Growing phlox from seeds


Phlox is a favorite of many generations of gardeners. The lush splendor of the colors of fragrant inflorescences pleases the eye, from May to September. The method of seed propagation is becoming popular. So you can grow your favorite varieties of not only annual phlox, but also perennials.

Growing annuals from seeds

The most popular annual species is Drummond Phlox. Long flowering hats of numerous shades from white to purple, from June to September, draws attention to the garden site.

There are two varieties: stellate and large-flowered. The first group includes such varieties as Constellation, Terry, Batons, Boy with a finger. To the second - Star rain, Milky Way, Scarlet stars.

Sowing annual phlox into the ground

In the open ground, phloxes are sown immediately as soon as the soil thaws. High flowerbeds located in partial shade are suitable for them. It is better to prepare a bed for sowing in the fall.

Under annual flowers, manure can not be made.

For 1 square. m beds add 1 bucket of compost and 200 g of lime, if the earth is loamy or peat, lime is increased to 300 g. All are thoroughly mixed with soil. Fissures are marked after 15-20 cm with a depth of 3-5 cm. In addition, Kemira universal fertilizer is added to each in the amount of 40 g per square meter. m. It is mixed with soil. Recess from a watering can with a small strainer. Immediately so that the earth does not dry out, begin sowing.

Seeds are laid out with a distance of 3-4 cm. You can sow randomly. Fall asleep with dry earth, sand, humus or compost and lightly compact. Covering material is pulled over the beds. It is removed during subsequent watering, then again returned to the place. The first shoots of seedlings will appear in 10-15 days. They withstand a short drying of the soil.

Planting and caring for seedlings of annual phlox

Favorite varieties, such as Finger-Boy, are grown by seedlings. It is necessary to sow in March. The containers are filled with ordinary sowing soil, spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Calcined river sand is poured on top.

If it is not saturated with moisture from the ground, spray before sowing.

Seeds are laid out in squeezed grooves with a depth of 3 mm with a distance of 2-3 cm. Planting is covered with a film and germinated in a shaded place, ensuring a temperature of + 18 ... +20 ° ะก. Sprouts hatch within 10-15 days.

Immediately after the emergence of seedlings open and put on the southwestern or southeastern windowsill. If the windows are facing the other side, a lamp is mounted above the seedlings for highlighting, which is turned on for the whole daylight hours. Seedlings are watered in the morning, wetting the top layer well. When the first true leaf appears, flowers are picked into pots of 5-6 cm in size. Dive plants can be taken out into a greenhouse or greenhouse, protecting additionally when cooling and freezing.

During seedling cultivation, it is fertilized with complex mineral mixtures of Kemira-luxury or Kemira-universal 2 g per 1 liter of water. Seedlings are watered under the root using ½ cup of fertilizing for 4-5 plants, then the same amount for 2-3 pots every 10 days.

In May, the seedlings are tempered by opening the windows for 2 weeks. Then it can be left in the open air for the whole day. In cold winds, lower temperatures and frosts, plantings are covered with non-woven material or brought into the room. At the end of the month, hardened seedlings are planted on permanent flower beds with a distance of 12-20 cm between the bushes.

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

Perennial phlox can also be grown from its seeds. This method is used to update awl-shaped varieties. To do this, in mid-September, collect boxes with ripened achenes. They clean and winy. Before sowing, store in a dry room.

Open sowing

Sow on the flower beds prepared in the fall in November-December on the frozen ground. Sowing produce a little thicker than spring. The seeds are sprinkled with earth stored in the barn, and covered with dry leaves or spruce branches on top.

During winter thaws, a uniform temperature will be maintained there, contributing to a better wintering.

If the snow has already fallen, it is swept away from the bed, seeds are scattered and also sprinkled with earth, and then a snow layer is thrown on top. In spring, after natural freezing and seedlings, phloxes are planted with a distance of 40-70 cm in permanent places.

Seeding for seedlings

Perennial phlox can be grown through seedlings. This is usually done for specialty varieties purchased at the store. They use soil with a high content of humus.

Prepared soil is poured into a container in which holes have been made at the bottom to drain excess moisture, and shed with Fitosporin (1 g per 1 liter of water). Seeds are laid out one at a time with a distance of 2-3 cm. Then they are covered with dry earth and placed for stratification in a cold place or on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 3 weeks. After this period, put in a sunny place and cover with a film until seedlings appear.

Moisture must be removed daily. The grown seedlings are watered when the top layer of the earth is dried. During the growth of 4 true leaves, they dive into separate cups measuring 5-6 m. During the cultivation, they need the same top dressing as the annual phlox.

In the last decade of May, prepared seedlings are planted in a permanent place with a distance between the bushes of 40-70 cm.


Watch the video: Phlox seed Germination- Grow Phlox Flowering Plant Easily - Part 1 (October 2024).