Muraiya - growing and care at home, photo species


Muraya (Murraya) - a perennial evergreen shrub of the Rutov family, found in nature in Japan, China, India and the Pacific Islands, living more than 150 years and reaching a height of 7 m. In a temperate climate, the plant is cultivated as a houseplant. The homeland of muraya is the tropical region of Southeast Asia.

At home, the shrub can grow up to 1.5 m in height. Its trunks and shoots are highly branched, covered with smooth yellowish-gray bark. The juicy green foliage is medium-sized and very dense, has an oval shape and a glossy surface. The flowers are small milky white, collected in panicled inflorescences. In shape, they look like orange flowers. After flowering, juicy red-brown fruit-berries appear on the bushes.

See also how to grow a lemon tree at home.

Low growth rate.
It blooms in summer and autumn.
Easy to grow plant.

The beneficial properties of muraya

The phytoncids contained in the foliage of muraya have antiseptic properties, they perfectly clean the air of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Lovely fragrant flowers of the plant increase mood, create a feeling of joy and lightness in the house.

Blooming muraya will decorate any room, whether it be a children's room or a study, and its wonderful aroma will help to cheer up, clarify thoughts and feelings, activate mental activity.

Muraya paniculata. A photo

Muraya: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn the summer months, about + 25 ° C, in winter about + 17 ° C.
Air humidityModerate, in heat - increased.
LightingBright diffused with shading from direct sunlight.
WateringIn the warm season, plentiful (up to 1-2 times a week), in winter - as the soil dries.
Murai soilLoose, nutritious, well-drained. A mixture of turf and sheet land, sand (perlite) and peat (humus) in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5 is suitable.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active growth, any complex composition 1-2 times a month.
Muraya transplantYoung plants - every year, adults - every 2-3 years.
BreedingFresh seeds or cuttings.
FeaturesMuraya at home can be used to create bonsai. With any method of growing shrubs need regular shaping and sanitary pruning. In the summer months, you can take the plant to fresh air by placing a flower pot in partial shade.

Muraya: home care. In detail

Flowering murai

The flowering period usually occurs in the summer and autumn months. At this time, a lot of small fragrant flowers bloom on the plant with milky white petals, long greenish stamens and a bright yellow pestle.

The life span of each flower is about 3 days, then in its place appears a juicy rounded fruit with a reddish-brown skin. The fruits of muraya are edible: their flesh has a sweetish piquant taste.

Lack of flowering

Only adult muraya bushes bloom. However, it happens that a plant bought in a flower shop does not bloom, even after reaching adulthood. Most likely this muraya is of Dutch selection, it is practically impossible to wait for flowering from it at home. It’s easier to get a new plant by growing it from a seed or cuttings from a variety that really blooms in room conditions.

Temperature mode

At home, the Muraya plant prefers high air temperature (about + 25 ° C) in the summer months, and moderate heat (about + 17 ° C) in the winter. In the hot season, it is necessary to provide increased air humidity.


Muraiya feels quite comfortable with moderate and even low humidity, typical of urban apartments. However, she is also responsive to spraying foliage. The procedure is carried out as necessary, using a finely divided atomizer and soft water at room temperature.

The plant can also sometimes be bathed in a warm shower.


For active development and regular flowering, muraye needs bright diffused light, so it is best to keep the pot with the plant on the south window, be sure to shade the foliage in the hot midday hours from direct sunlight.

Watering Murai

It is necessary to water Muraya during the period of active vegetation very abundantly, constantly keeping the soil in the pot moist. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to the minimum possible, but even at this time they do not allow a strong overdrying of an earthen coma.

Muraya pot

The container for growing muraya is chosen to be quite spacious for the root system of the plant, but by the time of flowering the roots should fill most of the pot (when the muraye pot is small, it blooms much more readily). The containers in which large specimens grow must be heavy and stable enough so that the plants do not fall.


Domestic muraya grows well and develops in a loose nutrient substrate. It can be prepared independently by mixing sheet and turf soil with sand (perlite) and peat (humus) in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5.

Industrial soil for decorative flowering plants is also suitable.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Feeding of muraya is carried out during the period of its active growth not more than 1-2 times a month, if this is not urgently needed. As a fertilizer, it is recommended to use liquid complex formulations intended for indoor plants. Muraya responds well to the alternation of organic and mineral nutrition.


