How to transplant a violet at home


Violet is a genus uniting more than 500 subspecies. The natural growing conditions are the mountainous terrain of the Northern Hemisphere, however, the plant also survives well as a room culture.

The flower grows rapidly and requires periodic transplantation. Senpolias (the alternative name is Uzambara violet), which belong to another family, are often confused with violets. The tips below are relevant for both cultures.

Violet transplant at home

At home, the capacity is changed annually. Over 12 months, the soil is greatly depleted, losing most of its nutrients. The earth is caking and does not accept moisture well or leads to its stagnation. Under such conditions, the flower quickly begins to rot or dry out. If the senpolia grows rapidly, it can completely fill the capacity with the root system, which will also damage its condition: the leaves become small, darken, stretch. To prevent weakening, it is necessary to transplant into a new pot.

Experts note that the annual change of capacity also allows for constant flowering. The plant will receive enough nutrients to form new inflorescences.

Determining the need for a violet transplant

According to the state of the flower, it is easy to understand that a transplant is required. The following symptoms indicate this:

  • the appearance of white plaque on the surface of the soil;
  • growth of the root system to such a state that it braids the entire container;
  • color change of leaf plates from green to brown;
  • foliage reduction or loss;
  • excessive extension of the trunk;
  • earth compaction in the tank.

Sometimes the need for a change in the pot is indicated by a prolonged lack of flowering. However, violet can give buds during illness or with a lack of nutrition. If flowering has begun, and the earth mixture needs to be urgently updated, the buds and open flowers are cut off.

Experienced flower growers recommend not waiting for the first signs of death of a houseplant, but transplanting every year according to plan. This will always keep the violet in a healthy state.

Room violet transplant dates

The pot needs to be changed in spring, in April or May. The procedure is also allowed in late February, early March or during the fall. At this time, the air temperature is optimal, and daylight hours are quite long. Disturbing the plant in summer is strictly prohibited. In conditions of strong heating and low humidity of the soil and air, violet can take root poorly and die.

Winter transplantation is allowed, but only if phytolamps are used. They should extend daylight hours, especially in December. With a lack of lighting, the flower will take root as badly as at elevated temperatures. In February, additional illumination is almost not required if the grower does not live in the northern regions.

You can not transplant the plant during flowering. If buds appeared on the outlet, this indicates a sufficient content of nutrients in the soil. It is necessary to wait until the flowering period has passed, and to change the pot after it. An exception can be made only if the senpolia is affected by a fungal or bacterial disease, pests. In this case, the flower is carefully removed from the pot, trying not to damage the root system, cut off the inflorescences and buds, and then carefully placed in a new container without removing the old earthen coma. This method is called the transshipment method.

Lunar calendar violet transplant

Earth satellite significantly affects the development of plants. Depending on the phase, the moon can lead to increased or weakened sap circulation inside the plant. Experienced flower growers use the lunar calendar to increase the chances of a successful landing. It is best to change the earthen lump during the waning moon phase.

Moon phaseNecessary actions
GrowingChange the soil and capacity, monitor the development of the roots. Water more often, regularly feed.
WaningTransplant, paying particular attention to organic fertilizers. Limit watering.
New moon / full moonDo not transplant the plant. It can take root poorly and die.

Transplant Methods

There are three ways to transplant the senpolia. The first and most popular is the change of capacity with partial replacement of soil. This procedure is carried out in a planned manner, if the violet is completely healthy and does not bloom. Algorithm of actions:

  • Prepare a pot with a slightly larger diameter.
  • Fill the bottom of the tank with drainage, then fill the earth mixture.
  • Make a notch for the root system.
  • Gently pull the violet from the old pot, shake off the ground, which easily leaves itself.
  • Place the flower in a new pot, surrounding the roots with new soil.

With this method, the lower part of the plant is practically not damaged, and the transplant is as soft as possible. In this case, the soil is replaced by more than 50%, which allows for an influx of new nutrients and to improve the condition of room violets.

