Eonium: features of cultivation and care


Eonium treelike is a plant of the family Crassulaceae. This subtropical flower is native to Morocco. From there, it was introduced to the USA, Great Britain, Mexico, a number of southern European countries and Australia, where it can grow in open ground. In Russia, it is cultivated only in indoor conditions. The name from Latin "Aeonium" is translated as "eternal". Succulents are also called desert roses.

Eonium description

Under natural conditions, Eonium reaches a height of 2 m, in indoor - 40-90 cm. Fleshy spoon-shaped leaves 1.5-3 mm thick accumulate moisture. They grow up to 15 cm in length and 4.5 in width, often cover a thick stem. The surface of the sheet plates is glossy and even. Succulent branches with a section of up to 3 cm become stiff with time. The plant belongs to annual shrubs, dies after flowering. Only a specimen with several shoots can continue its life activity.

Peduncle straight with lateral branches, appears from the center of the outlet at the end of winter. At the end, inflorescences are formed in the form of a pyramidal brush with a diameter of 2 cm with a bright yellow color. Petals are small, elongated, triangular in shape. The roots are filiform and airy, highly branched.

Types and varieties of aeonium

There are over 70 varieties of succulents. The table shows indoor views with names and their main features that can be arranged in the original mix.

HomeBranched, with spade-like dark green leaves. Height is up to 30 cm. Stalks are bent up.
NobleSocket with a diameter of 50 cm on a short single stem. Leaf plates in the form of grooves, olive shade. Copper buds
DecorativeSpherical formation. In young specimens a light green color with a red border, in adults is almost completely scarlet. Inflorescences are light pink. It grows to 150 cm, the stem is covered with scars from fallen leaves downward.
BurhardRosettes up to 10 cm in size. The color is uneven: the central part is light green, the sidewalls are swampy and orange.
CanaryPerennial variety. Shovel-shaped plates, rounded. The shade is lime, on the surface are barely noticeable light villi. Border red-burgundy.
WavyOn a gray trunk with dark scars there are several shoots. Foliage with a wavy border, wide at the tips. The buds are dark yellow.
VirginiaGround cover grade. Rosettes with balsamic aroma are covered with soft villi. Their base is pink.
LonglineThe leaves are small, rounded, tightly adjacent to each other and arranged in tiers. Covered with soft pale setae.
SchwarzkopfArtificially cultivated variety with maroon color. Bordered by large white cilia.
LayeredA wide flattened outlet up to 50 cm in diameter grows almost from the ground. Inflorescences are pyramidal, rich yellow.
Haworth / QiwiBuds hanging, on one shoot there are 7 of them. Rosette gray-green with a red border and villi. It grows no more than 30 cm.
LindleyFrom March to April, beautiful golden buds bloom on it. Exudes a pleasant aroma. The trunk is woody, with a lot of shoots.
BalsamicIt has a characteristic odor and long solid branches with light green plates at the ends.
GoldenPerennial. The foliage is covered with red stripes that go along the center and edges. A stalk with many shoots.
Tree-likeSmall branches harden over time. Color light green, yellow flowers with a low tide.

Features of care for aeonium

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Lighting and locationPut on the southeast or south window. In a hot period, protect from burns, shade. It can be taken out to fresh air.Set on the south or southeast window in the brightest spot. Artificial illumination can not be.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° C, when kept on the street or balcony - not lower than +10 ° C at night.+ 10 ... +12 ° C. Allowed + 18 ... +20 ° C, but the plant will form less spectacular rosettes.
HumidityFeels good with humidity above 30%. Spray only when dust accumulates on foliage.
WateringWith the drying of almost all layers of soil. Direct the jet of water strictly along the edge of the pot, without touching the succulent itself.Reduce the frequency, moisturize no more than once every 2-4 weeks.
Top dressingAdd a mixture of cacti and succulents to the ground every 3 weeks during the period of active growth.Does not need.


You need to transplant the plant every year, when it comes to young specimens, or every 2-3 years when caring for adult aeoniums. Use a standard mixture, the method of preparation is described below. If rotten roots were noticed during transplantation, they need to be cut and sprinkled with ash, and more crushed charcoal should be added to the ground.

