Agave: description, types, care of a houseplant


Agave is a perennial, a relative of haworthia, aloe and Mexican cactus. Belongs to the family of Asparagus, a subfamily of the Agavs.

Homeland is Mexico and the southern regions of the United States. It was imported to Europe from the mountainous American states. It is this variety that is cultivated around the world as an ornamental and medicinal plant. In Russia, the natural conditions for growth are the southern part of Crimea and the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus.

Agave Description

Agave is similar to aloe, but the leaves are wider, fleshy, make up one basal rosette; not soft spikes, but thorns are located on the edges. Some varieties have lignified trunks.

Color from blue to dark green and gray. There are species additionally dyed with white or yellow thin filament strips.

The sheets, wide or scalloped, end with a straight thin or slightly curved solid spike.

Agave blooms very rarely, but it is an unforgettable sight. A large inflorescence, similar to a candelabrum, is strewn with many small flowers, appears once every 10 years. The duration of flowering is about 2 months, then the plant gradually dies, but many root small offspring remain.

Varieties of Agave

There are about 300 different types of agave in the world. Most of them are found only in the natural habitat. At home, in greenhouses and rose gardens they grow a little more than 11.

View nameDescription
BlueIt is this variety that is used to make tequila. To do this, it is grown on a large scale in artificial conditions. In nature, the species is rare and its properties are fundamentally different from cultivated agave.
AmericanIn height up to 2 m, leaf span up to 3 m, inflorescence in the form of a panicle reaches 9 m. The flowers are yellow-green up to 10 cm. The leaves are lanceolate with curved notches. Blossoms and bears fruit once every 10 years, then dies, leaving stepsons.
YellowedThe stem is maximally shortened, leaves up to 2 m long, 20 cm wide at the root base. The spike at their end is strong, solid, sharp. Decorativeness is created by a yellow fringing.
StripedLinear, narrow, up to 70 cm long leaves, about 0.7 cm wide at the base. The color is grayish-green with several dark green stripes. The ends of the plant have a very sharp brown spike, so it is not suitable for pot growing.
CompressedIt looks like a striped variety, but the color is solid. With age, it expands greatly, several maternal spherical outlets appear. Peduncle grows up to 2.5 m. The most decorative variety of agave.
Queen VictoriaBest suited for growing at home. As an adult, it reaches 60 cm and does not grow anymore. The color is saturated green, with light oblique stripes. Grown as a large succulent, with the same temperature and lighting.
TumiDecorative perennial. With careful care, it grows, but, in general, retains its compact size about 70 cm. Small spines up to 1 cm at the ends of the leaves. White long threads hang on the edges.

Most cultivated varieties are still quite impressive in size, so they are suitable for growing in parks, squares, gardens, etc. But specimens up to 60-70 cm are used as a houseplant, installed on window sills and balconies.

Agave Home Growing Conditions

Agave is unpretentious, perfect for breeding at home. But the necessary minimum of attention will still be required.

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Lighting.Natural.Need backlight.
Temperature.Not more than +28 ° C.Not less than +18 ° C.
Watering.Two times per week.1 time per month.
Top dressing.During the growing season 1 time per month.Rest period.

When leaving, the following factors are additionally taken into account:

  1. Succulents, including agave, perfectly tolerate direct rays and scattered sunlight.
  2. Backlighting in winter is carried out only if the plant is on the north side.
  3. Air stagnation is harmful, in the summertime the agave is transferred to the balcony, and in the winter they organize regular airing.
  4. At temperatures below + 10 ° C dies.
  5. The flower does not tolerate moisture well - it is not sprayed, water is not left in the pan, it is not placed next to humidifiers.
  6. When watering, moisture is fed directly to the roots, getting it into the outlet will cause decay.
  7. Fertilizers and solutions for succulents or cacti are used for top dressing.

It is important to remember that in winter the plant has a long dormant period, therefore at this time it is not fed, not moved and rarely watered.

Correct transplant

Agave should not be transplanted too often, the plant can not tolerate the procedure, for a long time "sick". A small plant is transplanted every year, after 3 years of age, only when changing the pot. Do it exclusively in the spring.

It is important to choose the right soil. Buy mixtures for succulents, palm trees or dracaena. Or cook it yourself, mixing in the proportions 3: 1: 1 the following components:

  • sod-clay substrate;
  • sheet earth;
  • sand.

The soil should be loose and sod. Additionally, a small handful of fine charcoal, bone meal and lime is added. This will help disinfect the earth.

When landing, observe the following rules:

  1. A small plant is transplanted every year, and after 3 years of age, only when changing the pot.
  2. The root neck is not buried in the ground.
  3. During flowering, the agave is not transplanted, it will not have the strength to recover.
  4. Young shoots take root from a few weeks to a month.
  5. Do not forget about drainage - about 3 cm of expanded clay (broken brick) is laid on the bottom of the pot.

The capacity for transplanting the plants is selected square, with parameters one to one, always with holes for drainage. The pot should be "outgrowth", slightly larger than the plant itself.

Breeding methods

Indoor agave blooms very rarely, so there is practically no chance of waiting for seeds. But if you managed to get a seed, the process of growing from it a beautiful full-fledged plant will be very long and time consuming.

There are two more simple ways of propagating agave at home. You can conduct them yourself without seeds:

  1. Cuttings from rhizomes. They are obtained during transplantation, pruning from the mother plant. An important condition is that the shoot must have at least 1 kidney. After the cut, it is dried for several hours, then planted.
  2. Root and stem children. When stepsons appear, they are separated by a sharp blade. Before planting, dry for 24 hours. Watering is carried out no earlier than 3 days later.

Using the healing properties of agave

The complete chemical composition of the plant at different ages and under different growing conditions has not been studied. For the treatment of various diseases using juice and pulp of agave leaves not younger than 3 years of age.

The healing properties of succulents are used for:

  1. Almost all problems of the digestive tract, to improve the digestive tract.
  2. Respiratory diseases.
  3. Skin diseases.
  4. Problems in the genitourinary system.
  5. Frostbite, swelling, burns.
  6. Overweight as a cleanser.

The main contraindications are pregnancy, child feeding, allergic reactions. Official medicine on an industrial scale receives a hormonal contraceptive from succulent leaves.

Agave is quite unpretentious, rarely sick, and practically does not need watering. With the right choice, it will become a worthy decoration of a home collection of plants or will be useful in the treatment of various diseases.


Watch the video: Caring for an Agave Plant Agave parryi (October 2024).