The second method involves a complete replacement of the soil. It must be used if the soil is seriously depleted. The need to completely change it is indicated by the presence of a white coating on the surface, browning of leaves, exposure of the trunk. This option is traumatic for the roots, but it allows you to achieve the maximum influx of nutrients. How to carry out the procedure:

  • Extract a plant from the soil. Remove all soil, as well as rotten or dried roots.
  • Carefully cut off too large, dry, excessively soft, or brown sheet plates. Sprinkle the cut points with crushed coal or ash.
  • Prepare a new container: pour drainage, then half the soil mixture.
  • Place the violet in a new container, surround it with soil and lightly compact it. Add the second half of the mixture so that it almost reaches the lower leaves.
  • Tap the pot lightly so that the soil is evenly distributed.
  • After a day, pour plenty of senpolia under the root, if necessary add a little more land.

As for the third option, it is used if the plant is in a flowering state, but it urgently requires a transplant. The earthen lump is fully preserved, but the capacity is replaced with a larger one. How to make a replacement step by step:

  • Moisten the soil in an old pot, trying not to touch the leaves with moisture, and carefully pull out the whole.
  • Pour drainage into a new container, which should exceed the old one in diameter. Then place the previous pot on top of it and pour soil between the walls of the two containers.
  • Place an earthen lump in the resulting recess along with the violet root system.
  • Check if the ground level is the same.

Capacity requirements

Violets do not need deep pots. Their root system expands upward, so the maximum capacity depth is 10 cm. As for the diameter, depending on the age and size of the flower, it is necessary to purchase a container of 5-9 cm. For miniature varieties, a capacity of 5 cm deep and 4 cm in diameter will suffice.

Particular attention should be paid to the material of the container. The most common options are:

  • Plastic. Inexpensive and easy to use material. Light weight allows you to place pots on glass shelves or fragile window sills. In stores you can find a wide variety of shapes and colors, patterns, textures. The only drawback is the lack of ventilation. If the manufacturer does not provide openings for air and drainage in the container, they must be made using a very hot nail. It is best to purchase a special container for violets. Such models are equipped with a convenient drainage system.
  • Clay. Clay containers are quite heavy and voluminous, so they are not suitable for fragile planters and glass racks. On the other hand, they retain heat well, retain water at the roots and let in the necessary amount of air. Such a pot can be purchased if the buyer’s budget is not limited.

It is convenient if the container is transparent. The owner will be able to control the size of the root system and timely transplant.

Nutrient Composition

In flower shops you can buy a special soil mixture for violets. It includes essential minerals and biohumates. Sometimes the substrate is prepared independently using the following ingredients:

  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • coniferous soil;
  • turf land;
  • river sand.

The required proportions are 2: 1: 1: 1: 1. To improve drainage, it is better to add a handful of crushed or fine charcoal.

The soil must be treated to remove fungus, bacteria and pest larvae. The best option is annealing in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of +200 ° C. If the oven is inconvenient to use, it is necessary to treat the soil with boiling water.

Violet Transplant Technology

Before starting the transplant, it is necessary to carry out several preparatory steps. New containers need to be processed to reduce the likelihood of developing diseases. You can moisten the internal cavity with a solution of potassium permanganate, and rinse after a few hours. Clay containers are additionally cleaned of salt deposits. They need to be left in the water for 10-12 hours. You also need to buy drainage. Expanded clay or pieces of charcoal of medium fraction can play its role.

During transplantation, you need to remove large leaves that can pick up nutrients. They are suitable for vegetative propagation.

Mr. Dachnik warns: errors in transplanting violets

Violet may die if transplanted incorrectly. Florists often make the following mistakes:

  • transplant into a pot with a diameter of more than 9 cm;
  • watering after landing in the center of the outlet;
  • too deep or shallow location (leads to rotting of the roots and weakening of the outlet, respectively);
  • use of non-sterilized soil contaminated with fungal spores or bacteria;
  • incorrect selection of substrate components;
  • the use of earth mixtures with an excess of nutrients.

The transplantation algorithm is simple, even a beginner in the field of floriculture can correctly execute it. The main thing is to find the right time to change the capacity and not to forget about the nutrient substrate.


Watch the video: Violet's Journey - Part four: Violet returns home. Boston Children's Hospital (October 2024).