Useful and bright irga: choose a variety, plant and grow unpretentious fruit shrubs


A persistent, bright and healthy plant, undeservedly deprived of the attention of our gardeners. So in short we can say about irga. It is not often possible to see this fruit shrub in personal plots and summer cottages, especially in the south or in the middle zone of Russia. There, the irga does not withstand competition with traditional cultures: currants, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries. But in the northern regions, a rare beauty with blueberry-blue fruits is valued more. Local gardeners fell in love with Irga for their unpretentious disposition and exceptional frost resistance. She is able to survive without any shelter a drop in temperature to 45-50 degrees. In recent years, productive and large-fruited varieties of irgi have appeared. And they may well compete with the usual inhabitants of the garden.

The history of the cultivation of Irgi, description and useful properties

Irga is a real cosmopolitan. She has no homeland, in any case, information about where this plant was first noticed was not preserved. Meanwhile, Irga is known on all continents, with the exception of Australia. Thanks to the birds, which feasted on attractive and tasty fruits, the shrub spread throughout the world. Wild irga feels great on rocky slopes, in undergrowths, on the edges, most importantly, that there should be enough sun.

In the wild, irga chooses sunny places for life, it often grows on rocky soil

On the origin of the word "irga" there is no consensus. He is credited with Mongolian or Celtic roots. And the Latin name of the plant Amelanchier allegedly comes from the Provencal dialect. Its approximate translation: honey. In Russia and Ukraine, irgi are sometimes called cinnamon. The British - the June berry, the Americans and Canadians - Saskatoon, as the plant was called by the indigenous inhabitants of the continent - the Indians. By the way, in Canada there is a city that received a name in honor of this shrub.

More than five hundred years ago, the first mention of the irga appeared, which was specially grown as a decorative and fruit shrub. According to some sources, the British became the discoverers of the discoverers. They raised the irga to decorate the landscape and for the sake of the fruits from which they made sweet red wine. But of the two dozen species of this plant, only half received application in horticulture. Canadians succeeded in breeding new varieties. In this country, irgi are grown on an industrial scale.

In Canada, the cultivation of irgi has been put on stream; its fruits are sold fresh and processed for wine

The generous beauty

Irga looks amazing almost all year round. This tall (4-5 meters) shrub or tree (up to 8-10 meters) in the spring is covered with soft green leaves with a silver tint. Then comes the time of flowering. The branches dress in lush brushes of white, pinkish or cream inflorescences. Their pleasant and strong aroma attracts bees and other insects. Therefore, there is no problem with pollination of irgi. Even a single bush is guaranteed to yield crops.

In spring, the berry is covered with abundant and fragrant foam from floral brushes

Young fruits are initially white-green in color, gradually they turn pink, then purple, and ripe, sweetened "apples" are blue-black, burgundy or dark purple. In the fall, the irga will also please: decorate the garden with gold and copper foliage.

In the autumn season, irga pleases the eye with golden copper shades

The fruits of the berry are often called berries. But, from the point of view of nerds, this is a mistake. They have nothing to do with berries. The structure of the fruit of the irgi pome seed is a typical apple. True, the diameter of the blue-violet "apples" rarely exceeds one and a half centimeters, but they grow in whole clusters.

The fruits of this plant are juicy, sweet and extremely healthy. They contain a complex of vitamins and minerals that help to tone up, strengthen immunity, calm nerves, relieve depression, normalize sleep, lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Irgi fruits contain a lot of fructose, vitamins and other beneficial substances

Irga is very fond of birds. If the gardener is gaping, feathered gourmets can peck the whole crop. To protect the fruit, a mesh with small cells, gauze or a light non-woven material is thrown onto the bush. But the shelter must be cleaned from time to time so that insect pests do not settle there. Another way to scare away greedy birds is to hang Christmas tinsel on the branches or attach toy turntables.

Other parts of the irgi have a beneficial effect. This picturesque bush may well become your home pharmacy. Tea or infusion is prepared from foliage and flowers for the treatment of hypertension and insomnia. The bark is brewed to help a sick stomach or intestines. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties and copes with diarrhea and colitis.

Blue-violet "apples" are good in fresh and dried form. Juices are made from jirgi, compote and jam are prepared, as well as liquors, tinctures and wine.

However, hypotonics should not eat a lot of fruits of a berry, they can lower the already low pressure even more. And for those who need to maintain a high activity and concentration of attention, they are not recommended to consume irgu during the day, but only at night.

