Kesha table grapes: description, nuances of planting and care


Kesha grapes deserve special consideration among the table varieties of this culture due to sugar and large berries and high yields. For him, it is not intended to use any special techniques when planting and cultivating, it is only necessary to follow the general requirements of the agricultural technology of grapes.

The history of growing Kesha grapes

Kesha grapes were obtained by breeding. Two grape varieties, Vostorg and Frumoasa Albe, were attracted as a parent pair. The authors of the method of crossing two varietal varieties of grapes obtained are the breeders of the Ya.I. All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking Potapenko. The new hybrid has acquired other names - Delight improved, FV-6-5.

Grade description

The bush at Kesha is vigorous, during the growing season it can grow up to 5-6 meters in height, with good ripening of the vine. Flowers are present both female and male type (with the exception of Kesha 1 - he only has a female type). Clusters come in a variety of structures - from conical to cylindrical, more rarely occur in an indefinite form. The weight of the bunch is about 600-1000 g.

A bunch of Kesha table grapes weighs 600-1000 g, and one berry weighs 12 g

Taste characteristics are evaluated by connoisseurs very highly, as well as fruiting criteria. Tasting grade evaluation - 8 points, which is quite a lot for table grapes. Kesha grapes have the following characteristics:

  • the size is large, the color is light amber, the average weight of one berry is 10-12 g, its shape is more often round or oval;
  • thanks to the dense peel of the fruit, this grape can be transported without problems over long distances, while maintaining its commodity characteristics;
  • in fleshy and juicy pulp of seeds a little - about 2 or 3;
  • the concentration of sugars in the pulp is high, corresponds to 18-25% (the sweetness of Keshi berries was obtained thanks to the raptor parent variety), but the acidity is average and equal to 6-8 g / l.

Video: the appearance of Kesha grapes with ripened clusters

Grade characteristics

Berries of Kesha grapes ripen early - after 120-130 days. This time falls on the second half of August (depending on the region). Bushes are fruitful, the percentage of fruiting shoots is 75-80%, the number of clusters on them is 1.2-1.5.

The only drawback of the Kesha variety is called crushing berries during subsequent harvests, that is, the more berries are picked from one plant, the less the bunch begins to weigh - from 600 to 700 g.

Keshi bushes are able to safely tolerate winter with temperatures up to -23 ° C. Resistance to bacterial diseases and oidium, they show an average, in connection with which it is recommended 3 times per season to treat the plants with special drugs and fungicides. Higher immunity Kesha grapes show defeat mildew.

Kesha grape table grapes are best consumed fresh or chilled. So, in the refrigerator (at + 2-5 ° C) it can be stored until late autumn.

Description and characteristics of varieties of Kesha grapes

The advantages of the Kesha variety were fixed and modified in two varieties: Kesha 1 and Kesha 2. Despite the fact that these hybrids are slightly inferior in taste to their predecessor, they show better resistance to diseases. Gardeners without experience often do not see the difference between them, taking for a single variety. However, this is not so: they have differences.

If there are such grape names as Super Kesha, Talisman, it should be understood that we are talking about the varietal variety Kesha 1. The fruits of Kesha 1 ripen later than the original, already in September (the fruit ripens from 135 days). The berries in the brush and the brush itself are larger and heavier. The weight of one berry is 12-15 g, and the brush is 800-1100 g.

Berries in the Kesha 1 variety (Talisman) ripen in September, they are larger (up to 15 g) than in the main variety

It is difficult for a beginner winegrower to distinguish Kesha from its variety Kesha 1. It is better to trust the opinion of an experienced expert in this matter. However, the difference between the varieties of one variety does not affect the principles of agricultural technology and planting.

Kesha has 2 items, there are even more - Tamerlan, Kesha Muscat, Zlatogor. Kesha 2 is the result of crossing varieties Kesha 1 with radiant kishmish. In this variety, on the contrary, the ripening of the fruits is very early, corresponding to 105-115 days. The conical shape of the bunch can grow up to 1200 g by weight, they are collected from larger berries than Kesha 1. In ripe form, the fruits acquire an amber hue, the flesh becomes sugary and juicy with the presence of a musky note. From here one of the names was born - Kesha nutmeg.

The parent forms of Kesha 2 are Kesha 1 and Radiant Sultana

Features of planting and growing Kesha grapes

The most reliable option for acquiring seedlings is through a nursery. So there is confidence that the planting material is healthy and has the appropriate varietal qualities.

It is necessary to approach the acquisition of seedlings wisely, since the rate of their survival in a new place depends on this. When buying, the first thing you should pay attention to the state of the root system is to inspect the roots for damage. All processes should have a uniform color, in the place of the cut - look through the flesh of a greenish tint.

Better to buy grape seedlings with a closed root system

It is not recommended to store the purchased seedling for a long time without water. It is advised to soak the rhizome in a stimulating solution for a day and after that to plant. The seedling should be transported with moistened roots, do not allow them to dry out.

Basic landing rules

There are certain rules that a beginner grower needs to know:

  • planting seedlings in spring is possible when the air warms up to at least +15 ° C. By autumn, shoots will grow on the seedling planted in spring, and the first berries will be only for the next season;
  • young vine should be planted before the first leaves appear;
  • the plot for grapes is chosen the most lighted, not swampy and closed from the winds;
  • the soil should be well heated (up to 10 ° C);
  • pits for planting are prepared in the fall, filling them with a third of the composition of the fertile substrate and qualitatively overripe humus; the intervals between the pits are maintained within 1-1.5 m.

