Do-it-yourself lawn planting in spring


The lawn on the site is the dream of many summer residents. Implementing it is quite simple. The gardener needs to get acquainted with the technology of growing green carpet, to purchase all the necessary tools. The finished lawn will become a decoration of a personal garden, a place for rest, a playground. By means of such a coating, soil erosion is prevented, the temperature regime is stabilized and higher air permeability is provided.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring lawn sowing

The green carpet is planted in April-May. The exact dates are set, focusing on the climate in the region and the personal preferences of the gardener. Grass will grow well if:

  • the soil had time to warm up;
  • positive air temperature established;
  • the gardener provided regular watering.

You can plant a lawn not only in spring but also in autumn. Each of these options has its pros and cons. Spring planting has the following advantages:

  • before the first autumn frosts the grass has time to grow stronger;
  • if necessary, it will be possible to redevelop and sow;
  • the earth is saturated with meltwater, so the seeds will sprout quickly.

Also, one should not forget about the length of daylight hours, the supply of nutrients in the soil, the high germination of seeds.

Planting a green carpet in the winter requires an accurate calculation. Otherwise, seedlings that managed to emerge will die due to sudden temperature changes. The risk of freezing will increase if the winter is not snowy, excessively harsh or warm.

When precipitating the lawn in summer, you need to be careful about drought. To avoid drying out of the soil, you will have to spend too much time on irrigation. Abundant watering, in turn, can cause leaching of seedlings and seeds.

The disadvantages of spring planting include return frosts and a large number of weeds.

Therefore, in regions that have a harsh climate, sowing grass mixtures on the lawn is recommended to be postponed until the summer, and the soil must be subjected to special treatment.

Landing dates by region

The lawn should only be sown after the snow has melted. In this case, the soil should remain moist. In each region, sowing dates are different.

For example, in the southern regions, lawn planting occurs at the beginning or end of March.
In the middle lane, it is recommended to proceed with the landing of the mixture in April.

In Siberia and the Urals, sowing is carried out in late April and early May.

In the northwestern regions, a green lawn is planted in May.

Many summer residents when determining a suitable date are guided by the lunar calendar.

Step-by-step process

Sowing a lawn in the spring with your own hands is a rather laborious task. In addition to physical effort and free time, a green lawn in a personal plot will require material investments. If everything is done correctly, soon after planting, a carpet of grass will grow in front of the house without bald spots, pits, ledges and other defects.

Seed selection

At this stage, it is worth paying attention to the following factors:

  • lawn planting technology;
  • soil cover properties;
  • climatic conditions;
  • estimated load.

The composition of grass mixtures most often includes such crops as meadow bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, shoot-bark field, red fescue.

Bluegrass is popular among gardeners living in the northern regions. This is due to its unpretentiousness and resistance to sudden changes in temperature. Peak growth occurs in 3-4 years after planting in the ground.

The shoot-forming polevole has a powerful root system. The plant can reach a height of 15 cm. If the lawn is looked after in full accordance with the recommendations of specialists, the shade of the grass will be dark green. Culture needs light and plentiful watering. It is quite resistant to trampling.

Red fescue quickly covers the area allocated for the lawn. For this quality, landscape designers very much appreciate her. The plant tolerates insufficient moisture, partial shade and low temperatures.

Perennial ryegrasse is often called a weed. The culture is characterized by survival, resistance to external influences, unpretentiousness. Requires minimal maintenance. When using ryegrass, a dense emerald-colored carpet is formed in front of the cottage.


The gardener should prepare an ordinary shovel, a machine for removing sod, a seeder for grass, a fan rake. The list is supplemented by a garden skating rink, a sprayer for a watering hose. The latter will be required for watering. The usual watering can in this case will not bring the desired effect. In addition to seeds, you need to purchase biohumus or a ready-made mixture for fertilizing the lawn. Source:

Site selection and layout

There should be no pits, potholes, or knolls on the surface of the selected site. They can cause serious problems in the future.

If there is no even horizontal platform available, you should give preference to a gentle slope. In the absence of such an opportunity, you will have to look for an original way out of the situation. For example, turn defects into decorative elements.

Before you start preparing the soil, you need to make a plan for the future lawn. It should be noted all the available structures, fencing, borders, pipes, communications. To avoid problems during the haircut, a certain gap must be left between the fence and the green lawn.

Territory preparation

Preparatory work should be phased. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The site is cleaned of debris and dry foliage.
  2. The stumps are uprooted, the formed holes fall asleep, the hillocks are "cut off".
  3. Remove the sod (the width of the layer is not more than 10 cm).
  4. Pour soil in its place, make herbicides and complex fertilizers. The latter are selected, focusing on the properties of the soil. If necessary, do drainage.
  5. Ram the site through the garden rink. Instead, you can use a metal pipe or a processed log.

Planting a lawn in spring

Before sowing, mix the herb mixture thoroughly. Its consumption per 1 m2 is indicated on the package. In the following, you need to follow a fairly simple instruction:

  1. To make shallow furrows with a fan rake.
  2. Distribute planting material evenly.
  3. Go through the "field" rake.
  4. Roll in the treated area using an ice rink or other suitable tools.
  5. Carefully water and cover the future lawn.

The laying of seeds should be carried out in warm, dry weather. The same applies to laying a lawn roll. This option is considered the simplest but most expensive. The main thing is that the soil is properly prepared, and the strips are tightly fitted to each other. Otherwise, the appearance of bald spots cannot be avoided.

Planting a lawn in the spring is not an event for the lazy. In order for the result to meet all expectations, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists.


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