Growing lettuce (lettuce) in different conditions


The cultivation of lettuce by people began in the XVIII century. The French were the first to use it in cooking. The grass not only gives the dishes a special taste, but also helps with various pathological conditions:

  • fights blood leukemia;
  • increases resistance to breast cancer;
  • prevents the death of brain cells, and therefore does not allow the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • lowers bad cholesterol;
  • It has a bactericidal and antifungal effect.

Lettuce has a good effect on the skin of the face, improves its color, and accelerates cell regeneration. Herb extract nourishes the hair. They grow well, do not fall out, gain luster. This useful grass can be planted in your garden or even on the windowsill.

The best varieties of leaf lettuce

Only 4 types of lettuce are cultivated, which have many varieties:

TitleDescriptionPopular varietiesLeaves / Weight (g)
SheetThe plates are large, solid, dissected or similar to oak.Kritset - keeps up quickly, tolerates heat well.

Pale green with a golden tint.


Emerald - belongs to the mid-season type. Rhizome does not age for a long time.

Obovate, finely bubbly.


Ballet - in the cool season they are grown in a greenhouse or at home, in the summer - in open ground. Keeps arrows, resistant to lack of light.

Large, dark emerald, fan-shaped with scalloped edges, crispy.


Fun is a mid-season variety that rarely infects infections.

Reddish, large, oily.


Sandwich - ripens early. Great for sandwiches.

Crisp in the mouth, light malachite.


Moscow greenhouse - precocious, for home or greenhouse breeding. Matures in 1-1.5 months. Leaves retain freshness for a long time, do not acquire bitterness.

Large, sweet, juicy, light green color.


Half-rolledIt is similar to the previous variety, but its leaves form in incompletely closed, small heads of cabbage.Odessa kucheryavets - does not let shooters.

A loose outlet is formed. Delicious, crispy, grassy tones with corrugated edges, fan-shaped.


Eurydice is a mid-season, tasty variety.

Large, dark emerald, bubbly, wavy around the perimeter.


Festival - matures within 2.5 months.

Juicy, light green.


Berlin yellow is a mid-season variety.

Yellowish, form a rounded rosette.


Kucheryavets Gribovsky - resistant to infections.

Saturated malachite, fan-shaped with small waves along the edges.


HeadingLeaves are collected in rosettes, similar to thick heads of cabbage. The leaves are very crispy. View bred in California in the 20 years. XX century.Iceberg is a high-yielding variety that does not have a predisposition to shooters.

Keep fresh for a long time. Bubble, wavy around the perimeter.


Great Lakes - does not fade in the sun. Ripets in 85 days.

Dark green, similar to oak.


The attraction is mid-season, with a high outlet.

Large, pale green, wavy at the edges, triangular, oily texture.


Four seasons - grown in a garden or at home.External bronze-scarlet, internal greenish-lemon.
Design - medium late, does not give floral arrows.

Roundedly flat, malachite hue. Bubble, wavy, with small incisions on the top.


Roman (romaine)An elongated head of cabbage similar to Chinese cabbage. Rhizome is a rod that has many processes. The outer leaves are green, the inner ones are yellowish.Parisian green is mid-season, calmly tolerates heat and cold.

Dark malachite with a bluish tint, sweet.


Legend - resistant to peronosporosis, regional burns, arrows.

A little bubbly.


Remus is a late-ripening variety.

Dense, dark emerald, elliptical, bubbly.


Balloon - up to 25 cm.

Pale green.


Roman - mid-season, does not succumb to bacteriosis and septoria.

Elongated obovate. Around the perimeter a little ragged, jagged.


Growing lettuce through seedlings

This method is used in the northern regions of Russia to obtain crops in cold and late spring. Sowing should be done 30-35 days before planting in the garden.

For planting, it is better to purchase seeds in the form of granules. They are convenient to sow, they have a high percentage of germination. When using conventional planting stock, it must be mixed with sand to facilitate the process.

