Reed is a giant cereal


Reed is a perennial herb from the family Cereal (Bluegrass). It is very difficult to isolate a small area that would be considered his homeland, because it grows everywhere except for a hot desert or a pole. Most often, the plant lives near water bodies. It is used in landscape design, construction, food industry, as well as in traditional medicine. Sometimes reeds are called reeds or sedges, but this is not entirely true. This is a different genus of the same family. For individual use, it is enough to plant several plants or use wild thickets, but sometimes gardeners organize a reed farm. In this case, you should study the features of plant care in more detail.

Botanical Description

Reed is a perennial cereal that feeds on strong creeping rhizomes. The roots are usually highly branched and able to reach 2 m in length. Long upright shoots 1-4 m high (sometimes up to 5 m) rise above them. The stems with a circular cross section have a cavity in the center and quite fleshy, juicy walls. Young, not yet tall sprouts can be eaten. By taste, they are close to asparagus.

Escaping is characterized by high flexibility, it is almost impossible to break. From the wind, the reed stalks are only extremely bent. Leaves can rotate around the stem to compensate for wind strength.

Linear foliage of a bluish-green color with parallel venation grows in length by 30-50 cm, and in width is only 0.5-2.5 cm. The leaves are located in nodes one by one close to each other.

In June-August, a rather large complex panicle blooms at the top of the shoot. It consists of small 3-7 flowering spikelets of a rich purple hue. The total length of the inflorescence is 25-30 cm, and a single spikelet is 0.6-1.7 cm.

Reed is a wind-pollinated plant. By the end of summer, fruits ripen on it - oblong small grains. The ability to germinate seeds lasts only 12 months. In each inflorescence they can be 50-100 thousand.

Reed Species

It is believed that the cane genus combines 5 main species.

Common reed (southern). The most common and powerful plant has a well-developed rhizome and smooth knotty stem. His foliage is light, green with a grayish dusting. Ears appear in June-September and are flexible panicles 30-50 cm long and up to 15 cm wide. Varieties:

  • Aurea variegate - shoots up to 2 m in height are covered with rigid linear foliage with longitudinal yellow stripes;
  • Variegata - leaflets have a white strip, which turns pink at low temperatures.
Common reed

Spear-shaped reed. The inhabitant of shallow European reservoirs has a thicker starchy root and brown inflorescence in the form of an ear.

Spear-shaped reed

The reed is marsh. The species prefers heavily boggy ponds. Its tubular stem grows to a height of 4.5 m. The pointed gray-green leaves embrace it with its base. In July-September, a dark purple loose panicle blooms.

Marsh reed

Sugar cane. The plant actually belongs to another genus of the Cereal family, but it is persistently called reed. It is a fast-growing perennial grass 4-6 m high with a short jointed rhizome. Wider leaves grow 60-150 cm in length and can bend. Paniculate inflorescences 30-60 cm high consist of small paired ears with soft nap. Sugarcane juice contains about 18.5% sugar, as well as proteins, minerals and other impurities. After thorough filtration and evaporation, crystalline sugar is obtained from it.

Sugar cane

Cultivation and care

It is most convenient to propagate cane most vegetatively, using segments of rhizome. This is best done in the second half of spring or summer. It is worth noting that in agriculture the plant is a difficult to eradicate weed, therefore, before planting, it is necessary to carefully take care of the restriction of the territory. It is best to place delenki in a deep plastic basin or pre-dig vertical plastic sheets into the ground to a depth of 70-100 cm.

Reed seed propagation is also possible. The ability to germinate is rapidly declining, so use the freshest material possible. It is distributed on moist garden soil with the addition of a large amount of sand. Seeds should be on the surface, as the appearance of seedlings requires the presence of light. The optimum temperature is + 20 ° C, but seedlings can appear even at 8-10 ° C. To control the growth of reeds and plant them in the future according to the necessary scheme, it is better to germinate the seeds in a separate container.

Reed planting is carried out close to the shoreline of the reservoir, both on land and slightly immersed in water. It is best to use heavy, well-moistened soil. Sometimes reeds are used to drain swamps. It is enough to plant a large number of plants in the middle of the swamp, and as a large volume of green mass grows, they will draw all the liquid out of the soil.

Reed care is not needed. This survivable, even aggressive plant will have to be limited rather than promote its growth.

To keep the vegetation juicy and green, it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight. The soil should not dry out for a long time, so regular watering will be required far from the source of water.

In April-September, it is recommended to apply liquid mineral top dressing to the soil. High potassium and nitrogen formulations are preferred.

In winter, the plant does not need additional protection against frost. Even if the shoots freeze, the rhizome will not suffer. Sometimes, even before the onset of frost, the entire terrestrial part is cut off, but it is better not to do this to improve the condition of the reservoir. The fact is that the constant swaying of the stems will not allow the water surface to freeze and will allow oxygen to enter the water column, which is very useful for fish.

Healing properties

A decoction of reed leaves has a diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. A high content of vitamins A and C enhances immunity. The crushed dry foliage is steamed with boiling water and insisted for about an hour. This drug is used for colds, vitamin deficiency, inflammation of the bladder.

Outwardly, the powder of crushed foliage is applied to inflammations and ulcers on the skin with the aim of disinfection and speedy healing. Also, the broth is used to remove toxins from the body. Fresh juice perfectly quenches thirst, fights hemoptysis and fever. Outwardly it is used for insect bites.

Preparations from this amazing plant, according to scientists, have no contraindications.


Watch the video: Kellogg's Strawberry Krispies Cereal Reed Reviews (October 2024).