When changing the pot, the substrate can not be changed, but be sure to add the missing amount.

The soil

The mixture should be composed of the following components in a ratio of 2: 3: 2: 1:

  • humus;
  • river sand;
  • garden land;
  • crushed coal.

If these types of soil are difficult to find, you can buy ready-made soil for cacti or succulents. In the lower part of the pot, it is imperative to make good drainage of 7-8 cm, which will not allow fluid to stagnate.


Succulents propagated by division and seeds. For beginners in the field of floriculture, it is better to use the first option. To root the cuttings, you should:

  • Trim the top of the shoot with a rosette without damaging the leaves.
  • Sprinkle the mother bush in the place of the cut with ash, and then put in the shade. This will protect him from illness and death during the recovery period.
  • Prepare a container with a substrate of 2 parts sand and 1 part leaf humus. Create a drainage layer.
  • Seed the cuttings one at a time. Water abundantly, avoiding moisture on the stem itself.
  • Thoroughly moisten as the topsoil dries, watching for the release of excess fluid. Two weeks after the emergence of the roots, transplant into standard soil.

Using seeds to grow a flower is more difficult. Several pieces need to be slightly pressed into the prepared soil (the same components as when propagated by cuttings). Cover the pot with foil or place under a glass cover. Remove the film daily for ventilation, so that the sprouts do not rot, gently moisten the soil from the spray gun. Keep at a temperature of about +20 ° C. Seedlings after the appearance of the first leaf blades.

Problems with growing eonium

To avoid the above difficulties, it is enough to follow simple rules for home care, and also not to put new plants, possibly infected with pests, next to the succulent.

Illness or problemCauseDecision
White wax coating, growth retardation, leaf drying.Defeat mealybug due to the purchase of poor soil or a new flower.In case of slight damage, wash the foliage with soapy water or ethyl alcohol. Repeat every 4 days until the problem is completely resolved. With a large accumulation of pests, use Karbofos according to the instructions.
Change the bending of soft stems and leaf blades. Softening and wateriness of tissues.Late blight, developed due to excessive watering or high humidity.Remove rotten parts. If the entire root system is affected, reproduce using apical cuttings.
Loss of color brightness, slow development, unhealthy bending of shoots.FusariumTreat with Bayleton, Fundazole or Maxim. To place separately from other plants in dryness and heat. To clean the affected areas.
Spots on the foliage of a light or bored shade, gradually crusting.Anthrocnosis.At the initial stage of the lesion, cut off the formed spots with a sharp blade. If the disease has developed strongly, the plant will have to be thrown away.
Brown spotting in summer.Excessive lighting, sunburn.Humidify from a spray bottle, water, remove from the south window or shade.
Small weak sockets.Lack of pot space and nutrients.Transplant, add top dressing to the soil.
Leaf fall.In summer there is a lack of lighting, in winter there is an excess of moisture.Set watering mode. Put the pot in a lit place.

The healing properties of Eonium

Juice of Eonium treelike has antiseptic and wound healing properties. It activates the regeneration processes and stimulates the production of collagen, destroys pathogenic bacteria. Morocco residents use it to treat:

  • Glaucoma and cataracts. A solution with a small percentage of plant juice is instilled into the eyes three times a day until it improves.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin, corns. Abscesses and affected areas are lubricated with a succulent-based ointment or liquid with the addition of juice. The easiest option is to attach the sheet and fix it with bandages.
  • Dermatological diseases. With an allergic rash or acne, the flower soothes and relieves itching.
  • Diabetes mellitus. People with a tendency to this disease should eat 2 leaves every day.
  • Insect bites. When attacked by a tick, small parasites or mosquitoes, aeonium not only eliminates itching and redness, but also prevents infection of the wound.

You can not use a folk remedy without consulting a doctor. It can cause unforeseen side effects or allergic reactions. In European medicine and cosmetology, the therapeutic effect of the plant has not been studied.


Watch the video: How to Grow Aeonium Kiwi & Succulent plants A to Z (October 2024).