Sowing step by step:

  • Prepare boxes, containers, or peat tablets.
  • Pour sand, peat, humus (1: 1: 2) or purchased substrate in a container.
  • Place the seeds in a gauze bag and dip in potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.
  • Spread seed over the surface of the soil without seeding.
  • When using boxes or containers, sowing should be done in grooves with a depth of 1 cm, a distance of 5 cm (if a pick will be made later) or 10 cm (without transplanting).
  • Pour and cover with foil.
  • Put in a bright place at a temperature of + 18 ... +21 ºC.
  • After biting sprouts (for 3-4 days), lower the temperature to + 15 ... +18 ºC so that the bushes do not stretch.
  • If necessary, dive after the formation of 1-2 pairs of true leaves.
  • Land in open ground after the appearance of 3-4 cotyledon primordia. Before this, the plants must be hardened: 2 weeks before the transplant, take out daily to the street, starting from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Growing lettuce at home

Indoor lettuce is grown year-round:

  • Pour the substrate used for seedlings in pots with a volume of 1-2 l. You can also mix vermicompost and coconut fiber (1: 2).
  • Distribute seeds moistened in potassium permanganate over wet soil, deepen by 5-10 mm.
  • Water well, cover with polyethylene and put in a darkened room.
  • After biting seedlings (after 3-5 days), remove the shelter, put the pot in a bright place. If cultivation occurs in the winter, additional lighting with phytolamps is necessary.
  • The salad is ready to eat when 5-20 leaves are formed on it.

Care Features:

Temperature modeOptimal - + 16 ... +20 ° С. On the loggia, lettuce grows at + 6 ... +7 ° С.
Watering / sprayingOnce every 2-3 days. Make sure that the top layer of the earth does not have time to dry out, especially in hot weather. This is fraught with the appearance of flower arrows, which give bitterness to the leaves.

Produce daily from the spray gun with warm, settled water.

Top dressingUse liquid complex fertilizers every week. However, lettuce has the ability to accumulate nitrates, so you need to monitor the amount of nitrogen introduced. You can feed and organic.

Growing lettuce in the open ground

Lettuce does not grow well in the shade, you need to plant it in sunny areas. However, direct ultraviolet rays can cause a halt in the development of the bushes, so they must be shaded by other crops.
Seeds germinate at a temperature of +5 ºC. With warmer air (from +20 ºC) sprouts germinate worse.

Soil requirements

Best of all, lettuce grows on loose, nutritious soil with a high content of organic matter and trace elements. Acidity requirements: neutral or slightly alkaline, with an indicator of 6 to 7.2 pH.
Lettuce can also be planted on sandy, loamy, carbonate soil. And also on black soil. Grass will not grow only on acidic, saline, heavy clay soil.

Soil for planting must be prepared in advance (in autumn). It is recommended to use beds in which fertilizers were applied. They need to be dug up with the introduction of manure or compost (7-10 kg per 1 sq. M). Leave as it is until spring.

Technology for planting lettuce in the ground

Early ripe varieties are sown from April to May, mid-ripening and late - from mid-spring to the second decade of June. To harvest a fresh crop all summer, lettuce can be planted several times every 7-10 days until the 20th of August.

Step-by-step landing:

  • To loosen the soil with the introduction of 1 tbsp. l superphosphate, 1 tsp potassium sulfate, 1-2 tbsp. l Mortar (per 1 sq.m.).
  • Dig out furrows of 5-10 mm in moist soil, observing a distance of 15-20 cm.
  • Mix the seeds with sand (1: 1/2) and fall asleep in the trenches.
  • After a mass shoot of the seedlings of the beds, thin out so that between the bushes there are 6-8 cm (leafy), 10-15 cm (heady). Thinning is recommended in 2 stages.

When planting seedlings in the garden, you need to use the 25 * 25 scheme for miniature early ripe species, 35 * 35 for large specimens. Planting in a moist soil mixture.

Shoots need to be moistened every 7 days at sunrise or after sunset. In intense heat it is best to do it at night. For leaf varieties, it is recommended to use the sprinkling method, and for cabbage varieties, watering along rows. When lettuce begins to form rosettes, less watering is needed to avoid decay.

When sowing in a nutrient substrate in feeding is not necessary. When the earth is poor, a single application of mineral mixtures or organics is necessary immediately after planting. The lettuce leaves ripen longer, so it needs to be fed twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

Growing lettuce in a greenhouse

Lettuce is resistant to mild cold (up to -2 ºC), so in greenhouse conditions it can be planted in early spring. If there is heating in the greenhouse, then the salad is grown in the winter.

