Pelley - home care, photo


Pelleta (Pellaea) is a perennial fern, a representative of the Sinopteridaceae family. The homeland of the pellet, depending on the type of plant, is the tropics and subtropics of India and China, the dry mountain regions of South America, South Africa and even New Zealand.

The plant is a rosette of curved leaves. They are also called wiami. Depending on the type of fern, leaves can be pinnate, rounded or more elongated.

New leaves of the pelvic fern grow annually, replacing the dying old ones. The growth rate is average. In indoor conditions it grows to a height of 25-40 cm. Like all ferns, the plant does not bloom.

Average growth rate. Leaves grow in spring and summer.
The fern pellet does not bloom.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of the pellet

Ferns well clean the air in the room, absorb dust, formaldehyde and other harmful substances from furniture, flooring, walls, etc. It is believed that if you place the plant next to a computer, microwave or TV, it will reduce the intensity of electromagnetic radiation.

Important! The pellet is not toxic, but some people may develop an allergy to fern spores.

Pellaea: home care. Briefly

TemperatureModerate. Summer 20-25 aboutC. Winter 13-15 aboutFROM.
Air humidityPrefers dry rather than moist air.
LightingBright diffused light. It is necessary to shelter from direct sunlight.
WateringModerate. Between watering the top layer of the earth should dry. In winter, watering is limited.
PrimingA suitable option is a special soil for ferns, which allows air and water to pass through well.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of growth of the pellet at home, it needs regular feeding every 20-30 days. The dose is reduced by 2 times compared with the recommended manufacturer.
TransferYoung seedlings are transplanted annually, adult plants - when the roots completely fill the space of the pot.
BreedingBy dividing a bush or rhizome during a transplant. A more laborious method of breeding is spore propagation.
Growing FeaturesRhizome grows, it needs to be regularly divided. Old plant leaves are removed. Dust collected on the surface is brushed off with a brush.

Pellaea: home care. In detail

It is believed that growing pellet at home is quite simple. This is one of the most unpretentious ferns. It is necessary to maintain optimal humidity and monitor the condition of the soil.

Blooming pellet

Homemade pellet is a fern. Such plants reproduce vegetatively or by spores and do not bloom.

Temperature mode

Pellet does not tolerate heat. The maximum temperature in summer should not exceed 20-23 aboutC (cooler at night). While it is warm outside, the plant can be carried out into the open air (onto a balcony or garden), shaded from the sun.

In winter, make sure that the ambient temperature does not drop below 10 aboutC. The most suitable conditions for this season are 13-15 aboutFROM.

Spraying fern pellet

At home, the pellet fern prefers dry air. This differs from other representatives of ferns. It responds well to periodic spraying with soft water. It is especially important to monitor air humidity in winter when central heating batteries are running. In winter conditions above 18 aboutC, as well as in the summer heat, the plant is sprayed daily.

One way to maintain humidity is by grouping. Several plants are planted in a group next to each other. Around such a composition, the air has a higher humidity than around a free-standing plant. When grouping, you need to be careful and monitor the fragile fern leaves. The plant needs a place.


Pellaea does not tolerate strong shading or bright sunlight. In the shade, it grows slowly, its leaves darken. From strong light, tender leaves curl and turn yellow. The fern feels comfortable in diffused light on a western, northern or eastern window. From direct sunlight, the plant must be shaded with a translucent fabric or paper.

Watering the fern pellet

Between waterings, such a time interval is maintained that the top layer of the earth dries out. In the summer 2-3 times a week. Overmoistening of an earthen coma, especially in winter, threatens to rot the roots. In winter, watered no more than 1 time per week.

Instead of the traditional top watering, the immersion method is used: the pot with the plant is immersed in a container of water to the soil level and left for several minutes. Then take out and allow to drain excess water.

Interesting! Pellet can be watered with hard water.

Pellet pot

Due to the structural nature of the root system, ferns are best grown in low wide pots. It is possible to place a plant in different ways. For example, install it in a hanging basket. Pellet does not like too large pots and is slowly growing.

