What is the best time to plant tulips?


In the spring to get a flower garden rich in tender buds, it is worth planting tulips in the fall. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to be a professional florist, it is enough to simply take into account some rules of planting and caring for plants.

Outdoor landing

Like hyacinths, lilies, daffodils and a number of other bulb plants, tulips are planted in autumn. Planted at this time, they undergo a kind of cold hardening, take root and get used to the natural environment.

In addition, there are optimal parameters for temperature, humidity and tillage, which should be followed when planting. The result will be healthy peduncles of the correct form with large bright buds. If everything is done correctly, then their flowering will begin earlier, and they will last longer.

Seed selection and preparation

You can get material for planting in one of several ways:

  • Dig up the roots annually as soon as the tulips completely bloom. This avoids their excessive deepening and grinding. Maintain the temperature for storing tubers not lower than + 25ºС, which is necessary for the formation of a full-fledged flower arrow.
  • Buy new ones. In this case, you need to check their integrity, the absence of unnatural inclusions, rot and other signs of the disease. They should be covered with brown husk, which protects the seed from damage. In addition, in a healthy plant, in the period before planting, only the bud of the stem is slightly visible, and the root part is dry, hard and without growing roots.

In any case, it is worth planting whole whole bulbs, and it is best that they have a sufficient size, about 3-5 cm in diameter. Small ones will not give color, and large ones are designed for non-seasonal cultivation at home.

It is also important to prepare them for planting in the flower garden. To do this, use a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or a special drug, such as Fitosporin, in which the tuber is placed for a short time. This allows you to neutralize bacteria that can cause the disease in the plant, and disinfects it as much as possible.

Landing time

Separately, it is necessary to indicate the optimal timing for planting tulips. There cannot be accuracy here, since it is worth considering several factors at the same time:

  • The air temperature should not be lower than + 15ºС during the day and + 5ºС at night, and in the soil stratum about 10 cm deep - do not fall below the + 10ºС mark.
  • Weather changes. It is better to plant plants taking into account possible frosts, so that they have at least a month to root.
  • In this case, the cooling period is mandatory so that substances useful for development begin to form in the rhizomes. Suitable weather conditions should contribute to the rooting of the tulip, but at the same time not to allow it to grow to frost.

Also, the time of tulip planting directly depends on the climate in the region:

  • in the middle lane, passing at the level of Moscow Region, you can start from September 20-30;
  • in the south and in the Volga region with this you can wait until October;
  • for the Leningrad Region and the Urals, planting operations should begin from the first autumn days;
  • Siberia’s harsh climate requires landing in mid-August.

In addition, you should take into account the variability of the weather, and cover the plantings with foliage or spruce branches, protecting from frost. Favorable terms for gardening to choose based on air temperature in a certain period.



The location of tulips significantly affects their growth. Choosing the place of their landing, it is worth adhering to the following rules:

  • a well-lit, not shaded area contributes to the appearance of peduncles of the correct form with strong stems and bright color;
  • the wind can break off the stems;
  • independently make a drain for water from under the rhizome, drainage of 2-3 cm of sand under it.

The best option for placing the beds will be the south side near the tree, house or any building that will not obscure it.

In addition, it is worth choosing the right companions for tulips, which will not need to be regularly watered. You can take other bulbous or drought tolerant plants that draw moisture from the ground, such as alyssum or paniculata swish.

If you take this issue seriously, you can start preparing a small plan for the location of the future flower garden. This will allow annually changing the design of their own land and diversify its appearance.

The soil

Tulips are extremely capricious plants that require a neutral or slightly alkaline environment for normal development. And most importantly, it should be loose and permeable.

Hence, tips for improving the soil before planting:

  • alumina is too heavy, therefore it is diluted with sand, which also drains excess moisture from under the roots;
  • increased land acidity suggests the need to breed it with chalk or slaked lime, 0.2-0.5 kg per 1 m2;
  • additionally fertilize the soil with seasoned humus, ash and various special means;
  • carefully dig the flower garden to a depth of 25-30 cm a month before planting;
  • Directly at the landing, water the wells only if the weather is dry, otherwise watering is optional.

Fertilizing a land plot involves the use of the following funds per 1 m2 of soil:

  • as an organic source of potassium and phosphorus - wood ash, about 100-150 g;
  • 2 buckets of rotten manure or compost for 2-3 years;
  • 40-50 g of superphosphate;
  • 20-30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 25 g of ammonium nitrate.

