Jatropha: description, types, growing at home


Jatropha is a herbaceous plant from the family Euphorbiaceae. There are more than 170 varieties of it in the world. Distribution area - America, Africa, India. In Russia, jatropha can be found exclusively in greenhouses or in collections of lovers of exotic flora.

Jatropha Description

A lignified stem in the shape of a bottle can reach 0.5 m in height at home growing conditions. In spring, flowering begins and lasts until the fall, in winter, before the onset of dormancy, the plant discards foliage.

The jatropha blossoms with bisexual, bright burgundy, orange or dark pink flowers. In order to bear fruit in the future, it is necessary to independently pollinate.

The fruits are triangular oval seeds up to 2.5 cm long.

Varieties of jatropha in the table

Many parts of the jatropha are poisonous, so no more than 5 types of exotic plants are common in home and greenhouse floriculture. Namely:

Gout (gouty)The trunk in shape resembles a Greek amphora and grows in height by 70 cm due to the peduncle. Small flowers of coral color, collected in umbrellas. Over time, the leaves change color from pale green to a dark matte hue.
KurkasIt is quite rare, grows more than 6 m tall. Due to its voluminous fruit, the second name is Barbados. Yellow flowers are collected in unusual inflorescences.
Whole extremeIt is represented by a bush or a tree up to 4 m small. Limitless options are possible in the formation of the crown, because the plant tolerates the pinch well. Inflorescences have a racemose shape, with careful care of the jatropha is capable of year-round flowering.
DissectedWhen kept at home, it looks like a small tropical palm tree. The leaves are divided into several lobes with a dark green, almost purple color.

Growing room jatropha

The plant is picky, but requires attention. Home care should be segregated according to rest period.

IndicatorSpring SummerAutumn winter
LightingIt is worth creating a shade from direct sunlight.Additional illumination is not required.
TemperatureFrom +19 ° C to +25 ° C.From + 13 ° C to +15 ° C.
WateringIn small portions, without overflow.Stop after leaf fall.
Top dressingOnce a month with fertilizers for succulents or cacti.At rest they do not produce.

Home Care for Gout Jutropha

Caring for this species requires more attention. Gout is bad for drafts and temperature extremes; putting it out on the balcony for the summer is not recommended. The main condition for care is proper watering. Since the plant has a stem that can store moisture, it can go without moisture for a long time. If you constantly and abundantly water the flower, the roots will begin to rot, as a result, it will die. Top dressing of this type also needs to be carried out with great care.

In winter, the gouty jatropha completely discards foliage, watering and feeding are canceled, and spring care is resumed.

An important condition is the quality of water for irrigation, it must be settled, at room temperature. Additional moisturizing is not required.

Jatropha transplant

When replanting a plant, it is important to take care of the size of the pot and the new soil. Suitable land for succulents or cacti. You can mix the following components yourself in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1, respectively:

  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • turf;
  • sand.

Expanded clay, brick chips, perlite are used as drainage.

The jatropha is transplanted in early spring, as soon as young leaves begin to appear, once every 3 years. At the same time, trying not to violate the integrity of the earthen coma. The transplant is completed by mulching the soil for the aquarium, small pebbles or stone chips.

Jatropha breeding

The plant is propagated in two ways:

  1. Cuttings - cut and placed in a growth stimulator. Planted in the ground, for the rooting period maintain a temperature of +30 ° C. They wait 4 weeks, then they are planted in permanent containers.
  2. Seeds - pre-conduct artificial pollination. After ripening, the plant scatters seeds, so the fruits are tied in gauze bags. Sowing is done on the soil surface, the container is closed with glass and cleaned in a warm room. The first sprouts will appear in 2 weeks.

Diseases and pests of jatropha

CausesManifestationsRemedial measures
Spider miteFoliage falls and turns yellow during off-season season.Treatment with insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Akarin).
ThripsFlowers are deformed and fall.Wash with warm water and treat with insecticides.
Root rotThe whole root system or its individual parts rot.Reduced watering intensity.


Watch the video: Top 8 Amazing Uses of Jatropha Seeds (September 2024).