Earth must be prepared in the fall:

  • Add organic matter (this will create the necessary acidity of the soil).
  • If the substrate is very acidic add lime to it.
  • Feed the soil with sodium chloride (15 g per square meter).
  • Dig the site, level and leave before planting the crop.

Plant lettuce when the temperature in the greenhouse ceases to drop below zero even at night:

  • Loosen the ground, dig trenches, backing away a distance of 10 cm.
  • Mix the seeds with sand and close in the grooves.
  • If the frosts return unexpectedly, mulch the bushes with small humus.

Necessary conditions for further maintenance:

WateringAbundant, 1-2 times a week. Use cool water. Avoid getting it on the foliage.
Top dressingIntroduce a mixture of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride twice during the growing season.
LooseningProduce regularly between rows to avoid moisture retention, which leads to the development of fungal infections.
WeedingCombine with loosening.

With proper care, the crop can be harvested after 4 weeks.

Growing lettuce hydroponically

This method involves growing in an artificial environment without soil. Plants receive all the necessary substances from a special nutrient solution surrounding the rhizome. At the same time, culture does not lose its taste. Hydroponics is often used in business when lettuce is grown for sale.

Pests and diseases of lettuce

Lettuce is susceptible to many infections and pests. It’s quite difficult to fight them, because the plant accumulates not only nitrates, but also fungicides. Therefore, poisonous drugs can not be used.

Disease / insectDescriptionProtection methods
Gray rotDark necrotic spots on the leaves and stem. Arise from bottom to top.
  • crop rotation compliance;
  • maintenance of cleanliness in the area: timely destruction of affected parts, cleaning of fallen leaves;
  • control of the amount of nitrogen introduced.
White rot
  • the formation of white watery spots;
  • flaky coating of snow-white mycelium.
Regional burnThe bushes rot and die.
  • yellowish, blurry, or angular spots that turn brown over time;
  • pearl plaque from the lower area of ​​the plates;
  • drying of greens.
  • alternation of crops in the garden;
  • selection of proven seed;
  • preliminary wetting of seeds in TMTD 80% (if suspected of poor quality);
  • compliance with landing patterns (do not thicken the landing).
Powdery mildew
  • white plaque, similar to flour on aerial parts;
  • allocation of sticky drops resembling dew from the lesion focus;
  • slowdown in development or complete cessation of growth.
  • crop rotation;
  • timely destruction of affected specimens;
  • cleaning the site from old leaves.
Light green flySize 7-8 mm. Females are grayish-ashen with wide-set red eyes. Males with a black velvety back. Insects lay eggs in inflorescences, larvae eat seeds. Affected outlets darken and do not open.
  • cut and destroy diseased areas;
  • if suspected of the pest's vital activity, treat the bushes with Fosfamide according to the instructions.
Stem salad aphidFlightless individuals reach 1-2.5 mm. Winged - 2 mm. These are gray-grassy and dark gray insects, sucking juice from stems, leaves, inflorescences. There is a deformation of the affected areas, a violation of photosynthesis. The color of the lower foliage becomes mosaic. Bushes cease to grow normally.Handle:
  • infusion onion peel;
  • a decoction of dandelion leaves;
  • a solution of green potato tops.
Striped or slender fillyBelongs to the locust family. It happens green, gray-yellow, brown. In length from 1 to 2 cm. Gnaws stems and leaves.
  • remove perennial weeds from the beds (for example, wheat grass);
  • after harvest, spray the soil with Karbofos;
  • the next day, remove litter from the garden.
Naked slugsAt night and in the evening, insects can be seen on the lettuce. They make big holes in the green. During the day they prefer to relax in a cool, humid place.Dig cans of beer in the area. The neck should be flush with the ground. Slugs crawl into them to drink and can not get out. This is the easiest way to control pests.

Mr. Summer resident advises: how to store salad

Harvested crops must be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in a box for vegetables. Before this, the leaves need to be dried a little, because wet greens will fade quickly.


Watch the video: How to Grow Lettuce from Seed to Harvest (October 2024).