Landing Tui: tips and tricks for landing and care


Thuja is a bright representative of the coniferous family of the Cypress. This is a widespread, beautiful, evergreen plant. Due to its excellent decorative qualities, it was called the “royal tree”. Many gardeners decorate their personal plots with this plant, and it is also very popular among landscape designers.

This plant is called the “tree of life" because of its healing properties. In addition to the fact that many medicines for various purposes are made from it, the aroma of this tree is also healing. Therefore, a walk in the garden, where thuja grows, has a beneficial effect on the body.

A visitor from North America (widespread in East Asia), thuja has perfectly taken root in the climatic conditions of the middle zone, due to its unpretentiousness, some species can withstand even severe frosts. These plants are ideal for arranging hedges, often used to create beautiful landscape compositions. To provide the necessary care for the thuja in the open ground, it does not require a large investment of time and effort.

Thuja Description

These evergreens are shrubs or trees. In nature, several species are common. Under natural conditions, specimens up to 70 m high and crown diameters up to 6 m are found. Ornamental varieties in gardens of the middle strip have a maximum height of 10 m, some up to 20 m. The crown diameter reaches 2.5 m.

Thuja belongs to the genus of gymnosperm conifers. Flat seeds with two wings are 1-2 pieces in oblong or oval scaly cones. Ripen by the fall. Seeds containing seed are in the middle of the crown; in those that grow closer to the apex of the thuja, there are no seeds.

The leaves in young plants are needle-shaped, soft, light green in color, and in adults - dark green, scaly, lighter on the lower side than on the upper. In some varieties, a brownish tint appears in winter. They are soft to the touch, almost not pricked.

The bark of the trunks in young specimens has a reddish-brown smooth surface, and with age it begins to delaminate, depart in stripes and acquires a grayish tint. The root system is developed, superficial.

Thuja, undemanding to special conditions, grows well in cities with polluted air, easily tolerates frosts. It is widely used to create topiary compositions. It can be given various forms, pruning has a beneficial effect on her health.

Varieties of thuja

Thuja has various forms:

  • columnar (conical or pyramidal);
  • spherical;
  • dwarf.

There are five types in total:

  • western - the most unpretentious and resistant to frost, most often cultivated in the middle lane, a large variety variety;
  • Korean - frost-resistant, does not tolerate dry seasons, grows well only in green areas, the crown is pyramidal, needles soft, lush, from green to whitish color, with a citrus-coniferous aroma;
  • Japanese - slowly growing, the maximum height of the bushes is up to 5 m, the crown is sprawling, soft, the color is pale green with silver tones, frost-resistant (but does not tolerate winter), does not like drought;
  • folded - long-lived (500-600 years), belongs to the largest representatives of the arborvitae, in nature some trees grow up to 70 m, with a trunk diameter of about 2 m, ornamental species grow up to 15-20 m, the crown is thick, pyramidal;
  • eastern - whimsical in care, popular because of its decorativeness, very heat-loving, does not tolerate cold weather, prefers rocky soils, a crown of light green color.

Thuja varieties

Of these five, more than 120 varieties are bred.

These are mainly representatives of the western thuja. The most common in the gardens and parks of the middle lane:

Smagard. The crown is cone-shaped, the plant is squat, up to 4-6 m high and up to 2 m wide. The arrangement of branches is vertical, the distance between them is significant, the branching is small. The color of needles is from green to golden. It is distinguished by rapid growth, unpretentiousness, even inexperienced gardeners can easily grow this variety.
DanicaSlowly growing variety bred in Denmark. Dwarf spherical plant. Depending on the variety, the needles can be grassy or bright golden in winter with a brown tint. Grows to 80 cm, diameter 1 m.
BrabantA fast-growing variety, best suited for hedges. Cone-shaped, height 15-20 m, crown diameter up to 4 m, green needles, reddish bark. Photophilous plant, tolerates excess moisture, but there is no resistance to frost.
WoodwardiDwarf slow-growing variety, can reach a maximum height of up to 2.5 m, crown width up to 3 m. It withstands frost, heat, adverse environmental urban conditions. A beautiful strong plant with dense dark green needles.

Thuja planting in the open ground

It is not so difficult to grow thuja, even a beginner can cope with it. To get healthy beautiful plants, you need to take care of the following in advance:

  • evaluate the general view of the site, lighting (the presence of tall trees), proximity to other plants, find a suitable place;
  • take into account climatic conditions and the type of soil;
  • determine the season;
  • choose healthy seedlings;
  • to land according to the rules;
  • provide the necessary care.

Choice of seedlings and planting conditions

Young thuja are usually sold in container containers, in burlap with soil. By some signs, it is already possible to determine in advance how viable they are and how they take root in a new place. By the way, plants 3-4 years old are better accepted and grow faster, they can overtake those who are already 5-6 years old in growth.