Advice! So that the roots do not decay, there must be a drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.

Soil for fern pellet

Neutral or slightly alkaline. Ready soil for ferns from a specialized store is suitable. The main condition - the earth must be loose, it is good to pass air and water to the roots.

Suitable soil can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to take peat and sheet land in equal proportions, add charcoal as a baking powder. Sphagnum moss added to the soil retains moisture and gradually gives it to the roots. To obtain an alkaline reaction, crushed limestone or dolomite is added to the ground.

If you pour water on the tap with tap water, which has a slightly alkaline reaction, additional liming of the soil is not required.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

A mandatory step in the care of a pellet at home is regular feeding. During the period of active vegetation, that is, from spring to autumn, the plant is fertilized with complex liquid preparations for ferns or decorative foliage. Frequency of top dressing - once every 3-4 weeks.

For full growth, a pellet is enough for half the dose recommended by the manufacturer of the drug. Fern responds well to organic dressing. For example, mullein. In winter, the plant is not fed.

Pellet transplant

Young plants are transplanted every year. A new container is selected so that it is 1.5-2 cm wider than the previous one. Ferns do not like frequent transplants. Therefore, it is carried out in the most gentle way - transshipment with the preservation of the old earth coma.

At the bottom of a new pot, drainage is necessarily poured. Then the plant is established and the spaces between the roots and walls of the pot are filled with earth. After the procedure, the fern is watered and put in the shade for 5-7 days for adaptation.

When transplanting, you need to ensure that the top of the stem remains above the soil level.


Dried old leaves are regularly removed.

Rest period

There is no pronounced period of rest. The plant is decorative all year round. From October to February, reduce watering, do not feed and regulate air humidity by spraying.

Growing pellets from spores

Reproduction by spores on the underside of the leaf is a rather laborious process:

  1. The collected dry spores are distributed in a thin layer on the surface of the previously prepared soil.
  2. The container is covered with glass or film and placed in a shady place. The temperature is maintained at a level of 20-22 aboutFROM.
  3. After the appearance of green growths, the soil is periodically watered abundantly. You can immerse the pot in water for a while, so that the water seeps through the drainage holes in the pot and covers the sprouts.
  4. Seedlings that appear after fertilization are grown and planted in separate pots.

Pellet reproduction by division

During the spring transplant, several parts are separated from a large adult rhizome with a sharp knife. Small plants are planted in separate pots to the same depth as they grew. The container is covered with a film. Optimum temperature adaptation to new conditions 21-23 aboutC. Also, a pellet can be propagated by dividing the bush according to a similar algorithm.

Diseases and Pests

The main problems and difficulties encountered in breeding pellets, and their causes:

  • The leaves of the pellet turn yellow - waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to reduce watering.
  • Pelley wilts - Too wet soil at low temperature. An earthen lump does not have time to dry between waterings.
  • The ends of the leaves of the pellet turn yellow and dry - air is too dry. You need to spray the plant or move it to a wetter room. For example, in the kitchen. Leaves may wrinkle and fall off due to overdrying of the soil or too high ambient temperature.
  • The leaves of the pellet turn yellow, turn pale, their edges curl - too bright lighting. It is necessary to pritenit from the direct sun or rearrange on another window. Bright light can provoke a sunburn on the leaves, then yellow spots appear on them, which subsequently turn brown.
  • The leaves of the pellet darken, the plant stretches - not enough lighting.

Of the pests, the pellet is affected by a spider mite, mealybug, scabbard and aphids.

Types of homemade pellets with photos and names

Pelaea rotundifolia (Pellaea rotundifolia)

A small fern with curved leaves up to 30 cm long. Shiny leaves are arranged in pairs along the stem. Young leaflets are rounded. As they grow, they become oval. The rhizome is creeping.

Pellaea green (Pellaea viridis)

More similar to other ferns. Light green leaves with a narrow lanceolate shape. With age, the leaves darken. The rods are black. The length of the leaves reaches 50 cm. The width of the waya is up to 20 cm. The rhizome is creeping.

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