Caladium - Charming Elephant Ears


Caladium is a charming plant with decorative leaves. It belongs to the Aroid family and is distributed in the tropical and subtropical rainforests of Latin America. For the amazing beauty of the leaves, the caladium is called "angel wings", "elephant ears" and "the heart of Jesus." Alas, the period of wakefulness and active growth is only a few months a year. If you provide the Caladium with a comfortable content, it forms a sprawling bush with leaves of amazing beauty.

Botanical characteristics

Caladium is a herbaceous perennial plant with a tuberous root system. The diameter of a rough flattened tuber is 7-10 cm. Several growth points can be seen on the upper part. A fibrous root system develops from the bottom of the tuber.

The life cycle of caladium is divided into periods of rest and active growth. Since the end of August, all of its grassy shoots begin to dry. Until March, only tubers are preserved. In early spring, young shoots emerge from the earth.

Caladium leaves on long fleshy stalks grow directly from the tuber. In the natural environment, the height of the bush can reach 5 m. Indoor plants are 40-90 cm in height. The arrow-shaped or heart-shaped sheet plate has a contrasting color. The leaf length is about 30 cm, and the width is 15 cm. Since the leaves are the main decoration, there are many types and varieties of plants with a wide variety of colors. Foliage is raspberry, silver, pink.

In late spring, after the appearance of the first 4 leaves, an inflorescence begins to develop - an elongated ear of light yellow hue. It is surrounded by a white-green veil. Flowering is almost not accompanied by aroma and lasts only a few days. After pollination, dense spherical berries ripen. In indoor conditions, flowering and fruiting occurs extremely rarely.

Types of Caladium

The genus of Caladium includes 15 main species. Let's consider some of them.

Caladium Humboldt. It is this species and varieties derived on its basis that are most often found in culture. The stemless plant consists of a rosette of arrow-shaped leaves up to 10 cm long and about 5 cm wide. On the dark green leaf plate in the center are large silver spots. The inflorescence blossoms in April, but does not attract much attention.

Caladium Humboldt

Caladium of Schomburg. Plants prefer moist Brazilian forests. Oval leaves grow to a length of 15 cm and a width of 12 cm. On the front side, the leaf is painted in silver-red shades with green veins. Decorative varieties:

  • Venosum - on the oval green leaf, the border and the central vein are highlighted in red, the side veins are summed up with yellowish stains;
  • Erythraeum - on a dark red sheet plate, silver patterns are located along the veins.
Caladium of Schomburg

Caladium Bicolor common in the Antilles. It is distinguished by sagittal foliage up to 30 cm long. Red, raspberry, light green colors predominate in its color. The ear appears at the end of February.

The culture is dominated not by species caladiums, but by hybrid varieties. Among them, the following are most attractive:

  • Rosalie - a bright green border is visible on red leaves;
  • Pink beauty - the center of the leaf is painted pink, along the edge there is a green border, and the veins are summed up with a bright pink stripe;
  • Florida Cardinal - shiny raspberry leaves bordered by a wide bright green stripe;
  • White Christmas - on the silver surface of the leaf are dark green stripes along the veins and small dark green spots.
Caladium Bicolor


Reproduction of caladium is produced by vegetative and seed methods. Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, and it is almost impossible to get them at home. Seedlings do not inherit varietal traits of the mother plant. Crops are produced in a container with soil for aroid. Germinate them at a temperature of + 25 ... + 30 ° C under a film or glass, in conditions of high humidity. Shoots appear within three weeks. They are regularly sprayed with warm purified water. Until autumn, seedlings form small nodules that are capable of independent wintering.

Vegetative propagation is carried out by the method of division or rooting of daughter tubers. In late February, a large tuber with several buds is cut into pieces. Each dividend should have at least two kidneys. Places of slices dipped in crushed charcoal and dried during the day. Later, the tuber is planted in specially prepared soil.

If during the season a baby forms near the mother tuber, in the spring it can be planted in a separate pot and grown as an independent plant.

It is possible to propagate caladium with petioles. For this, a leaf with a stalk is cut off at the very end at the end of May. Root it in warm water. When a tiny tuber is formed at the end of the petiole, it is transplanted into peaty soil. In the fall, the size of the tuber reaches 5-7 mm and the plant goes into a dormant state.

Home Care

At home, it is not very difficult to take care of caladium. Alas, the flower pleases with beautiful foliage for only a few months, but even after that, it also needs to be taken care of during the dormant period.

In early spring, the tubers are transplanted. The pot should fit the size of the nodules. The smallest can be planted several in one pot, but you need to leave them room for growth. The pink dot on the tubers should be on top. To get a large spreading bush, nodules are planted to a depth of 5-10 cm.

It is best to take special soil mixtures for caladium. They are distinguished by light structure and high water permeability. Soil acidity should be neutral. The composition usually includes humus and leafy land, peat, river sand and some charcoal.

Caladium lighting needs intense, but diffuse. The more colorful the foliage, the more light is needed. Direct sunlight quickly causes burns. As a result, ugly brown spots appear. It is best to put pots with caladium on the east or west windows.

The optimum air temperature is + 22 ... + 27 ° C. Cooling below + 20 ° C is undesirable at any time, even during rest.

Caladium can adapt to normal indoor humidity. He gratefully responds to spraying. A lack of moisture leads to drying out of the leaves and a decrease in the growth rate. If necessary, pallets with wet expanded clay are placed near the bushes.

Caladium loves regular watering, but in small portions so that the water does not stagnate in the ground. The top layer of land between waterings should dry out. Since August, when the leaves begin to die, watering is reduced and gradually stopped completely. During the rest period, irrigation of the soil with several tablespoons of water is allowed. In the spring, with the advent of sprouts, watering is increased, but very carefully.

Caladium fertilizer begins in June, when the bulk of the leaves will already appear. A weekly solution of mineral fertilizing with a high content of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium is poured into the ground. Fertilizers cease from August.

Diseases and Pests

During dormancy, caladium tubers are susceptible to rot. If affected areas are found, they are cut to a healthy tissue and treated with powder fungicides. Dressing must be carried out annually during transplantation. Leaves may suffer from late blight. It is also treated with fungicide.

Caladium can be affected by aphids, mealybugs and spider mites. If pests are found, it is worth rinsing the leaves thoroughly under a warm shower, and then treating them with an insecticide.
