Ipomoea kvamoklit: varieties, planting and care


Ipomoea kvamoklit belongs to the genus Ipomoea of ​​the family Vjunkovy. It is considered the best vine designed for landscaping gardens, vertical buildings, balconies.

The cultivation is simple, even in apartments it is not difficult, which allows beginners to do this business. Ipomoea kvamoklit does not require special care, is growing rapidly. Annual species are also characterized by high growth rates; they can stretch up to 3 m per year.

Types and varieties of morning glory quamoclite

There are four types of morning glory quamoclites, which are divided into varieties. They are all used to decorate facades, buildings.


Three-meter vines, have dense stems that develop fairly quickly, form a support. Leaves in the form of a heart, about 9 cm long. During abundant flowering, buds appear, when opened, they take the form of stars. Because of this, the popular name of this species of morning glory is kvamoklit - a beauty star. 5 beautiful petals of a fiery hue bend from the corolla. In nature, there are species with one bud, as well as with inflorescences, which include up to 8. Flowering lasts about a month.


In nature, found exclusively in the tropics of Mexico. Gained popularity due to rapid high growth. It is capable of reaching three meters in a year. Leaves are divided into 3 parts.

The buds have a lobed appearance. In the inflorescence can be flowers of completely different colors. The popular name of this variety is a fire flower. For the bright saturated color of the petals. Looks very nice in the design of the garden.


It is found in nature in the tropical forests of South America. It grows up to 5 m. However, in the CIS countries, due to the climate, this species is grown as an annual, and reaches only 3 m during flowering. The name was given due to the unusual shape of the leaves, they are divided into narrow strips.

Due to the apparent resemblance to cypress, the people call it cypress liana, cardinal. It begins to bloom in August, and ends in October. During this, 4 by 2 cm flowers appear.

The disadvantage is intolerance to transplants, so this flower is better not to propagate in the seedling method.


Hybrid cirrus and red. Incorporated half the qualities of each donor. So, he has widely dissected leaves. On one petiole, up to 7 pairs of filiform blades are located.

It blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The flowers have a yellow-white shade of the throat, themselves red or pink. However, although the foundations of this hybrid were tall, it turned out to be average, reaching a height of only 1.5 m.

Features of planting morning glory quamoclite

As a native of rainforests, morning glory kvamoklit requires special conditions for cultivation. You can plant immediately in the ground, do it in late spring (mid-April to early May). After sowing, seedlings are noticeable after 25 days, however, the time of their appearance depends on the temperature of the soil, air. As soon as small sprouts appear, they are thinned out so that there is a plant for every 20 cm. To increase the growth, they are again planted, leaving already 40 cm between the vines.

Growing morning glory quamoclite from seeds at home

The method of propagation by seeds is the most effective for morning glory quamoclite. You need to sow them in seedling containers, preferably peat pots (no more than two seeds per one), do this in March. Immediately before sowing, the seeds must be placed in warm water for a day. If after 24 hours they do not swell, pierce the membrane, then lower it back into water. The soil should be neutral or low in alkali. The soil must be loose.

Then immerse in the soil to a depth of not more than 1 cm, and then spill the soil. Cover the seedling containers with a plastic film to create a greenhouse effect, thanks to this the seeds will hatch quickly. Put them in a well-lit place with a temperature not lower than +20 ° C. Upon the appearance of 2 leaves, seedlings dive into separate containers (about 2 weeks will pass).

It is important to maintain air humidity in the region of 60-70%. Top dressing is carried out only with complex fertilizers.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Seedlings of morning glory quamoclite are planted around the last days of May, when repeated frosts are no longer expected. They make grooves with a depth of no more than 3 cm, place seedlings in them with a distance of 10 cm from each other. At the same time, they are not recommended to plant quamoclite deeper.

Sowing seeds in open ground

This method is recommended for southern areas. However, in others this is not prohibited, the only thing is that it will be necessary to sow at the end of April. This method involves late flowering.

In open ground, seeds are immersed to a depth of 3 cm, in contrast to sowing seedlings. Then it is poured with warm water, covered with polyethylene. The film is removed immediately as soon as the first shoots are detected.

Due to its growth characteristics, the plant branches perfectly. This must be considered when choosing a site. If you want to get many flowers nearby, then you need to plant seeds at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Care for morning glory quamoclit

The purpose of the surface roots is to collect moisture from the soil, while the lower ones are aimed at absorbing nutrients. Based on this, watering is recommended to be carried out every 3 days, in the absence of rain. At least 1 liter of water should be spent on each plant. If watering in this mode does not work, it is necessary to mulch. To do this, straw, husk of seeds, coconut fibers, sawdust, shavings, paper are used.

Fertilizing morning glory is necessary often. If you neglect this, the plant will become weak, it will bloom poorly, buds will decrease.

Fast-growing vines require garter, this will keep the plant in good shape, protect the bindweed from the wind.

The aphid is a problem, but it is easy to fight. When it appears, you need to spray problem areas once a week with cold water. The best result can be achieved by adding fertilizer for foliar top dressing.

Mr. Dachnik advises: the location of morning glory kvamoklit in the landscape

Before engaging in planting the plant, you need to decide on the placement. Each variety has its own characteristics. For example, cirrus liana can grow in the area with a beautiful green pyramid. To do this, she needs supports with a height of at least 2 m, they are placed in a circle, plants are planted in the vicinity. Also, with this flower you can hide visible flaws in the walls. To do this, they plant it right next to the wall of the house.

Quamoclites are often used to get shadow on the veranda. And a nice shade, and a beautiful view. In addition, lianas can be used as a kind of barrier, a fence that encloses two zones - residential and for recreation.

Sites with a mesh fence are constantly becoming a bait for the eyes of others. To avoid this, you can plant morning glory near them. In the process of growth, she will wrap it around, thereby making it a real green wall.


Watch the video: Cypress Vine Ipomoea quamoclit, Lisa's Landscape & Design "Plant Pick of the Day" (September 2024).