Anthracnose - a dangerous fungal disease of garden and indoor plants


Anthracnose is a disease, the pathogens of which include Gloeosporium, Kabatiella and Colletotrichum. Vegetable crops, berry bushes and fruit trees may suffer from this ailment. Most often, characteristic symptoms appear on plants whose immunity is greatly weakened. A significant cause for concern are both obvious damage (wounds, cracks) and signs of wilting.

The situation is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to prevent the penetration of spores into the infield. They are carried by water, wind and insects. Excessive soil moisture and air become a provoking factor. The risk of an ailment is increased due to a high level of acidity, a sharp change in temperature, a lack of minerals, in particular phosphorus and potassium. Also, one should not forget about the proximity of diseased plants.

Signs of Anthracnose

On plants affected by this ailment, characteristic manifestations occur. Reddish-brownish spots form on leaves, shoots and branches, around which you can see a yellow, brown, dark purple border.

Over time, they increase, capturing a larger area. If the weather is too hot, the vegetative parts of the plant become cracked. The nutrition in the affected part is disturbed, as a result of which the plant withers. Due to the increased humidity, the stems become brittle.

Manifestations on various vegetables and control measures

When choosing a treatment method, the features of a vegetable culture must be taken into account.

On cucumbers

Signs of a fungal disease can appear on cucumbers already in the seedling period. The first spots appear near the root neck. Depressed marks turn into sores over time. In the absence of timely measures, seedlings fall to the ground. Leaf blades in adult cucumbers are covered with brown or yellow blotches, which soon turn into through holes. After this, the fungus passes to the stems, shoots and fruits.

Having found characteristic spots on the plant, it must be treated with Abiga-Peak solution or Bordeaux liquid. They are poured under the root. The green mass is sprayed with Polyram and Copper oxychloride. To achieve maximum effect, several procedures may be required. The therapeutic composition is prepared following the instructions that accompany the drug.

On tomatoes

Only adult tomatoes become infected with anthracnosis. First, leaf blades located on top fade, then black spots appear on ripe fruits.

Tomatoes, on which characteristic dents have formed, soften. In this case, the grower will need Poliram, Cumulus-DF, colloidal sulfur and Tiovit Jet.

On the potato

Blurry spots can be seen on the stems and tubers of potatoes. To prevent infection, the seed is treated with fungicides.

The list of mandatory agricultural activities includes timely weeding and cleaning of the fields after harvesting. The final step is digging the soil. At the same time, loosening should be abandoned.


Zucchini suffer no less than other cultures. In this case, it is almost impossible to save the plant, since in a short time the whole aerial part is affected.

If you do not spray the vegetable in time with a solution of colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux liquid. Affected shoots, fruits and leaves before this must be removed.

Manifestations and treatment of anthracnose on shrubs and trees

Not only vegetables can get this disease. Traces can be seen on currants, cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, grapes. First, sunken spots appear on leaves and shoots that are below the rest. Raspberries, currants, apple and cherry

This is due to the proximity of the vegetative parts of the plant to waterlogged soil. The berries are covered with whitish ulcers.

Hue spots may vary. For example, on currant they are brown, on raspberry - gray-blue, and on cherry - dark pink. Regardless of color, their boundaries grow rapidly. After the leaf blades fold, dry and fall off. The same thing happens with the fruits.

Processing with special compounds should be carried out before the berries and fruits appear.

If the flowering period has already ended, it is recommended to use safer solutions. These include drugs such as Dnock and Nitrafen. After harvesting, the bushes can be sprayed with Cumulus-DF and Tiovit Jet.

Potassium sulfate is used to feed fruit trees. The bark of apple trees is covered with lime. Experienced gardeners often replace it with special compounds. This procedure should be carried out in spring or autumn. With proper care of fruit trees and berry bushes, the risk of anthracnose is minimal.

Anthracnose on garden flowers

In most cases, roses suffer from this disease. In this case, the variety and varietal features do not matter. Anthracnosis in the early stages is often confused with black spotting. Subsequently, the spots acquire a brighter color and a vague shape. Holes then appear inside them. The same thing can happen with hosta, lupine, flax and other ornamental plants. Lupine, hosta, flax

From anthracnose, crops growing on a personal plot (strawberries, strawberries) are not immune. The difference is only in the conditions that are required for the development of a fungal infection.

The most defenseless flowers that need moist soil and high air temperature. The number of infected plants increases after the latter reaches a threshold of +20 ° C.

To avoid such problems, preference should be given to cultures that are characterized by resistance to anthracnose. Among them, spathiphyllum is distinguished. This flower is often called "female happiness." Its resistance to this ailment is indicated by positive reviews of gardeners on thematic forums.

Particular attention should be paid to cyclamens, anthuriums, violets, clivia. In case of infection, the foliage of the latter resembles a bright green fabric pierced by a fraction. Bulbous garden plants affected by the disease are distinguished by leaf blades, on the edges of which yellow, brown and red-brown streaks form.

