Buffet Grapes: one of the new varieties on our sites


Grapes in our country are conquering new territories, moving north. This is due to the efforts of breeders who develop new varieties that are resistant to various weather vagaries. One of the varieties that have recently appeared in the gardens of summer residents is the Furshetny grape, which is characterized by both beautiful and tasty berries, and unpretentiousness, which allows it to be grown in relatively cold regions.

The history of the cultivation of grape varieties Buffet

Buffet Grapes is a fairly new hybrid obtained in Zaporizhia by the famous breeder Vitaliy Vladimirovich Zagorulko. The winegrower is known, first of all, for his approach to work and the desire to create early varieties that produce beautiful, large and tasty berries with excellent presentation.

The hybrid began its march through the gardens of Ukraine and our country in 2008. The buffet was obtained by crossing two well-known varieties: the Kuban and the Gift Zaporozhye. And since the Kuban variety, in turn, originated from the varieties Moldova and Cardinal, it turns out that juices of many ancestors flow in the Buffet and he took the best features from each. The Kuban gave him the shape and color of berries, and the Gift of Zaporozhye - the advantages of the bush: strength and unpretentiousness.

The "Mother" of the Buffet - Kuban grapes - gave him the shape and color of berries

The described variety is characterized by rapid ripening (no more than 4 months), the berries are ready for use by mid-August. Lovers describe the taste of berries as "unique", professional tasters also give it a high rating.

Since the Buffet Grapes (popularly nicknamed the Buffet Table) was recently bred, some of the nuances of its cultivation are still not well understood, and the history of this variety is literally written before our eyes. It will take some more time to fully investigate its resistance to various diseases: while they say that it has an average level of immunity. The variety has not yet moved far north, so the stated temperature stability (up to -22 aboutC) maybe will be adjusted.

Description of the grape variety Buffet

Buffet Buffet is a very powerful plant with a well-developed root system. Annually, it can produce more than ten new shoots, as a result of which the bush without pruning can be very thick and, although it has enough vigor for all the vines, the quality of the crop may suffer, including a lack of sunlight. The bushes are highly branched, their foliage is high, the leaves are large, painted dark green.

The strength of the bush allows you to give huge crops, but he needs competent care

With good care, Furshetny grapes annually give very high yields of berries of excellent taste. Bunches of regular cylindrical-conical shape, their standard weight is from 500 to 800 g, some specimens are larger. Bunches weighing up to 2 kg are described. The berries are oblong, large, purple or dark blue, tightly planted to each other. The color from red-violet to dark blue changes as it ripens, so in one cluster there may be berries of different shades. The weight of each berry is from 8 to 12 g, individual specimens can grow up to 20 g. The peel on the berries is dense, but thin, edible. This, as well as a stable wax coating is an undoubted advantage in terms of the possibility of transporting grapes. The taste is sweet, saturated, acid, compared with many familiar varieties is not enough felt. Juiciness is good. After eating for some time, the taste of raisins, prunes or mulberries is felt in the mouth. Berries are well stored, practically do not crack even in wet summers. But they must be collected on time: with overexposure on the bush, the taste deteriorates somewhat.

When the Fourchette gave the first crop for the author of these lines (only two small clusters), we were in no hurry to collect it, not knowing what it should be in a completely finished state. And the taste seemed mediocre. But next year they began to try in advance. And it turned out that the berries picked on time really have a refined aftertaste!

The fourchette is considered a mid-summer variety: depending on the climate of the region and current weather, it can be attributed to early or medium-ripening varieties. It takes about 4 months for the berries to ripen, but in the case of a plentiful harvest, the peak of its harvest may occur in September.

Characteristics of the Furshetny grape variety

Giving a general description to the Furshetny, winegrowers and tasters give him much more advantages than disadvantages. The undoubted advantages include:

  • very high frost resistance;
  • the possibility of growing in regions with different climates;
  • good ripening of the vine;
  • more than high productivity (up to 20 kg at the age of three);
  • a large mass of clusters and each berry separately;
  • transportability of berries;
  • excellent taste of well-ripened berries;
  • Relatively high fruit shelf life for the summer variety.

The disadvantages of the variety are much less. There are perhaps two critical, but with which you can fight with proper care:

  • medium resistance to most diseases;
  • the tendency to overload the harvest and, as a consequence, the incompleteness of its ripening and the possibility of unripening of the vine before winter.

