Gelenium: landing and care, photo


Gelenium (lat. Helenium) - a perennial plant, distributed on the western coast of the United States, the family Asteraceae. Karl Linney first described the Helenium autumnale at the beginning of the 18th century, today 39 species are distinguished.

He gained his popularity for flowering in July and August. The garden fills with red, brown, golden yellow, blue "chrysanthemums".

Description of Gelenium

Has a straight stem branching from above, above 1.5 m, lanceolate leaves (oblong in shape with pointed ends), single inflorescences with oblong fruit or crowded. The root dies in the winter, but has processes that begin to appear in the spring from the ground.

Gelenium autumn and other species

ViewDescriptionLeavesFlowers, their diameter
(Helenium bigelovii)
Grows in North America, not common among gardeners. Grows to 80 cm. Flowering time - June-July.Lanceolate elongated at the edges.Median (tubular) brown, reed yellow.

6 cm

(Helenium vernalis)
About 1 m high, blooms closer to the end of May.

Median, like Bigelow, reed - orange.

7 cm

(Helenium hoopesii)
Grows up to 90 cm.

Flowering time as in Bigelow.

The same as the first two species, grayish-green.Single, have yellow shades.

From 8 to 9 cm.

(Helenium autumnale)
Quite popular, up to 1.6 m high. Woody stems. It blooms for 8 weeks, from July to September.The form is gear.

Reed yellow or reddish yellow, tubular - dark yellow.

7 cm

Varieties of Hybrid Guilenium: Rubinsverg and others

Hybrid (Helenium x hybridum) is a prefabricated species, the source of which is autumn. Rubinzwerg

GradeDescriptionFlowers / Flowering Time
RubinzwergPretty popular, 65 cm.


At the end of July.

CockadeUp to 1.2 m.

Tubular - brownish yellow, reed - red with a brown tint, the edge is yellow, but closer to the center the flowers turn red. Diameter 4.5 cm.

It lasts 6 weeks and starts in August.

Moerheim BeautyA popular variety. Up to 1, 2 m in height.

Blooming can be yellow, copper, red, golden, then, when opened, they become brownish-red.

July and November.

Selenium Gelenium: Step by Step

Seed germination is small. This plant is better propagated by leaf rosettes or division of the bush.

  1. You can sow seeds in the fall in the ground on a garden plot, or you can plant them in a pot or box in spring, but always after stratification (holding seeds in a humid environment for 2 weeks in the refrigerator), spread over the surface, wrap them in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator for six weeks.
  2. Then remove the bag, and move the box into a warm room up to +22 ° C, putting it under artificial lighting.
  3. When three leaves appear, you can plant.

Only special species should be grown from seeds, it is better to propagate already growing on the garden plot by dividing the bush, through the seeds the maternal features are not transmitted to the grown seedlings.

Planting Gelenium seedlings in the ground

Seedlings are planted in late May or early June, when there are no frosts at night. The earth will be neutral, with drainage, add compost to it, dig shovels on a bayonet, the size of the pit is slightly larger than the roots. Cockade

First, the seedlings are placed in a container of water, only the roots, then they are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other. After they sprinkle the earth with peat. Young geleniums can be planted on the shady or sunny side.

A plant grown from seeds will bloom no earlier than the second year.

The nuances of care for Gelenium

When the weather is hot outside, the plant must be abundantly watered, while avoiding stagnation of water. Gelenium does not like drought and overflow.

After watering, it is best to loosen the soil and remove weeds. Also during the summer you need to feed the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers.

In May, Effekton is well suited, during the flowering of Agricola-7 or Agricola-fantasy, and at the end of October, a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate is dissolved in a bucket, well shed with this solution. Before tying the buds, spray the drug Bud (10 g per bucket of water).

A sprouting plant in the spring every three years is best planted by dividing the bush. To make the helenium look more fluffy, pinch the tops of the stems, and for better flowering, withering inflorescences are cut off.

Harvesting and preparing for winter

They try to collect the fruits before the rains fall. If the tubular flowers turned black and darkened reed, then the seeds have ripened. Planting better sold in stores, collected from flowering plants on the site will not repeat the maternal characteristics of the variety.

In winter, plants are cut up to 15 cm from the ground, sprinkled with peat and covered with lurasil in order to save from snowy or frosty winter.

Rhizome transplantation and division

Once every five years you need to transplant and rejuvenate the bush, due to the division of the rhizome. Carefully dig up the plant and pull out, divide with a shovel into several parts. Plant in the holes 30 cm deep, after putting humus. Tamp the ground and water abundantly.

Sometimes gelenium is divided by digging around the edges and cutting with a shovel, in the center there is an untouched part, which in spring will begin to bloom and grow again.


Gelenium will not hurt if it is properly looked after.

ProblemSignsRepair methods
Chrysanthemum NematodesLeaves and stems acquire a brown shade, dry.Remove the affected areas, and sprinkle the earth with slaked lime or ground sulfur. It is better to water the plant.

Mr. Dachnik advises: the use of gelenium in landscape design

The planted plant near the buildings, next to the asters, in the flower beds in the background, so it grows tall. Moyerham Beauty

Cut for flower arrangements, well worth in a vase with water.


Watch the video: Гелениум посадка и уход в открытом грунте (October 2024).