Iron sulfate: garden application


Iron sulfate (iron sulfate) is a drug that protects fruit crops. The need for its use increases in the fall and spring. It is during this period that the earth and planted plants are prepared for active growth or for hibernation. Many special tools differ not only in efficiency, but also in high cost, and by using iron sulfate you can achieve the same effect without spending an impressive amount.

Description of iron sulfate

This substance is the result of the interaction of sulfuric acid and iron. It is sold in the form of powder and crystals having a greenish tint. The purchased mixture becomes the basis for the solution, which is then sprayed or watered on horticultural crops.

One molecule of sulfate is able to attract 7 water molecules to itself. Iron sulfate has a surface effect, so the berries, fruits and herbs processed by it can be eaten without fear. The addition of bonuses include the presence of fungicidal and insecticidal properties. If necessary, the powder can be used dry.

Difficulties with the preparation of the composition usually does not arise, the granules quickly dissolve in water. The protective effect is manifested over 14 days.

Pros and Cons of Iron Sulphate

Iron sulfate has both advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • budget cost;
  • safety for the skin and mucous membranes;
  • high efficiency.

The latter is possible only if all recommendations are followed. Otherwise, the condition of the garden will deteriorate significantly. The appearance of harmful insects is a good reason to buy additional funds. In this situation, iron sulfate should be used only in combination with them.

Plants are sprayed with sulfate in early spring and late fall. Otherwise, young shoots and leaves will suffer.

When planning a schedule of agricultural activities, the gardener must take into account weather conditions. Iron sulphate treatment should be carried out in cool dry dry weather. This is due to the fact that the drug will begin to act only after two hours. The maximum effect will appear after 24 hours. If it rains during the day, spraying will have to be repeated.

If you keep the finished composition in an open container, then it will lose useful properties. When using solutions with a reduced concentration of the main component, do not expect a noticeable result. Iron sulfate will not help if horticultural crops suffer from infectious pathologies and parasites that wait out the winter, hiding in the bark and soil.

Sulfate is used to:

  • to whiten trees in the autumn or spring (with the addition of white clay);
  • get rid of fungal diseases and harmful insects;
  • strengthen old trees;
  • protect plants from return frosts;
  • repair damage on the trunks of fruit crops;
  • restore the balance of minerals in the soil;
  • to disinfect containers and premises intended for storage of collected fruits and vegetables.

Proper use of iron sulfate

Sulfate is used to make iron chelate. This microfertilizer is necessary to cure or prevent the appearance of signs of non-infectious chlorosis. In addition to 8 g of the main ingredient, the composition of the product includes 5 l of warm liquid and 5 g of citric acid.

The procedure is quite simple:

  • Sulfate is dissolved in 2 l of water.
  • Do the same with citric acid.
  • The first composition is slowly poured into the second.
  • Add 1 liter of liquid to the finished mixture.
  • The result is 5 l of orange solution. Fertilizer should be used immediately, it is not necessary to dilute it.

The strength of the solution is crucial:

  • treatment of fungal ailments - 5%;
  • prevention - from 0.5 to 1%;
  • spraying rose bushes - 0.3%;
  • berry crop protection - 4%.

In autumn, plants are treated with a 7% solution. It is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • Pour water into a container. The latter should be made of glass or plastic.
  • Slowly fall asleep the drug. Mix the ingredients with a wooden spatula.
  • The proportions are determined based on the attached instructions.
  • Insist the solution for 15-20 minutes.
  • Before use, the composition is mixed again. Thus provide a higher saturation with iron.

The treatment of iron sulfate garden from pests

To prepare a solution of the desired concentration, 500 g of iron sulfate are taken per 10 liters of liquid.

The first procedure is carried out in early spring. If everything is done correctly, laid eggs, larvae and adult insects will die.

The second time the plants are treated after the leaves have fallen. The composition is applied not only to the branches and trunk, but also to the soil around the tree.

If the bark of the tree is too thin, they are limited to spring spraying.

Sulfate is not able to destroy all parasites, so do not give up universal drugs. Due to the timely complex effect, fruit crops will not suffer from pests and will give a plentiful harvest in the fall. Iron sulfate can be used against lichens and mosses. In this case, only two procedures will be required, no more than 12 days should pass between them. After processing, they themselves will fall away from the bark, scrapers and other devices will not be needed, so the risk of new damage is almost completely absent.

Treatment of fungal diseases and chlorosis

In this case, iron sulfate is used as a contact fungicide.

Plants are treated with a solution of 3% concentration.

Since the drug has a superficial effect, it is unlikely to get rid of all spores.

To enhance the effect, sulfate is used together with products that contain copper.

The interval between treatments is 7 days.

Iron sulfate is necessary if fungal pathologies such as:

  • gray rot - brown spots with a grayish coating on various parts of the plant;
  • scab - spots characterized by a chlorotic appearance and a rounded shape;

  • powdery mildew - unpleasant odor, whitish dust on leaf blades, buds and stems;
  • peronosporosis - a grayish-purple fluff on the underside of the leaves;

  • Anthracnose - red and violet blotches;
  • alternariosis - the mob affects the bark, kidneys, fruits, buds and leaf blades;

  • coccomycosis - reddish-brown spots that fuse over time;
  • clusterosporiosis - spots of a light brown hue turn into holes.

Non-infectious chlorosis occurs due to a lack of iron.

The disease manifests itself as a general weakening of the culture and a change in the color of the leaves.

For treatment, a solution prepared from 10 l of water and 50 g of sulfate is used. To prevent the ailment, only 10 g of the main component is taken for the same volume of liquid. Such a concentration for prevention is quite enough.

Treatment of wounds and cracks in trees

Damage formed on the cortex is sprayed with a one percent solution of iron sulfate. In the absence of timely treatment, pathogens and insects penetrate into sections and wounds. The tree begins to hurt, which negatively affects its general condition. Before treating wounds, the affected wood must be removed. It is a source of pathogenic microorganisms.

The next step is disinfection, carried out using a composition that differs in 10% concentration. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

The hands and the instrument through which the wounds and cuts on the tree were washed are treated with alcohol-containing agents. This will prevent the further spread of the disease.

Mr. Dachnik warns: caution when working with iron sulfate

To avoid additional problems, it is not recommended:

  • spray highly concentrated solutions with leaves and young shoots;
  • dilute the specified preparation in iron utensils;
  • mix iron sulfate with lime;
  • combine with insecticides containing phosphorus;
  • ignore dosage prescribed by the manufacturer.

Before using the product, wear rubber gloves and a respirator. The latter is necessary to protect the respiratory tract.

If the treatment solution has got on the skin or mucous membranes, they must be washed with running water.

Iron sulfate must be kept in a dry place in a closed container.

The shelf life of the drug is not limited. Subject to the above norms and rules, the effect obtained as a result of the use of iron sulfate will meet all expectations.


Watch the video: How to mix Soluble Fertiliser or Ferrous Sulphate (October 2024).