelves or with a hinged lid, or even a combined structure in which the boxes are located below, and the space for shovels, rakes and choppers is on top. It turns out a rather voluminous design, which can be used as a table for growing seedlings, a sunbed or a place for children's games.

Original obelisk design

Decorative detail of the exterior of your home at the same time can be a very useful structure. It would never occur to anyone that brooms and shovels are located here, this design looks so neat and natural.

Who would have thought that in such a neat and inconspicuous cache the owner hides shovels, scoops and rods? Yes, the conditioner is also hidden in the lower part of the obelisk

The lower part of the tank can be occupied, for example, by air conditioning, and tools with long cuttings will be placed on top. You can also put fishing tackle here, which also need a place for storage.

For the right little things

However, not all garden devices are large. Sometimes we need little things like secateurs, skeins of twine, gloves, scoops and pegs. Where to put all this in order not to look for a long time? For them, you should build a birdhouse on a rack corresponding to the growth of the gardener.

This is a true illustration of the phrase "everything at hand." The board is intended for information that the gardener must not forget. For example, vaccination dates can be marked here.

This can be an independent storage or an original addition to a large utility room. In any case, in such a "house" every little thing will lie in its place. And just write down the necessary information with chalk on the blackboard on the inside of the door.

We use suspended structures

For climbing flowering plants, cucumbers and grapes, various supports are often used. On their vertical surfaces it is not difficult to make any kind of attachment such as hooks. With their help, it will be possible to suspend all inventory unnecessary at a given moment. In fact, he is in plain sight at the same time, but he is either not noticeable, or he will look quite neatly.

Take a good look at the poles, because the inventory placed on them is actually practically invisible

If the climate in your area is dry, this method of temporary storage is very useful. If it often rains, then you can fill the hooks on the wall of any outbuildings that are reliably protected by an overhanging roof. However, you can convert the entire outer surface of the wall into a kind of organizer. We will tell about its construction below.

Aesthetic cylindrical racks

If during the construction work you still have scraps of metal or polypropylene pipes, do not rush to part with them. Having fixed them in a quiet corner somewhere behind the house or behind the gazebo, you can store all the tools with handles in them. Each item has its own place, which facilitates subsequent access to it.

The only thing that is alarming in this method of storing inventory is the forks, whose sharp teeth are directed upwards. One can only hope that this design will be located in compliance with safety precautions.

Do-it-yourself shelf

There are a lot of ways to make a simple DIY shelf for tools. One of them we bring to your attention. For the base of the shelf we need one board over 1 meter long and 40 mm thick. In addition, we will prepare the remains of boards, planks, as well as the same trim plywood of a triangular shape.

We take the plywood triangles and on each of them we cut out the groove corresponding to the board that we prepared for the base of the shelf with an electric jigsaw. We fasten the trimming trims to the triangles with screws, cut off their edges. Now every triangle is a console.

It is not difficult to make this shelf: to create it, it makes no sense to buy new materials, you can use those that remain from previous construction works

Using self-tapping screws, we fix each console to the base board so that the shovels, rakes and other tools can be suspended with the working part up. Between the consoles should be inserted trim boards or chipboard. This will give the overall design the necessary rigidity.

I must say that the finished design is quite heavy. To fix such a shelf to the wall, you need an assistant who will support it. If the master works alone, then it is easier for him to initially fix the support board, and only then fasten the consoles and elements providing rigidity to it.

The only difficulty is the weight of the shelf itself, which will be a problem if you have to fix it to the wall alone, but in this case there is a way

Another option involves fixing the finished structure with one large nail, and then the final installation with self-tapping screws. In their locations, you can make through holes in advance. The resulting simple shelf collects all the basic equipment.

Garden organizer - it's easy

For a simple garden organizer, we do not need extra effort and significant financial costs. It's pretty simple!

We will need four edging boards 25 mm thick. They must be prepared for work - trimmed. The figure shows where the holes will be placed on two boards. Outline them. Using a feather drill, we make holes according to preliminary basting and then, with a jigsaw or a simple hacksaw, cut out the side cuts.

There is nothing complicated in assembling such an organizer. News simple process is reflected in sufficient detail in these figures

We connect the boards in pairs with self-tapping screws to get two L-shaped structures. Now we have two uprights. Choose the wall on which our organizer will be placed. Let it be, for example, the outer wall of any outbuilding. Racks need to be screwed to it parallel to each other at a shorter distance than the length of the shovel handle.

Why not boast of such a worthy work result? It is always nice when the tools are kept in order. With clean inventory and work will be more fun

The work is over. It remains only to put all the equipment in the organizer and rejoice that it will always be in order.

When the summer season is over

When the cold comes and the work in the country is curtailed, it is time to conserve the tools that served us faithfully and send them to storage. If you follow all the rules, in the spring we will not have to spend money on buying a new one. Spring costs are already high.

We send garden equipment for storage

All shovels, choppers, rakes and other tools of the gardener's labor should be preserved. We will carry out their initial inspection and repair everything that managed to break during the working season. Contamination and rust must be removed. Cleaning is best done with a wire brush or spatula. Lubricate the cutting edge and metal surfaces with oil.

Do not leave tools dirty and ungreased for the winter. All the same, they themselves will have to do the same work in the spring. And in the spring, as you yourself know, there are many cases without it

Need to sharpen the delimbing blade and pruning shears. To remove nicks on the blade of a delimbing knife or garden saw, use a file. Secateurs for the same purpose are best suited for a whetstone. You need to take care of the wooden handles. They are also thoroughly cleaned, after which they are liberally lubricated with ordinary sunflower or linseed oil. Soaked in this way, the handles will not dry out and will last a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the fertilizer sprayer. It is cleaned, washed thoroughly and dried. All levers and fixtures of the device are well lubricated with machine oil. Remove the hoses from the remaining water, turn them into a ring and hang them on the wall. They need to be stored only indoors.

Storage rules for electrical equipment

A well-equipped summer cottage cannot do without electromechanical equipment. In its preparation for the winter, the following steps are required:

  • drain all excess fuel;
  • engine oil change;
  • checking the presence of fasteners (brackets, plugs, screws) and filling in the actual shortage.

Mandatory check and power cords. If the integrity is broken, it is better to exchange them for new ones. The trimmer head is cleaned, washed and dried. The mower knives are sharpened and lubricated. Both electric scissors and a grass shredder need cleaning. All knives, metal parts and movable swivel joints of different units must be cleaned and lubricated.

Any electromechanical devices need careful maintenance. But the life of the gardener and gardener is greatly facilitated if he has them and is in good condition

In no case should the tool be left where it can get wet by rain or snow. Even moisture from fog adversely affects its performance. An ideal storage room would be a special utility room. If there is no such room, a workshop or even a storeroom in the house is suitable. Carefully preserved gardening tools will successfully survive the period of lack of demand and will not let their owners down in the spring.


Watch the video: What You Need to Clean a Male Only Household with Debbie Sardone (October 2024).