Aspidistra: types, home care


Aspidistra is a genus of plants of the asparagus family, numbering 8 species. Refers to the order of asparagus, class monocotyledonous. This is a perennial grassy plant deprived of a stem with a developed root system and a leaf height of about 55 cm. In an indoor environment, a high aspidistra has spread. It has a very slow growth.


Aspidistra belongs to the most ancient cultures. Its homeland is the tropical lands of East Asia. In the writings dating back to the Wei era, descriptions of the plant are found. Prefers shaded places. Long evolution gave the culture increased endurance, combined with high adaptability, for which the aspidistra is sometimes called the cast-iron flower. The iron lady also has another name - "pointer of snakes" ("pointer of an asp", - "flower", which shows a creeping snake). Under this nickname, it is known to the general public due to the ability of leaves to sway when in contact with the bodies of reptiles. Another name - "Friendly family", due to the developed root shoots. Aspidistra

From the point of view of science, "large leaves" are actually shoots. "Real Leaves" resemble scales and are needed by the aspidistra to ensure the germination of shoots.

Flowering in the home is a rarity. Flowers with a very short peduncle are located on the rhizome, almost on the ground, and do not represent decorative value. Blossom only one day. In the wild - during the monsoon rains - in January-March. At room conditions, the aspidistra can please with flowers in winter, spring or summer.

Master florists often use an aspidistra when composing wedding bouquets. In its broad and decorative leaves, which have remained attractive for a long time, often blooming plants that cannot boast of their greenery are folded. Bouquet compositions are used to decorate bridesmaids dresses, holiday photos, as well as halls for special receptions. Special artificial textile ribbons imitating the texture of aspidistra sheets are popular.

Prices are affordable. For example, the price for an Elidior aspidistra is in the range of 2000-3500 rubles.

Types for indoor cultivation

It is believed that the presence of aspidistra in the home interior is a good omen, since the plant adds strength to the character, protects its owner from gossip and helps to resist harmful temptations. Like an asaya palm, spathiphyllum or dieffenbachia carries an extremely positive energy.

In the wild, there are approximately 90-100 species of aspidistra.

For indoor cultivation, the following varieties have spread:

View nameLeaf featuresgeneral description
High, ElatorDark green glossy large, forming a dense crown resembling a waterfall. In shape resemble the leaves of lily of the valley 50 to 15 cm in size.Snake-shaped rhizome. The flowers are brown-raspberry or brown-yellow. The berry contains only one seed.
VariegataThe surface is covered with white longitudinal stripes of various widths.Small bush no more than 50 cm. Requires careful care.
Milky WayLarge dark green, covered with white dots and spots without a definite shape.This is one of the most famous variants of variegated (variegated) aspidistra. Resistant to drought and low temperatures. Flowering occurs in late winter - early spring. Single flowers.
AmanogawaIn the center there are white dots, the edges are crowned with wide yellow stripes.Derived from the Milky Way aspidistra.
Fuji no Mine (“Snow Cap”)Wide, dark green, with lighter stripes on the sides. The top is decorated with a white “hat”, which, according to Japanese breeders, resembles the top of the legendary Mount “Fuji”.Large variety. White tips appear only in an adult plant.
Ginga JointLarge, spotty.The most shade-loving variety. Frost resistant. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 ° C.
BroadleafHas longitudinal wide white stripes.Gentle culture. Blossoms from February to March.
Yellow hammer

(Yellow hammer)