In the first three years of life, the bushes are transplanted annually in spring in pots of a suitable size. Muraya transplantation at an older age may be less frequent - every 2-3 years.

In older instances, you can only update the topsoil.


Home care for muraya must necessarily include regular shaping and sanitary pruning. During the procedure, elongated apical shoots are removed to give the crown density and splendor. If you grow murayuu as a tree, then she should gradually trim the unnecessary lower branches to their entire length.

The flower's decoration suffers greatly if shoots with buds and inflorescences are removed, therefore pruning is best done after the flowers fall off. The miniature varieties of muraya do not need to be trimmed, but the crown formation procedure is generally tolerated painlessly.

Rest period

Muraiya does not have a regular expressed rest period, but it can occur involuntarily: when daylight shortens with the advent of winter. At this time, the plant should be moved to a cool room with an air temperature of about + 15 ° C, providing it with good lighting (so that the shoots do not stretch out) and regular very moderate watering.

Growing Muraya from Seeds

Muraiya at home is easily propagated by fresh seeds. After collection, they are first soaked in warm water to increase germination, and then they are immediately planted in individual pots, buried by 1.5 cm in the soil. The containers are covered with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions.

Shoots appear unevenly after 1-1.5 months. When the seedlings appear above the ground, the pots with them are transferred to a bright place, after another month they can be fed with complex fertilizer. The grown young plants, on which 5-6 true leaflets are formed, are transplanted into larger pots and then they are looked after as adults.

Propagation of muraya by cuttings

It is not easy, but possible to grow a new plant from the cuttings of muraya. A shrub is cutted in spring, cutting off semi-lignified apical shoots without buds and flowers about 8 cm long. Cuttings are rooted in a moist substrate consisting of peat and sand (perlite). To speed up the root system buildup, you can pre-process the cut points with root.

Rooting is difficult and can last several weeks. If after 1-1.5 months the stem has begun to grow young leaves and new shoots, it means that it has successfully taken root, and after a couple of weeks it can be transplanted into an individual pot.

Diseases and Pests

Muraiya is quite unpretentious, but some problems for gardeners when growing it can still occur:

  • lower leaves of muraya turn yellow and fall off usually in very adult specimens - this is a natural process of aging. Deep pruning can help rejuvenate the plant.
  • The edges of the leaves of Muraya if the plant is burned in direct sunlight. Such leaves must be removed so that they do not spoil the appearance of the plant, in the future it must be shaded from the midday sun.
  • Muraya leaves turn yellow with a lack of nutrients (in particular, iron and magnesium). The plant should be fed with a special complex fertilizer.
  • Leaves are light green with insufficient lighting or with depletion of food reserves in the soil. Muraiu needs to be fed and moved to a more lighted room.
  • The leaves and buds of muraya fall, if the irrigation regime is violated, and this may relate to excess moisture and its lack. The frequency and volume of irrigation must be brought to optimal.
  • New shoots are thin in poor lighting or plant nutrition. The problem is solved by fertilizing and moving the plant closer to the light source.
  • Muraya roots rot - This is a serious disease - root rot. It makes sense to treat it only in the initial stages: all affected areas must be cut off, healthy roots should be sprayed or washed in a fungicide solution. Sprinkle the places of slices with crushed coal, after which the plant is transplanted into fresh soil. For some time, murayu needs to be kept in the shade so that she "returns to life" after the procedures.

Pests can also damage the health and appearance of plants, among them: spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, scale insects, mealybugs. Modern insecticides help get rid of them.

Types of home muraya with photos and names

Murraya paniculata (Murray paniculata), Murraya exotic, "orange jasmine" (Murraya paniculata, Murraya exotica)

All names refer to the same variety - the common muraiya, the most common in indoor floriculture. The adult plant is an evergreen, highly branched bush up to 1.5 m high. Its lignified shoots are covered with many rather large oval leaves with a glossy surface of a bright green hue.

During flowering, small single milky-white flowers appear in the inflorescences of the corymbal shape on the tops of the stems. They exude an intense, but very delicate and pleasant aroma, similar to the aroma of citrus fruits. It is because of the shape and smell of flowers that the plant is also called orange jasmine.

Muraiya is self-pollinated, a few days after the flower blossoms, a small fruit-berry forms in its place, the skin of which becomes red-brown as it ripens. The berries of the plant can be eaten: their taste is sweetish piquant.

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Watch the video: Care of Marwa Murraya Plant. Seedling,flowering,cutting Season (October 2024).