12 “not allowed” to consider when growing seedlings


So, what we need to consider in order to get excellent seedlings and, of course, the crop:

  1. DO NOT disinfect the seeds additionally, if they were processed in the factory by the manufacturer, this can lead to their death.
  2. DO NOT plant previously without disinfecting seeds purchased from private individuals or independently harvested.
  3. DO NOT purchase seeds from dubious sources - it is likely to receive goods of inadequate quality. When purchasing seeds in a package, special attention should be paid to the description of the variety, the availability of processing and the expiration date.
  4. For planting seeds, DO NOT take dense garden soil: in addition to being too dense for seeds, it may contain harmful bacteria. It is necessary to apply a specialized soil that has passed disinfection.
  5. DO NOT use any horrible containers, they must be suitable in volume, wall thickness and have the ability to create drainage.
  6. When planting seeds, DO NOT deepen them into the soil over long distances.
  7. DO NOT water the soil after sowing, because of this it will be washed, and the seeds will be carried deep into. Landings should only be sprayed from the spray gun.
  8. DO NOT sow seeds too close. In this case, the shoots will sprout densely and will be underdeveloped.
  9. DO NOT place a container with seedlings on the windowsill, as the air temperature there is not high enough, and the soil is usually 10 degrees colder than the outside air. Place the container in a warm place.
  10. DO NOT allow the topsoil to dry out, as seedlings will also dry out and will not germinate.
  11. DO NOT keep seedlings in the shade. She needs to provide an adequate level of lighting. The best place for this is the south windowsill. But in view of the fact that the daylight hours in spring are not long enough, it is recommended to provide seedlings with additional lighting, for example, to buy a phytolamp.
  12. DO NOT water the plantings with cold water, you need to use a well-maintained temperature of at least +22 degrees.

And finally, a few tips:

  • Seedlings should be dived after the appearance of two full-fledged leaves, after which it is necessary to protect the plantings from sunlight.
  • For two weeks, you need to harden the seedlings, for example, opening the window, gradually increasing the time of the influx of fresh air.
  • When planning planting plants in the ground, it should be remembered that slightly wilted seedlings are less susceptible to damage, while recently watered elastic stems break easily. It is better to water the seedlings after moving it to the main place of the future long-term location.


Watch the video: How To Bring Seeds Into The USA (October 2024).