The greens are decorated with an abundance of creamy yellow spots.This is the most colorful look.
OblanceoliaNarrow green, the width does not exceed 3 cm.The plant is not tall, reaching no more than 60 cm. It blooms in early spring. The flowers are small, red.
Nagano StarDecorated with small yellow speckled stars.Gained fame for its ability to bloom. It blooms brightly and abundantly, the flowers are reddish. The usual time is February.
Spider ManSmall, without spots.With all its appearance it resembles a spider. Petioles are cobwebs, and purple flowers look like representatives of arachnids.
Giant sprayA feature is the presence of large greenish yellow spots.Bred in Taiwan.
Snow-white crownLong dark green, with white wide stripesThe pattern appears by the 3rd year of life.
Morning sunAs if “shaded” by narrow whitish-cream rays.Decorative plants increase with age. A large pot is needed for growth.
SichuanGreen, plain.It blooms from January to March. Inflorescences resemble a bell of 6 petals.
GuanjouDark green with yellow spots up to 20 cm long.It blooms in May. The buds are purple or violet.
Large floweredSmooth, ellipsoidal with contrasting spots.The flowers are purple. Blooms in mid-summer, rarely. The diameter of the opened flower can be 5 cm.
AttenuateReverse ovoid shape, dark green with slight interspersed.The rhizome is creeping. It does not require special care. At the beginning of summer, a small (3 cm) purple flower may appear.

Room care

Home care involves following a few simple rules:

  • The best place is in the back of the room.
  • Acceptable temperature - + 18 ... + 25 ° С.
  • Aspidistra does not like drafts.
  • Fading and darkening leaves indicate hypothermia or sharp fluctuations in air temperature.
  • The plant does not tolerate dryness and excess moisture. It is believed that "it is better to under-fill than to fill."
  • It should be watered regularly using softened water (with a reduced content of chlorine and calcium ions).
  • Useful is spraying with clean water. Dust should be removed with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • The best time for feeding is between April and October. Universal complex fertilizers have proven themselves well.

Seasonal plant care

SeasonLocation / Lighting / HumidificationTemperature / WateringTop dressing
WinterPrefers a shadow, feels great away from windows, better from the north.
If light spots appear on the leaves, then the plant needs sunlight, the level of lighting needs to be increased.
Wipe the leaves as they become dirty. 1 spraying per week.
+ 16 ° C.
Once a week.
Not produced.
Spring+ 18 ° C.
1 time in 6 days.
Depending on the variety. From 1 time in 2-3 weeks to 1 time in 6-7 weeks. Mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used.
Summer+ 20 ° С ... + 22 ° С.
1 time in 5 days.
Autumn+ 18 ° C.
1 time in 6 days.
Not produced.

Pot selection, soil, planting, transplant

Aspidistra loves light, fertile, slightly acidic or neutral soil. Deciduous soil with an admixture of peat possesses such properties. The optimal composition of the soil can be done independently by mixing river sand, turf, sheet soil and dung humus in a ratio of 1: 2: 2: 2.

Due to the fact that the plant does not tolerate transplantation, as it has delicate roots, it is recommended to make it only if necessary. When the pot for the plant really becomes small. Recommended time is mid-spring. It is better to transplant only young plants, without clearing the roots of the old soil. The new flowerpot should be 4-5 hours ahead of the old in diameter. It is better to transplant no more than once every 3-4 years, placing a thick layer of drainage at the bottom.

Step-by-step transplantation looks like this:

  • A layer of soil is poured into the pot for drainage.
  • In order to avoid injury to the roots, the plant is transplanted by transshipment, it is not recommended to destroy the earthen lump.
  • After the flower is covered with soil. Accidentally damaged roots are sprinkled with charcoal.
  • The roots should not be deepened, the root neck should be left on the surface.

It is better to put the pot with the plant on a stand, not very high, in order to prevent the cooling of the ground and roots. Sometimes baskets are made for these purposes.


The plant needs periodic pruning of old and damaged leaves in order to prevent diseases and maintain a healthy look. Leaves are cut off at the rhizome itself.

Pruning improves the overall condition of the aspidistra, maintains its attractiveness and stimulates the growth of new leaves.