Scientists-agrarians assess the resistance of Furshetny to such dangerous diseases as mildew and oidium, only 3 out of 5 points are possible, which makes the gardener be on the alert and have chemical means to fight diseases. But, as you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Warning is achieved by proper care. Proper care (in particular, timely and competent pruning) also prevents overloading the bush with a crop.

Video: grapes on the bush

Peculiarities of planting and cultivating the Furshetny grape variety

The basic principles of planting and cultivating a buffet table do not differ from those in the case of any cultivated grape variety; there are only some nuances associated with its high shoot-forming ability.

Grape planting

For the successful cultivation of grapes in summer cottages, several factors determining success must be taken into account. Grapes are a photophilous plant, and with a lack of sunlight you can’t get good berries. The second factor is heat: normal growth and fruiting occur at temperatures not lower than 20 ° C, the leaves of most varieties freeze at the slightest frost, and even perennial wood dies during frosts of –25-28 ° C. Grapes - a drought-tolerant plant, but with proper irrigation, the yield increases several times.

The best date for planting grapes in most regions is the end of April. Autumn landing is also possible in the south. With regard to the Furshetny variety, in view of its high frost resistance, it can be planted in most regions even in March, for two months, or in the fall, in October and until mid-November. In the autumn planting, of course, you need to carefully wrap it up for the winter.

Grapes grow both on level ground and on moderate slopes. In the lowlands and on the northern slopes it can not be placed because of the danger of damage by spring frosts. Grapes grow on all soils, except for very wetlands and areas with close occurrence of groundwater. For planting grapes in the country, you need to choose a place protected from the wind.

Pre-planting soil preparation in the garden area consists in digging it with fertilizer. Unlike vegetable beds, when digging, you do not need to remove fragments of bricks, not very large stones, etc.: grapes grow well on stony soils. Plant grapes in the pits. Often, holes are dug near various buildings. Size - not less than 80 × 80 × 80 cm. A good layer of drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pit (gravel, broken brick, etc.), a well-mixed mixture of humus, good soil, sand and mineral fertilizers should be placed. But fertilizers are for the future, and they plant a bush in the soil mixed only with compost or well-decomposed manure (3: 1). On very acidic soils, a little lime can be added.

When planting several bushes, planting pits are essentially combined into trenches. And the gravel and watering pipes resemble a serious hydraulic structure

The bush is planted deep, so that the roots that extend immediately from the heel of the seedling do not fall under the influence of temperatures below -5 ° C. If several bushes are planted at once, the minimum distance between the grape bushes in a row should be 1.25 m, but the Fourchette forms so powerful bushes that for him this distance should be doubled, and if possible three times: up to 3 or more meters.

A mixture of soil with humus is poured into the prepared pit with gravel and fertilizers so that the seedling, placed by the heel on this mixture, looks out a little. Before planting, they drive a strong stake for the garter of an intensively growing vine, as well as a piece of a strong wide pipe through which the first 1-2 years deliver water to the roots. Pour a small mound of land and plant a bush. The planting technique is usual, but in the end, only 1-2 kidneys should be visible from the poured hole, and even they will be covered with earth, making a hill 2-3 cm high above the upper kidney.

Grape care

Having planted grapes at the cottage, you need to realize that you will have to take care of it constantly. True, most of the work is quite accessible to a beginner, but something will need to be learned. Main works - watering, top dressing, pruning, shelter for the winter. Top dressing is done infrequently, but annually. Grapes are very fond of potassium, so potash fertilizers can be used at the maximum permissible dose, best in the form of wood ash. In the fall, organic fertilizers are used, to which superphosphate can be added. In the spring, any fertilizer is possible, including nitrogen. It is often easier to do foliar dressings by spraying bushes with diluted fertilizer solutions. In order not to burn leaves, this procedure is carried out in the evening. The most important foliar dressing a week before blooming and immediately after flowering, as well as with the beginning of ripening berries. It is best to take complex fertilizers and apply them strictly according to the instructions for the drug.

Now it’s not difficult to find suitable fertilizers, it’s difficult to choose the right ones. It is convenient to use ready-made preparations for top dressing.