Video: prerequisites for a successful grape planting

Actually, the planting process takes place in the spring and consists of the following stages:

  1. At the place that was fertilized in the fall, they make spacious recesses of 80 cm depth and width, so that it is possible to straighten the rhizomes and freely place them in the pit. At the bottom, drainage is organized.
  2. The root neck of the seedling or the grafting area is located 5 cm above the soil surface.

    The grape seedling is placed so that the root neck is 5 cm above the surface

  3. A peg is placed near the plant, to which it is fixed in order to enable the future vine to grow correctly.
  4. The overhead shoot is shortened at a height of 2-3 kidneys.
  5. Planted bushes are watered, spending about 25 liters of water per plant.
  6. Mulch (humus, peat, grass) is distributed evenly at the roots. Mulching the soil in the basal region is a necessary stage of planting. Shelter of the root helps to maintain moisture, is an additional source of nutrition throughout the year.

Video: planting grapes

In autumn, planted seedlings are carefully sheltered, helping them to withstand severe frosts in winter. The enemy of shoots and roots is ice, which is formed in winter under appropriate weather conditions.

A landing pit dug in a site with a close location of groundwater is supplemented by a drainage layer. Drainage avoids waterlogging of the soil and protects against the appearance of putrefactive processes on the roots, fungus and other ailments.

The main nuances of growing

The Kesha variety and its varieties do not have special requirements for care. After landing, Kesha quickly takes root, in development he is unpretentious. But there are pitfalls in its cultivation, which should be considered.

Intensive irrigation is carried out in dry and hot weather, and abundant watering is required for grapes before entering the flowering phase. As fertilizer, potassium-phosphorus additives are used (in spring). But nitrogen fertilizers (including urea) are recommended to be treated with caution, using in small doses.

Excessively applied nitrogen fertilizers provoke a rapid growth of green mass, while enormous damage is done to the plant's yield. In addition, excessive shoot growth has a negative effect on the wintering of the bush, causing its disease and death.

Pruning grapes is different from pruning other shrubs.

  1. In the first year after planting, eyes are left on a mature vine of this year (a formation that unites the buds in the leaf sinus). In winter, they are in a dormant state, but next year fruitful shoots will grow from them. The shoot is cut off in the fall, leaving 2-3 eyes from the soil level.
  2. In the second year, also in autumn, two annual shoots grown from these eyes are cut to:
    • short (substitution shoot) with 2-3 eyes,
    • long (vine for the formation of fruits).
  3. In the third year, the procedure is repeated. The fruiting vine brings a crop, after which it is pruned, and from the substitution shoot the next year a new fruiting vine and a replacement knot are formed.

    In the second year, the annual shoots of grapes are cut to a substitute shoot and fruiting vine

In addition to forming pruning, an audit is carried out in the fall and the excess shoots found are cut off. A compact bush tolerates winter better, and for the next season begins to develop better. Those branches that are left for the winter are tied, bent to the ground and reliably covered with a heater.

Prevention of diseases of Kesha grapes (mildew, oidium) is carried out three times a year:

  • in the spring before swelling of the kidneys with a 3% solution of copper sulfate;
  • in the summer with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, Azophos from mildew; colloidal sulfur, Cumulus, Quadrice from oidium; fungicides against fungal diseases;
  • autumn 3% solution of iron sulfate from fungal diseases.

    In summer, grapes are sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur from oidium

If in the first year of life the grape bush received proper care, did not lack moisture and nutrition, it will start harvesting in the second year after planting. If the shoots are greatly lengthened, it is recommended to shorten them by pinching the tip. So the clusters that are left on the plant have a chance to fully mature.

Reviews of experienced growers about the Kesha variety

By cultivating Kesha grapes on the plot, experienced growers are advised to perform strong formation with a stock of perennial wood. Among the varieties of Kesha, the best recognized variety is Kesha 1, popularly called the Talisman. This increased interest is due to the fact that the berries of the Talisman are larger, and the plant itself is much more resistant to various ailments and pests.

Kesha grapes are one of my favorite varieties. Friends also like him because of his fruitfulness and frost resistance. The berries of this grape are large, rounded and resilient. The taste of grapes is sweet with a subtle sourness. The taste is very pleasant. The brushes of this grape are medium sized, as our friends said. But for me, this brush seems just huge.



Yes, the bush on the street gave an increase of 50 cm, and in the greenhouse about five meters. Keshe is clearly cold in the suburbs, but in my open ground there are pretty bushes and varieties, and for myself, my beloved, I decided to plant several bushes of early and large grapes.



The first attempts to grow grapes were about 20 years ago, varieties Damask Rose and Pearls Saba. Then there were Rusven, Kesha, Cosmonaut, Cardinal, Russian Kishmish (?), Aleshenkin, Agat Donskoy, Moscow Sustainable, Zilga, Isabella (real), Amursky and something else from re-sorting and unnamed initially (changed by cuttings). Kesha, of course, is the champion in terms of berry size, but the vine was too powerful, up to 8 m per season, ripened poorly.



Kesha table grapes deserve to be planted on a plot. High productivity, unpretentiousness in cultivation, minimal care - these are the main trump cards of Keshi, for which he was allocated by experienced winegrowers.


Watch the video: Squishing Grapes (October 2024).