Aspidistra propagated by seed, dividing the bush and through the leaves:

  • Sedentary small flowers in the form of pink or purple bells are located singly above the surface of the earth. Their diameter does not exceed 2.5 cm. After pollination, rounded fruits are formed, which, after full ripening, give seeds. Seed can be used for subsequent plant growth. Aspidista with this variant of reproduction will grow for many years. The method is used to produce new varieties.
  • Division of the bush is the most convenient way of reproduction. To do this, in March, the rhizome is cut into pieces by rosetting, with 3-5 leaves on each outlet. In order to avoid rotting, the sections are sprinkled with charcoal, and then planted in small pots, which are recommended to be moderately watered at a temperature of + 18- + 20 ° С in the first week. A bush with fewer than 8 leaves is prohibited to propagate by division.
  • To use the leaf as a means of propagation, it must be cut off by removing the stalk before compaction in the base. The base of the sheet plate is placed in a jar of water, covered with a film and left in a warm, bright place. After about 12-14 days, white roots appear on the sheet. In the event that he has begun to rot, and there are still no roots, it is necessary to cut off the rotted part, replace the water and repeat the procedure. The emergence of roots can be accelerated by adding a growth stimulator to the water. After this, the leaf can be planted in the soil, covering it with a transparent glass.

Mistakes in care, diseases, pests

Root rotExcess moisture, activation of the pathogen fungus.Withering and yellowing of leaves. The appearance on the rhizome of dark brown spots and white fluffy plaque.Removing diseased roots, treating “wounds” with ashes, reducing the irrigation regime, using soil drainage.
Red spider web
Lack of moisture, attack by insect pests.Browning of leaves, the appearance of pale spots and on the back of leaves of cobwebs.Weekly spraying with soapy water or insecticides, scabs can be collected manually (adult scabs are highly resistant to insecticides). Increase watering frequency.
Palm scaleYellowing and falling of leaves, the appearance of small insects on them, as well as brown spots on the lower side along the veins.
Non-infectious chlorosis
Watering with poor quality water.Leaves begin to turn yellow. Green color loses brightness and fades. Leaf turgor persists.Fertilizing with complex fertilizers and watering with clean water.
Infectious ChlorosisThe defeat of the plant by an infectious agent.Swift yellowing of the leaves.The disease is not treated. The plant is destroyed.
SunburnExposure to direct sunlight.The appearance of brown spots.Transfer plants to a shaded area.
Lack of developmentLack of nitrogen fertilizers.Extremely slow growth.The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers into the soil.
Water scarcityDry air against a background of high temperature indoors.Decrease in the tenor, withering and yellowing of leaves, drying of their tips.Spraying a plant, changing the frequency of watering. Moving to a cooler room.
Loss of leaves colorLack of light.Blanching of leaves, loss of their characteristic color.The increase in the intensity of diffused lighting.
Excess fertilizer.Selection of fertilizers and fertilizing frequency.
Excess moisture in the soilFrequent wateringLeaves darken and become lethargic.Removing excess water from the pan, reducing the frequency of watering.
Aphid attackActivation of the insect pest.Accumulations of insects appear on young leaves. Leaves lose their shape and dry out.Treatment of plants with insecticides, including preparations containing permethrin.
Leaf spottingFrequent watering, infection with a pathogen fungus.The appearance of brown spots on the leaves, surrounded by a yellow halo.Removing diseased leaves, reducing the frequency of watering, the use of fungicidal preparations.

Medicinal properties, application

The benefit from the use of aspidistra preparations is determined by the presence of bioactive substances in its composition. Alkaloids have bactericidal properties, stimulate blood flow, promoting resorption of hematomas.

Medicinal decoctions are used in the treatment of periodontitis, tonsillitis, cystitis, gastrointestinal diseases. The leaves of the plant are recommended to chew with bleeding gums. Juice is able to quickly stop bleeding. It is also used to treat bruising or open wounds.

The use of medicines based on it, in order to avoid harm to health, is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a physician.


Watch the video: Aspidistra Care Instructions (September 2024).