Strawberry Jolie - elegant Italian: what is a good variety, what to look for when planting and growing


Strawberry Jolie is not so widespread in Russia, although in the homeland in Italy this variety is considered one of the best. European farmers grow this strawberry for commercial purposes because of its beautiful shape, large size, pleasant taste and fairly high yield.

History of Jolie

Jolie's strawberries were obtained by Italian breeders from the CIV consortium through the crossing of varieties T2-6 and A20-17 (these varieties were also involved in the production of Cleri and Darselect strawberries). Selection work on obtaining Jolie has been conducted since 2004, and already in 2005-2010 she was tested on European fields.

Grade description

It has medium-early or medium-late ripening periods (20-25 days later than Honey and 3-5 days later than Clery). Well suited for amateur gardening and for small commercial cultivation.

It is characterized by the large size of the bushes and the power of the root system. Upright large leaves have a bright green color and a medium-wrinkled surface. Each bush forms a lot of long powerful peduncles with slight pubescence, as well as a large number of mustaches.

During fruiting, large smooth berries are poured on the bush

Berries of large size and weight (20-35 g), one-dimensional. The largest fruits are formed at the beginning of the fruiting period, and towards the end of it there is a slight fading of berries. The bright, shiny, red skin is strewn with lightly recessed small yellow seeds. During the period of technical ripeness, the tip of the berry is slightly colored, with full ripeness, the unevenness of the color disappears.

Fragrant pulp of uniform reddish-pink color with all its juiciness and tenderness has sufficient density to withstand transportation and storage better than many other commercial varieties. There are no voids in the pulp either in the heat or during drought.

Jolie's strawberries are much larger than Elegans

The berries taste very sweet, but with the presence of a small acidity, providing the necessary harmony. Of course, you can find varieties with tastier and larger berries, but in terms of the total sum of quality indicators, Jolie outperforms most other strawberry varieties.. It can be successfully grown in the Central zone and in the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the southern regions of Ukraine and Belarus.

Strawberry Jolie - Video

Characteristics of Strawberry Jolie

The characterization of any variety consists of a description of its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of strawberries Jolie are quite numerous:

  • higher than average productivity (740-900 g from one bush);
  • size and uniformity of berries, a large percentage of fruits of the 1st quality class;
  • resistance to diseases of leaves and root rot;
  • resistance to drought;
  • independence of the quality and size of berries from air humidity;
  • ease of reproduction and good survival of seedlings;
  • good adaptation to the conditions of different regions.

Deficiencies can be found in almost any breeding achievement. Jolie is not without them:

  • yields can vary greatly depending on the climate and soil conditions of the growing region (may fall to 500 g from 1 bush);
  • when growing on poor soils, enhanced fertilizing is required, which must be individually selected for each type of soil.

How to plant and grow strawberries

You need to choose the right place for the strawberry beds: it should be well lit and protected from cold winds. The soil is needed with a neutral reaction (pH not less than 6). You can’t have a landing in the lowlands - Jolie does not tolerate waterlogging. If groundwater is close to the surface, plant strawberries in high beds.

Seedlings need to be carefully examined for damage to leaves and roots. If the leaves are wrinkled, this may be a sign of mite damage. In a healthy and well-developed seedling, the roots should be quite long - 8-10 cm.


You can plant both in spring and in the summer-autumn period. The best option is planting in August - September, since in this case, by spring, the seedlings will not only take root, but also manage to form flower buds. If you plant in the spring, then the harvest will be only in the next season. Spring planting becomes a necessity if the summer is dry and hot: in this case, planting in August is not worth it - seedlings are likely to die.

Autumn strawberry planting - video

When using cluster seedlings, strawberries can be planted at the end of July.

The soil should be prepared in advance, 3-4 weeks before planting. Preparation consists in deep (25-30 cm) digging with simultaneous application of organic fertilizers (4-5 buckets per square meter). Before planting, wells with a depth of 7-10 cm are prepared with an interval of 25-30 cm and a glass of vermicompost and 2 teaspoons of superphosphate are introduced into them. Planting density for Jolie is recommended no more than 4-5 plants per square meter.

Landing procedure:

  1. Carefully inspect the planting material, reject weak plants. Remove dry leaflets and cut roots that are more than 10 cm in length.
  2. Before planting, the roots of the plants need to be lowered into the water for 2-3 hours.
  3. Pour a mug (300-350 g) of warm water into each prepared hole and plant the seedlings "in the mud", spreading the roots, sprinkling them with earth and carefully sealing with your hands. The growth bud should remain above ground level.
  4. Water each bush and cover the soil with mulch from peat, straw or sawdust.

Landing care

Strawberry Jolie is not capricious, but the minimum care requirements must be observed if you want to get a good harvest.

Watering should be regular so that the soil is constantly moistened. In this case, moisture stagnation is not allowed - the roots of strawberries can rot. The optimal method of irrigation is drip irrigation with a flow rate of 10 l / m2. You can also use sprinkling - strawberries respond well to it, but not during flowering and fruiting. Irrigation water must be taken up, not cold.

Watering should be carried out all summer and even in September, especially in dry and hot weather. Autumn watering is necessary to improve the conditions of plant wintering - moist soil protects the roots better than dry.