Often foliar top dressing combined with the treatment of Bordeaux liquid to combat diseases. The best option, combining top dressing with prevention, is the use of wood ash, which is insisted in water for a day (a handful of ash on a bucket of water). The main diseases of the Reception - fungal origin: mildew, anthracnose and oidium.

Watering requirements vary by region and weather. Watering young bushes is mandatory, while they have not taken root well enough and have not taken deep roots. For fruiting bushes, watering is usually required immediately after flowering and, in dry autumn, just before winter. The norm in the summer is 2-3 buckets per bush, and more in the winter. However, Furshetny, because of his ability to grow and bear fruit, requires more water, so you need to be prepared for the fact that in a dry summer you will have to drink a lot. Without enough moisture, its berries will not be as juicy as they grow under ideal conditions. However, excess water can cause excessive growth of shoots, poor ripening, the taste of berries will be worse. What is definitely impossible is to water the grapes before flowering or during it: the flowers will crumble, there will be much fewer berries. Watering is required during the loading of berries, but they must be stopped a month before harvesting.

The most qualified of all cases in the vineyard is pruning: you won’t learn how to prune the vine right away, but without it there will be no good harvest. Pruning is, in fact, a surgical intervention that requires skill and creativity. Until the beginning of fruiting, the bushes are cut in the early spring, before the sap flow, and after four years - only in the fall. Buffet is almost always formed according to the fanless fan principle, leaving up to 30 strong shoots per bush. Simultaneously with pruning, the old bark lagging behind the vine should be removed to allow the vine to "breathe" and to allow the formation of a young layer of bark.

First of all, we need clipping of frozen areas and thickening bush shoots that interfere with the growth of stronger ones. In general, there are so many options for forming a bush that you need to seriously study special literature before you get down to business. To facilitate pruning, you need to constantly break out the extra young green shoots in the summer: the bush will be painless to break the greenery. With a timely breakout, the green shoot is removed simply by hand. You can not do breakage only during flowering.

You can break off the extra green shoots easily and painlessly

In most regions of the country for the winter grapes of cultivated varieties have to cover from frost. This also applies to the Buffet Grapes. Before sheltering, thorough pruning is carried out, removing broken and excess branches, as well as unripe parts of the vine. Well-ripened shoots are removed from the supports and laid on the ground, tying in compact bundles. The grapes are sheltered at the end of October, and the methods of shelter depend on how severe the winters are in a particular region, how much snow there is. Perhaps the most appropriate for Furshetny will be a reliable shelter for vines removed from the trellis with spruce or pine spruce branches, or with a thick layer of dried leaves of fruit trees. If there is no lapnik, the vines laid on the ground can be covered with boards, slate and other flat materials: until the snow pours, the bushes will be blown away by the wind, and the mice will not be afraid of them. And under the snow the bushes will be warm, if only it fell on time.

Of all the possible ways of arranging vines for Furshetny, due to the power of his bush, only trellis cultivation is suitable - on any suitable support. They can be different: from the device of vertical and horizontal pipes to any mesh with large cells. The even distribution of vines in space provides optimal lighting and purge of the bush.

For the installation of trellis, solid pillars or metal pipes are driven into the ground. Their number is selected so that they firmly hold the stretched durable wires and the load of bushes with the crop on these wires. Usually, several horizontal rows are pulled: the first at a distance of 50 cm from the ground, the subsequent ones every 30-50 cm. In the spring, wintering vines are tied horizontally to the bottom wire. Growing young shoots are tied upright, while breaking the excess. Leave 25-30 shoots on an adult bush.


Grapes have excellent taste, suitable for transportation, consumed fresh.



Buffet - grapes with decent characteristics.

Zagorulko V.V.


Our buffet table, planted last year with a growing seedling, showed very strong growth, good resistance to diseases. During the growing season, they were treated only with biological products, grafted mildew to a small extent, and about 10 diseased leaves were plucked.

Nina E.


Furshetny grape varieties are still not familiar to all gardeners, but true lovers of grapes have already managed to praise the Furshetny grape variety for its yield, excellent taste and unpretentiousness in growing.High frost resistance allows you to cultivate Buffet table not only in the south, but also in the middle lane, but subject to sufficient space: grape bushes grow powerful and prolific.


Watch the video: 13 Japanese Grape Varieties TASTE TEST Including Cotton Candy (October 2024).