It is permissible to use medicinal preparations, such as Fundazole, against fungal bacteria that treat the land surface no more than once every 3-4 years.

At any stage of planting or caring for flower stalks, you should refrain from using fresh manure or fertilizers containing chlorine, which can burn the spine.

Methods of planting in open ground

When placing tulips, you can plant them in a strip near the tracks, in a circle or in a semicircle, in the form of any other figure. But here there are several basic principles from which we should proceed when forming a flower garden:

  • Organization of full-fledged flower beds. Landing takes place directly in the land stratum, which is previously subjected to special processing and cultivation.

  • Use of a container, basket or box in free form or dug in black soil. This simplifies the process of growing and creating optimal conditions for this. Protects from parasites, makes digging minimally traumatic for onions.
  • Longline planting is their location at different levels. To do this, it is convenient to use a tub or a large pot and start working with the largest rhizomes, which are placed almost at the bottom, and then placed in decreasing order.

Planting scheme: depth, the distance between the bulbs

The scheme for planting tulips involves the formation of rows or holes in such a way that the plants are at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other and no closer than 25 cm from other objects. sand, and previously removed chernozem.

They can not be too pressed into the soil, but you need to place down the bottom, from which the root will grow.

The depth of tulip planting depends on their variety and the diameter of the onions, and should be three times their size.

On average, these are the following parameters:

  • children up to 3 cm are located no lower than 5-10 cm in depth, usually not strong and give a small color, therefore they grow better on the edge of the flower bed;
  • medium ones go from 10-15 cm and are the most optimal for beautiful flowers;
  • large extra-class bulbs, from 5 cm in size, are planted from 15 cm, as they are taller, therefore more space will be required.

The latter are also used for distillation in room conditions, with the acceleration of their growth for quick color. This allows you to get a beautiful bouquet for the New Year or the first spring holidays.

Step-by-step instruction

The cultivation of tulips begins with their planting in open ground. This work, in turn, can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Choose a place for a flower garden, a month before planting, carefully dig and fertilize it, simultaneously removing weeds.
  2. In dry weather, water the flower beds for several days to establish biological equilibrium in them.
  3. A day to choose a sunny and calm, taking into account the weather and recommendations when it is worth planting bulbs.
  4. Select healthy onions and soak them for 30-40 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Remove the topsoil and form holes or trenches.
  6. In the absence of rainfall, dry the soil with a small amount of water.
  7. If necessary, pour a little sand, ash, lime into the bottom of the pit.
  8. Put the bulbs on the bottom without pressing them.
  9. Fill with loose black soil from above and smooth the surface with a rake.
  10. Mark the place of planting with sticks, you can fill it with dry leaves or peat for the winter.
  11. In an arid climate, watering is required a week after planting.
  12. To grow strong healthy plants, you need to wrap the flower garden with fabric tarpaulins, cinquefoil or dry grass in case of frost.

Mr. Summer resident informs: Landing errors, how to protect yourself from rodents?

When planting tulips, everyone may encounter some mistakes in caring for these delicate plants in the open field.

Among the most common are the following:

  • late planting of onions makes them vulnerable to the first frost, rhizomes do not have time to form and gain a foothold;
  • if planted too early, the hatching sprout will die from the cold or be clogged with weeds in the spring;
  • spring planting makes them painful, small and dull, no matter whether it is Dutch, peony, terry, or any other of the varieties;
  • the use of damaged, infected rhizomes that infect healthy plants;
  • improper deepening of the holes provokes their freezing or prolonged sleep with growth retardation.

Onions can be stored in any conditions, but for complete safety it is worth considering that they can become a treat for mice and rats.

If a handful of sleeping tubers can still be protected from an attempt, then planted in the ground, they become vulnerable.

To avoid rodent damage, a number of measures are taken:

  • tulips are surrounded by daffodils, hazel grouse, black root and other plants that repel mice;
  • treat planting material with kerosene, ground red pepper;
  • use baskets for planting, limiting access to rhizomes;
  • other pest control methods are used.

If everything is done right at the first stages, when planting tulips, then you can get beautiful bright buds, as in the best photos of glossy magazines.


Watch the video: Planting Tulips in DECEMBER!!! (October 2024).