Jacobin or Justice: Description, Care Tips


Jacobinia is a perennial herb native to South America. Justice is part of the Akantov family, whose species are characterized by rapid growth and a shrubby structure.

The genus is popular among indoor flower lovers because of its beauty.

Jacobin Description

Jacobinia reaches 1.5 m in height. The branched roots of justice include many small processes, the green-pink stalk is straight, and the reddish internodes are stiff. Most shoots have lateral processes. Lanceolate green leaves grow in pairs, covered with small veins and tubercles. The flowers represent tiered inflorescences, including rows of pink, red, white petals. Most often, buds open in February-March or autumn, depending on the species.

Types of Jacobin or Justice

The genus of justice includes a wide variety of species forms, each of which is characterized by its size and color of the flowers.

BrandegeReaches 80-100 cm.7 cm in length, green with a matte sheen, oval elongated shape.White, with yellow bracts. Blossom alternately, the inflorescence is 10 cm.
Meat redShrub 70-150 cm.15-20 cm, wavy, narrowed.Large, pink or red color. Forked bract purple.
YellowHeight - 45 cm.Ovoid dark green, located opposite.Yellow bifurcate towards the end. The inflorescences are dense.
IvolistnayaAmpelic view. 50-80 cm.3 cm in length. White whisk with a purple lip.
Gizbrecht100-150 cm. The internodes are densified, with a red tint.10-15 cm, ellipsoid, leathery.Bright red, dicotyledonous. Corolla - 4 cm.
Rizzini40-60 cm. Branched shoots.7 cm long, 2.5 cm wide.2 cm. Yellow with a red tint. The corolla tube is stained.
Pig-leaf120-150 cm. Almost on branches.Pointed to the ends, tough.4-6 cm, purple red. Inflorescences are apical.
CarthageAmpelic shrub 100 cm in height.3-5 cm. Gray-green, densely arranged.Small, white paint with purple spots. Pink-yellow bract.

Home Jacobin Care

For the good development of Jacobin, proper care is required, which depends on the time of year.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
LocationTake out to the balcony, to the greenhouse, garden or other open space. Protect from torrential rains, strong winds.Place the pot on the east or west side. Avoid drafts.
LightingCover with a thin cloth only in the afternoon sun. The flower withstands interaction with direct rays, so without unnecessary need not to shade.Extend daylight hours with fitolamps. If a lack of sun affects the flower, you can use fluorescent lamps.
Temperature+ 23 ... +28 ° С. Sudden swings are undesirable.+ 12 ... +17 ° С. Carries up to +7 ° C. If the temperature is lower, justice will die.
HumidityMore than 80%, spray at least 3 times every day.60-70 %.
WateringAbundant. Especially in hot weather, with warm, settled water as the soil dries.If the temperature does not drop, do not reduce. When lowering, reduce.
Top dressingMineral, organic fertilizers not more than 1 time in 13 days.Usually not used.
PruningIn spring, cut the shoots to half their size, leaving at least 3 internodes so that the plant does not stop blooming.Not carried out.

Rules and subtleties of plant transplantation

Jacobinia grows rapidly and needs to be transplanted every 2 years. Young need to be transplanted twice a year (in spring and summer). If the roots are shown from the holes at the bottom of the pot, then it is time to prepare a new container for the plant. It should be 10 cm in diameter larger than the previous one so that the root system feels comfortable. The substrate must be prepared from peat, humus, sand and compost. Potting soil can also be purchased at the store by adding perlite. Transplantation takes place in several stages:

  1. Cover the bottom of the new tank with expanded clay or pebbles, add soil on top.
  2. To get Jacobin, preliminary (in 30 minutes) to water.
  3. In advance with a disinfected knife, remove 1 cm from each root.
  4. Place the plant in a prepared pot. Spread the soil evenly by shaking the container 2 times.
  5. Water, shade for 3 days.
  6. After this period, the flower can be returned to its original place and resume ordinary care.

Seed cultivation and propagation by cuttings

To propagate Jacobin, you can use 2 methods: cuttings or seeds.

Justice seeds are small, black in color. Sowing period: February-April.

  1. Prepare small containers with a substrate including peat and sand.
  2. Lightly water the soil, plant seeds, sprinkled with soil.
  3. Cover with polyethylene or film from above, creating greenhouse conditions.
  4. Put in a well-lit place.
  5. The air temperature should not go beyond + 22 ... +25 ° С.
  6. Water as the soil dries, no more than 1 time per day.
  7. Subject to all conditions, the sprouts should appear in 5-7 days.
  8. When 3-4 leaves appear, transplant the Jacobin into a standard pot.

The second most effective and fastest method is vegetative in the spring:

  1. Prepare a substrate based on humus and peat.
  2. Using a disinfected knife, cut off the apical or lateral shoots.
  3. The appendage should be at least 8 cm long, with 2 internodes.
  4. Place the cuttings in separate containers, maintain the temperature + 18 ... +22 ° С.
  5. When justice forms the root system (2-3 weeks), sprouts sprout in standard pots.

Pests and possible problems of justice

During growth, Jacobinia can be attacked by insects and diseases:

SymptomCauseRepair methods
Leaves turn yellow.Jacobinia lacks nutrients, light, the soil is too damp.Reduce watering to 1 time in 4 days, add lighting using fitolamps.
Bracts turn black and rot.When watering, a certain amount of water is retained on them.Gently wipe the bracts with a dry cloth.
White translucent markings on a sheet plate.Burn.Shade or move from the light and increase the regularity of spraying.
Numerous white waxy clots, large oblong insects. Not growing.Mealybug.Remove wax and pest deposits, spray the bulb with an alcohol solution. Then use Actellik, Calypso.
Cavities on the leaf plate and stem, niknet, shoots and sprouts die off.Shield.Treat the plant with soap or lemon solution, water abundantly. After using Permethrin, Bi 58, Phosphamide, Methyl mercaptophos.
Leaves fall.Lack of moisture.Increase humidification and increase watering. Make sure that the substrate does not dry out.
Green little parasites on the leaves and shoots, Jacobinum ceases to grow.Aphid.Increase watering frequency and humidity. Use Intavir, Actofit.
White very small butterflies appear in the flower itself.WhiteflyUse Fitoverm or Actellik twice a week. Place syrup traps around the Jacobin.
Burgundy or orange circles on the leaves, a thick whitish cobweb throughout the plant.Spider mite.Spray at least 2 times in ducks until symptoms disappear. Use drugs Neoron, Omayt, Fitoverm.


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