When examining the seedlings, you need to pay attention to such points:

  • if the crown is lush, has a uniform color, then the roots are in order, such an instance will take place in a new place faster;
  • the color of the needles is different shades of green or golden, if it is brown, then the plant is not healthy, lacks nutrients;
  • better when the crown of the seedling is symmetrical;
  • the trunk should be intact;
  • the needles of a healthy plant do not crumble: it is possible to check whether a plant is alive by squeezing the needles in the palm of your hand - if it is straightened right away when it is released, then the seedling is all right;
  • the soil must be moist, because when the roots are in a dry state for a long time, the plant may not be taken;
  • it is better, as far as possible, to check the rhizomes, which should be with juicy, healthy, white-pink shoots (brown and soft to the touch already rot due to improper watering).

Dates of landing thuja

There is no exact date, you need to choose depending on the climate conditions in the region. The appropriate time depends on how early spring arrives or autumn frost sets in. You can plant from spring to autumn, observing the correct conditions for a particular season.

Spring planting is recommended, since during this period activation of the growth of roots and processes begins, which allows the plant to take up quickly, and for the entire warm period the thuja has time to grow stronger. In spring, you need to land in March-April, when steady warm weather occurs in the region.

If planting is done in the summer, then you need to ensure regular watering, to prevent drying of the soil, the best time is in August.

In autumn, you need to calculate the period so that the plant has time to begin to steady frost.

  • The middle strip and the Moscow Region - no later than mid-October;
  • Southern - November;
  • Ural and Siberia - the end of September.


If you immediately find a suitable place for a thuja in the garden, then in the future you will not have to spend much time on additional care for it - watering, fighting yellowing and shedding needles.

Things to consider when choosing a place:

  • the site should be well-lit, but protected from direct sunlight, only half-shaded is allowed, the shadow has a bad effect on the development of the arborvitae;
  • in the vicinity of large trees with roots that have grown in width, you cannot plant this one, because they will act overwhelmingly, taking useful substances from the soil;
  • she does not like the neighborhood with asters, peonies;
  • does not tolerate drafts, it is necessary to choose windless areas;
  • these conifers adore moisture, but react negatively to stagnation of water at the roots, so they choose places where the groundwater level is not closer than 1 m to the surface.

Thuja can be planted nearby in the form of a hedge, the distance between them should be 50-60 cm.

The soil

Suitable soil should consist of turf soil, peat (2: 1), to which humus can be added (1), and in the case of leafy soil, to the last I add peat, sand, humus (2: 1: 2: 3).

Additionally, the mixture is enriched with superphosphate or nitroammophos - about 3 handfuls, be sure to mix everything well so that the fertilizer does not burn the root system.

Landing rules

  1. Pre-prepare the landing pit. At the bottom, a drainage layer (10-15 cm or more) is made of broken brick, crushed stone, expanded clay. Then fall asleep with a prepared fertile mixture.
  2. Half an hour before planting, thuja is watered with a rooting stimulant - in addition to the benefits for the root system, this will allow you to gently get the earthen lump out of the container.
  3. You can take out the plant from the tank only when everything is ready for planting. Because its roots dry quickly and the thuja may not be accepted.
  4. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit with soil in order to further avoid its large subsidence.
  5. The thuja is placed in the soil so that its basal neck is 3-4 cm above the ground level - this is a reserve for subsidence of the soil. After it aligns with the surface.

Too high or deepened position of the root of the neck.

  1. Around the seedling, the rest of the nutrient soil is covered and watered. After subsidence of the soil, add even flush with the surface.
  2. The landing site is mulched with compost or wood chips. They should not touch the trunk, otherwise the tree will block.

Thuja care in the open ground

If the landing is done correctly, then further care for the arborvitae will not require much time. While the plant is taken it is regularly watered. Young (10 L), adult (50 L), morning or evening.

Periodically, the earth around the thuja is loosened and weeds are removed, very carefully, its roots are not deep.

The next top dressing is carried out six months after planting, and then enough seasonal spring. Use fertilizer for conifers.

In the spring they carry out sanitary pruning of branches, and in the fall - decorative.

Winter Thuja

At the end of autumn, still immature young plants are covered from frost with spruce, burlap. Adult trees do not shelter, but only mulch the roots, adding peat and laying coniferous branches. Tie the branches to the trunk so that they do not break off under the weight of the snow. Release in the spring.

Pests and diseases

Thuja is sometimes affected by pests and suffers from diseases:

DefeatRemedial measures

For prophylaxis, Istra is treated, Carcocide. In case of infection: Hom.

Aphids, false shieldsSprayed with Decis, Karbofos.
Thuja hive, leafwormActellik is used, after 2 weeks it is re-processed.


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