Top dressing is a must for any strawberry. In general, nutrient application is required in early spring, then during flowering and fruit setting. Lack of fertilizing negatively affects productivity, and when grown on poor soils, it can lead to chlorosis.

The first feeding is carried out with urea, as soon as the snow has fallen. The second time - before flowering - it is recommended to introduce a complex fertilizer (Ammofosku, Fertik or Kemira). After harvesting, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added.

Strawberry dressing - video

How to protect strawberries from pests and diseases

Most often strawberry beds are attacked by strawberry mites, aphids and slugs. It is difficult to deal with strawberry mites, so you need to plant only healthy, proven seedlings, so as not to bring the pest to your site. If it does appear, immediately remove the affected plants (they can be distinguished by smaller leaves that acquire a yellowish tint and look oily). Processing plants with infusion of 0.7 kg of fresh dandelion leaves, aged 3-4 hours in warm water (45-50 aboutFROM). You can use the onion husk infusion or garlic extract (200 g of crushed raw materials in a bucket of water, mix and immediately spray).

In late July, mow leaves at a height of 6-7 cm from the soil surface and treat the plantation with Fitoverm (three times in 3-4 days). This operation must be performed immediately after harvest, so that by winter the bushes completely restore the aerial part and lay the buds.

From aphids, similar treatments help.

Strawberry Pest and Disease Control - video

Slugs are disposed of by dusting plantings with ash, tobacco dust and dry mustard, laying traps (boards, pieces of roofing material) with their subsequent destruction. Of the chemicals on slugs, metaldehyde acts.

Of planting diseases, gray rot and brown spotting can affect. For the prevention of diseases, it is advisable to avoid thickening of plantings and not to exceed the dose of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In case of detection of these diseases, it is required to remove the affected parts and carry out chemical treatments.

Gray rot spreads in wet weather and thickened plantings, can kill 80% of the crop

From gray rot helps spraying with a Bordeaux mixture (1%), as well as soil cultivation after picking berries with 2-day infusion of ash (200 g per bucket of water). During the appearance of the buds, spraying with marigold infusion helps well (leave a half-bucket of dried plants in a bucket of warm water for 48 hours, strain and add 40 g of soap).

Brown spotting also "does not like" Bordeaux fluid, as well as early-spring spraying with Zircon.

Against gray rot helps planting onions or garlic on strawberry beds! Enough 1 onion for 4-5 strawberry bushes.


Jolie perfectly reproduces with a mustache. To obtain seedlings, it is best to keep a separate uterine bed, and remove all mustaches from fruiting plants. If you want to receive seedlings from fruiting plants, do not take more than one outlet, but even then the yield will decrease.

Winter preparations

Jolie is a fairly winter-hardy culture, but in the harsh conditions of Russia it is better to be safe. In autumn, dry leaves are removed from the bushes, then the beds along with the plants are mulched with straw or other plant materials. It is possible to use agrofibre as a covering material. In the spring, you must remove the mulch.

We collect and store crops

Berries are picked in the morning (when the dew has come down) or in the evening. Although Jolie is dense and crumpled a little, it is better to use not too large containers for picking berries. It is advisable to carry out transportation in the same container in order to less damage the berries by sprinkling.

Strawberry Jolie is stored for a long time - it can lie in the refrigerator for 5-6 days without loss of quality. For longer storage, berries can be frozen or dried.

The berries are so large that quite a bit is placed in their container.

It is better to freeze not the largest berries. They are freed from the stalk, washed and dried on a towel. Then they are laid in one layer on a sheet of thick paper or a plastic tray and placed in a freezer. Frozen berries are poured into plastic containers or bags and tightly closed. At a temperature in the freezer -15 ... -18 aboutBerries can be stored all year. Only you must not allow defrosting and repeated freezing.

Harvest that does not fit in the freezer can be cooked (Jolie berries perfectly retain their shape in jam), cook compotes or wine.

Strawberries make great juices, smoothies and other drinks

Gardeners reviews

Seedlings have been planted since last August and gave an excellent harvest ... Jolie has a very great resemblance to the Darselect variety ... the same powerful, tall bush, the leaves are exactly the same as Darselect, and the berries are similar .... although the difference, nevertheless, is ... Jolie has a berry with gloss, darker and sepals like a tan, with a pink rose ... Excellent variety! Already registered on the site ...

Svetlana Vitalevna, Minsk


It seems to me, Jolie and Darseleki are not particularly similar. The leaf is similar, but the berry is not. Jolie - large, Darselect - medium. Darselect’s taste and aroma are better as for me, but Jolie is sweet and doesn’t particularly fade at the end of the collection. Jolie berry is beautiful, the eyes on the market hurt buyers. And the foliage the first year on Jolie is not much (compared with Honey, Clery).

smol1988, Ukraine


Jolie (Joly) - beauty and delicious. but this year is terribly ill - chlorosis tormented. the berry will depart, we will be diligently treated

Svetlana Raisin, Kharkov region


how does he fight wicked birds that peck on a berry? again the most beautiful and largest berry of the Jolie variety

Lelikovna, Samara


Strawberry Jolie, although not regionalized in Russia, can be cultivated in the southern regions and in the middle lane. If you follow the simple rules of cultivation, you can get a fairly large crop of delicious large berries that are stored for a long time and well transported.


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