The defeat of anthracnose indoor plants

Among housewives, ficuses and palm trees are especially popular. If the recommendations of the specialists are not followed, the leaves may become covered with dark brown, ash gray or brown spots. Their appearance is the first sign that the foliage will dry and fall off soon. Damaged parts will have to be removed, they will not be able to return to their previous appearance. Sick ficus needs to be separated from other indoor plants. It should be watered rarely, the same applies to spraying. Palm and ficus

The hue of spots on orchids is determined by varietal differences. Common signs include:

  • clear contours of depressed areas;
  • loose growths that occur near the base of leaf blades.

In appearance, the traces that anthracnose leaves on delicate leaves resemble burns. Orchids do not recover well after an infectious disease. The sooner measures are taken, the better the result. To achieve maximum effectiveness, many use special drugs.

In the case of callas, the appearance of dents bordered by wide red rims becomes a serious cause for concern. In the fruiting bodies, a pink liquid forms, in the composition of which spores are present. When they break through, the infected "juice" gets on healthy flowers. Subsequently, brown spots appear on them.

Cacti are not able to resist this ailment. If it is not possible to get rid of the damp, it is unlikely to avoid the appearance of anthracnose. Bright brown dents appear on the surface of the plant. Having found them, it is necessary to immediately cut out the foci resulting from infection. The procedure is carried out using sterile instruments. Further infection is prevented by crushed coal.

Preventive measures against anthractosis

A disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Prevention should begin at the preparatory stage. The causative agents of anthracnose can be found on gardening equipment and seed. To reduce the likelihood of infection, it is necessary to carry out disinfection.

When favorable conditions arise, the fungi quickly activate. Weakened plants are the first to fall ill. Therefore, the goal of preventive measures is to protect them. In order for all plants to be strong, it is necessary to observe crop rotation, timely cleaning of the household territory.

Another important point is the processing of crops with special preparations. Before planting, the seed is necessarily soaked in formulations that accelerate growth. Their list includes Immunocytophyte, Zircon and Epin.

After the season, garden tools need to be washed and dried well. Keep inventory must be kept in a clean and dry place, previously wrapped with oiled paper. Alcohol should be used during processing. Thus, the spread of the fungus is prevented.

Planted plants may weaken due to:

  • excessive watering;
  • transplants;
  • mechanical damage;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infertile substrate.

Therefore, in order to minimize the risk, it is necessary to comply with the plan of agricultural measures. Leaves are strictly forbidden to wipe with abrasive materials. Due to this, scratches and cracks may appear. Damage to the protective layer is a factor that can provoke infection.

When buying seed, you should choose varieties characterized by resistance to fungal disease.

The soil must be disinfected without fail, as the infection can enter the greenhouse from the outside. In soil that has not been treated, fungus may be present. It remains viable for 5 years.

Mr. Summer resident informs: the list of drugs for anthracnose and their features

To combat this ailment, drugs that have an antifungal effect will be required. They include fungicides.

Their range is quite extensive. Processing is not recommended before rain, as in this case the effectiveness of the funds used will be minimal.

The drug, photo and costFeatures
Abiga Peak

85 rub over 75 g

The composition contains copper. It is characterized by a wide spectrum of action. It is phytotoxic, therefore, when using, the attached instructions should be strictly observed.
The order

50 rub over 25 g

Belong to contact system moderately dangerous fungicides. They are used to combat ailments caused by fungi. In addition to anthracnose, the list includes late blight and alternariosis.
Acrobat Mc

150-200 rub. over 100 g

It has a local systemic effect and is toxic.

70 rub over 10 g

Toxic, used to treat fungal ailments.

500 rub for 60 ml, powder can be bought cheaper (60 rubles for 10 g)

Systemic fungicide, among the additional benefits of rapid restoration of growth activity. It has protective properties. Contact with mucous membranes and skin causes irritation.

9-10 thousand rubles for 10 l

Contains copper. It is characterized by a powerful healing effect. It is considered one of the most popular.
Ridomil Gold

21 rub over 5 g

It has a wide spectrum of action.

400 rub over 60 ml

With its help, the appearance of many fungal pathologies is prevented and treated.
Coming soon

60 rub for 2 ml

Used for the treatment and prevention of late blight, scab and many other pathologies. If the manufacturer's recommendations are violated, it may be harmful.

50 rub over 2 g

It is characterized by resistance to precipitation, moderately dangerous.
Tiovit Jet

25 rub over 30 g

Relate to acaricides and contact fungicides.

40 rub over 10 g

Used as a seed dressing agent. With frequent treatment, parasites become resistant.

66 rub over 10 g

They cultivate the soil and green mass. It has a therapeutic and preventive effect. It features a high level of security.

60 rub over 200 g

It has low toxicity and contact effect. Danger to bees and plants.

50 rub over 30 g

Biological fungicide, which is used to improve the soil. It does not harm birds, people, fish, bees. Does not accumulate in the ground.
Bordeaux mixture

100 rub over 200 g

The drug has a complex effect. It is used to protect fruit, berry, vegetable, melon and flower crops.

Many medicines are in a separate category. The determining factor is the hazard class. Information on this is indicated on the packaging.

If the drug is characterized by high phytotoxicity, it should be used with extreme caution. In any case, it is not recommended to forget about gloves and respirators.

The use and dosage are strictly forbidden to violate. Otherwise, the likelihood that the affected plants will recover will decrease significantly.


Watch the video: Anthracnose Fungus On Agave Plants In Arizona (October 2024).