The productivity of unpretentious irgi even in cold and rainy summers will be high

Character Features

Irga is not only a beauty, but also a toiler. It is growing rapidly and yields a crop already in the third or fourth year after planting. And in ten years you will be able to collect about 15 kilograms of fruit from one bush. Moreover, the yield does not depend on the weather. Irga well resists severe frosts (even flowers withstand frosts to -7), tolerates drought and does not succumb to pests. The beekeepers respect her generosity. Where there is a berry, there will be honey.

Irga is a real gift for bees, it blooms wildly and is not afraid of spring frosts

This fruit shrub is a long-liver. Cases are known when the irga lived and gave fruits for 70 years.

Reliable and patient irgi in the northern regions is used as a stock for delicate varietal trees. Thanks to it, gardeners grow pears and apples, which usually do not ripen in harsh climates.

Irgi have a negative quality. Its powerful root gives many offspring, which will have to be cleaned regularly. But gardeners noticed that basal shoots will not appear so often if they plant the irgi in a very sunny place. By the way, in bright light the plant will look more like a tree than a bush.

Irga needs a lot of free space and sun for harmonious development

Types of Irgi

According to some estimates, more than two dozen species of igreas were found. The quantity changes as new hybrid forms of the plant are found in the wild. And only 4 species of this shrub became the basis for breeders.

The cirrus is round-leaved (or oval)

Cirrus round-leaved is a relatively low shrub (from 1 to 4 meters). Its branches are covered with brownish-olive bark. Leaflets are oval with small denticles along the edge. In May, the bush is covered with clusters of bright white odorous flowers. By the end of June or early July, the fruits ripen, they are deep blue with a bluish bloom. Their taste is very sweet, but slightly fresh, without any acidity. The plant loves the sun, it easily tolerates frosty winters and dry summers.

Round-leaved igra - a very hardy plant with sweetish-sweet fruits

Irga alder

Alkholga Irga became the progenitor of most of the cultivars. This species is distinguished by large (about 1.5 cm in diameter) juicy and moderately sweet fruits, covered with dense skin. Thanks to this, the birds do not favor alder jerkins. A tall (up to 9 meters) shrub overwinter without problems, having endured a hard frost, but does not like a long drought. He is more hygrophilous than his relatives. Although the swampy soil also does not accept. This species has almost round serrated leaves, very similar to alder.

This shrimp gives large and tasty fruits, and in the fall, after harvesting, it can be confused with an alder, they have almost identical leaves

Irga spiky

This species is valued not so much for the fruits, but for its "iron" health and small growth. Hedgehogs often grow hedges. She feels great on gassed and dusty city streets, dispenses with watering in summer and is indifferent to low temperatures in winter. The narrowish leaves of the spiky cirrus are covered with fluff. Small fruits, also slightly pubescent, do not differ in juiciness and pronounced taste.

Spaghetti spikelet is often grown as a decorative rather than a fruit shrub.

Canadian Irga

Canadian Irga is another species that has become the basis for the work of breeders. Fruits of varieties based on it have excellent taste. And the initial appearance of the irgi is very beautiful in appearance. This tree (up to 10 meters) with a crown extended upward. The gray-brown branches below are weakly branched, they are covered with bright green elongated leaves, which, with the advent of autumn, change color to crimson-scarlet. Canadian irgi is unpretentious, it takes root well in the city, does not require special care. This species has strong wood, which is used in production.

Read more about the plant in our article - Irga Canadian: description and tips on care.

Canadian Irga is a beautiful tree that will delight the gardener with healthy fruits

Irga blood red

This species is not as widespread as described above. Blood-red berry blooms later than the rest, and the fruits reach maturity later. The shrub is interesting in the reddish color of the shoots, from which weave baskets and other household items. The medium-sized fruits of blood red bloodberry are elastic, like rubber, but juicy, their taste is not bright. Therefore, juice is made from them with the addition of other fruits.

Blood red irga has a reddish bark and burgundy fruits.

Irga has a lot of advantages and a minimum of shortcomings. She looks elegant at any time of the year, does not require special care, tolerates frost and heat well, grows quickly and actively bears fruit even at a young age. Its sweet fruit is an excellent vitamin supplement. The disadvantages include the difficulties of reproduction and the fight against root shoots. Abroad, this plant has long been recognized. I would like to hope that easy care, unpretentious, but very picturesque berths will eventually be appreciated by our gardeners.


Watch the video: 'Coral Beauty' Cotoneaster - Erosion Control, Flowers, Berries, and Birds (September 2024).