Eucalyptus Japanese indoor - home care, photo


Japanese euonymus(Euonymus japonica) - A fast-growing, evergreen shrub with leathery leaves. Depending on the variety, the leaf plates may be green, with a white or golden border. The flowers are small, white-green in color, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, do not represent decorative value. The flowering period is in the middle of summer.

Only adult plants can bloom and then quite rarely. The fruits are four-celled boxes. In indoor conditions, the height of the plant does not exceed 1 meter, in nature it can reach 6 meters or more. It has a high life expectancy, while requiring annual trimming and periodic rejuvenation. It has a pronounced resting period.

Growing fast. For one season, the plant adds 10-20 cm in growth.
Blooms very rarely and only adults.
The plant is easy to grow.
Perennial. Rejuvenate every 3-4 years.

Useful properties of euonymus

In indoor floriculture, the euonymus is appreciated for its high decorative qualities. It is used for decorating residential and office premises. The juice of the plant contains toxic substances. Therefore, when working with him, you must use gloves.

Care for euonymus at home. Briefly

Euonymus at home requires the following care:

TemperatureIn the summer + 18-20 ° С, in the winter + 2-4 ° С.
Air humidityDense leaves easily withstand dry air. But when the heating is turned on, spraying may be required.
LightingBright diffused light, without direct sunlight.
WateringAs the earth coma dries up. In winter, limited.
PrimingA mixture of turf land with humus with the addition of sand or perlite.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of intensive growth, every 3-4 weeks with any complex fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants.
Euonymus transplantAs you grow. Usually once a year.
BreedingPropagated by cuttings of green and semi-lignified shoots. For rooting, use light peat soil or clean sand.
Features of growing euonymus.In winter, the plant needs to create a dormant period at low temperatures. To maintain shape in the spring, it requires trimming.

Care for euonymus at home. In detail

Like any other indoor plant, home euonymus requires some care. It will be able to fully grow and bloom only if appropriate conditions are created.

Spindle tree bloom

The euonymus flower blooms extremely rarely at home. To book flower buds, he needs a cold period of at least 2 months. You can create the necessary conditions on an ice-free loggia or porch. The main thing is that the temperature does not rise above + 10 ° and does not fall below + 2 °.

Japanese euonymus bloom can also be stimulated by the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the period of intensive growth. At rest, the plant can not be fed.

Temperature mode

Eucalyptus at home requires maintaining moderate temperatures. The plant can respond to a sharp drop by dropping leaves. It grows best at temperatures from +22 to + 25 ° C.

In winter, a Japanese euonymus should be placed on cool windows, away from heating radiators.


When caring for euonymus at home, you should remember about the need for spraying. It is especially important on hot summer days and during the heating season. For spraying use settled water at room temperature. Otherwise, limescale will constantly form on the leaves.

Spraying is useful to alternate with a warm shower. It will not only clean the surface of the leaves from pollution, but also prevent the appearance of pests.


For successful development, euonymus requires bright, but diffuse lighting. He feels best of all on the windows of eastern and western orientation. When placed on the south side, it will have to be shaded. With a lack of lighting, the brightness of the leaves is lost, they gradually begin to turn yellow and disappear.


During periods of intensive growth, euonymus requires abundant watering. At the same time, acidification of the soil substrate should not be allowed, which can lead to the death of the plant. It is optimal if the topsoil dries out a little between waterings.

With a cold wintering, watering is sharply limited. Watering is carried out only after complete drying of the soil.

Euonymus pot

For growing euonymus, plastic and clay pots are suitable. The main thing is that their size matches the size of the root system.

A transplant from a small to too large tank is fraught with acidification of the soil and death of the plant.

Euonymus soil

The spindle tree does not show special requirements for soil. A sufficiently nutritious, loose substrate is suitable for its cultivation. For example, you can use soil made up of equal parts of humus, peat and sand with the addition of 2 parts of turf land.

You can also purchase a ready-made industrial substrate for growing decorative and deciduous houseplants.

Top dressing

Japanese euonymus is fed only during the period of intensive growth. To do this, use complex organo-mineral fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants.

It should be bred in full accordance with the attached annotation.

Top dressing is applied once a week. During dormancy, fertilizers are not used.

Euonymus transplant

Young euonymus plants need an annual transplant. Adult specimens transship as needed. To do this, they are gently shaken out of the old pot. Then carefully inspect the root system.

All old and rotten sections of the roots are cut with a sharp knife or scissors. When transplanting at the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer is necessarily created and the presence of holes for the drainage of excess water is checked.


Pruning of euonymus is carried out in early spring. Her goal is to get a thicker crown. To do this, remove the tops of the elongated shoots. After that, 2-3 new shoots grow at the cut site. During pruning, the plant can also be given various shapes.

Spindle-tree breeding

Euonymus can be propagated both seed and vegetatively.

Propagation of the euonymus by cuttings

For cuttings from the plant, young, non-lignified shoots up to 5 cm long are cut. Before planting, it is recommended to treat them with a root stimulant. For example, you can use "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin."

For planting cuttings, a two-layer substrate is used. Its lower layer is made up of clean river sand, the upper one is from fertile, loose soil. The rooting process can last up to 1.5 months. After the plants start to grow, they must be nipped.

Growing euonymus from seeds

In the summer, seed reproduction can also be used. Since euonymus seeds are tight-like before planting, they must be stratified at a temperature of 0 to + 2 ° C for 2-3 months. The readiness of seeds for planting is determined by cracking the skin.

After that, they must be cleaned of the remnants of the covering peel and etched in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. For sowing, loose, moisture-resistant soil is used. As soon as the seedlings reach a height of 3-4 cm they are dived into separate containers.

Diseases and Pests

When growing euonymus, a number of problems can arise:

  • Eucalyptus shoots are extended. This problem occurs when there is a lack of lighting.
  • The leaves are fading. With an excess of sunlight, the leaf plates fade.
  • The edges of the leaves of the euonymus are wrapped. Observed when placing the plant in the sun.
  • The leaves turn yellow and fall when the plant is filled. Without taking appropriate measures in the future, it dies.
  • Euonymus does not grow with excessive watering and constant stagnation of moisture.

Of the pests, the spider mite, scutellum, mealybug and aphid most often affect the euonymus. To combat them, it is recommended to use systemic insecticides.

Popular varieties of euonymus of Japanese indoor with names and photos

The following grades of euonymus are most often used in indoor floriculture:

Latifolius albomarginatus

It is characterized by dark green sheet plates with a wide light border.


Greenish-yellow leaves with a green border.


Saturated green leaves with a narrow white border.


The middle of the leaf blades is yellow, the edges are green.

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Watch the video: Eucalyptus as garden tree (June 2024).