

Photo sansevieria

Sansevieria is a stemless evergreen plant from the Asparagus family. In vivo grows in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. It is characterized by long erect leaves of variegated color. The average growth rate is 3-4 leaves per year. The total height of the plant can reach 1 meter.

With a sufficient level of illumination, the sansevieria plant blooms. Peduncle appears in the spring. The flowers are small, white in color and have a pleasant vanilla aroma. Each outlet blooms only once. Popularly, the plant is also known as the pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue.

The average growth rate is 3-4 leaves per year.
Peduncle appears in the spring. Sansevieria flowers are small, white.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Beneficial features

A photo

Sansevieria perfectly cleans the air of various harmful impurities. In particular, it effectively removes benzene and trichlorethylene. To significantly improve the ecological situation, only 2-3 medium-sized plants are sufficient. They can be placed in any room except the bedroom. The pike tail also releases phytoncides, which destroy pathogens.

The long leaves of a plant are often called the "mother tongue." According to some superstitions, they encourage people to gossip. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. The plant has the ability to clean the surrounding space from various negatives, helps to achieve goals, develops entrepreneurship in people.

Sansevieria Hanni. A photo

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Sansevieria at home requires some care:

Temperature modeModerate year-round temperatures ranging from +16 to + 25 °.
Air humidityNo special requirements. Easy to put up with dry air.
LightingSpecies with variegated leaves require bright diffused lighting. Greenleafs tolerate light shading.
WateringModerate as the soil dries.
PrimingLoose, nutritious soil with a large drainage layer.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn periods of intensive growth, any universal fertilizer for decorative and deciduous.
TransferAs it grows, no more than 1 time per year.
BreedingDivision of overgrown plants and leaf.
Growing FeaturesRequires regular leaf cleaning.

Care for sansevieria at home. In detail

Even a schoolboy will cope with its cultivation.


At home, the "pike tail" blooms quite often. Its flowers are not very beautiful, but they have a pleasant spicy aroma. Inflorescences open in the evening, and close again in the morning. To achieve the flowering of sansevieria, it is necessary to create a period of rest.

To do this, the flower is rearranged in a cool place and watering is sharply limited. After a month of rest, the pike tail is returned to heat, and watering is resumed.

Temperature mode

Home sansevieria grows well at temperatures from +16 to + 25 °. In the summer, she tolerates heat very well, without requiring additional care. In winter, the plant is able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature to +10.

Prolonged cooling will result in root rot.


Spraying the pike tail is not required. The plant tolerates dry air. In some cases, it can even provoke decay of rosettes and leaves.


Sansevieria is cylindrical. A photo

Home plant It can be grown both in direct sunlight and in diffuse lighting. The plant feels great on the windows of south-west and south-east orientation. With a sufficient level of illumination, the variegated forms of the pike tail form strong, large leaves with intense color.

Green leaf varieties can be successfully grown in the back of the room. So that the growth of such plants does not stop, they are put out 2-3 times a year on a sunny well-lit place for about a month. During this time, they manage to form several new leaves.


Abundant watering for "mother-in-law's tongue" is harmful. It very quickly leads to decay of the root system. In the summer heat, one plentiful watering once a week is enough for a plant. In winter, once a month. In this case, one should focus on the degree of drying of the soil. From watering to watering, the soil should dry out almost completely.

Irrigation water should not accumulate in the center of the outlet. It is especially important to monitor this in the winter. Accumulated cool moisture will quickly lead to decay of the leaves. Water for irrigation should be soft, room temperature.


The large xiphoid leaves of the pike tail have the ability to quickly accumulate dust on their surface. Therefore, once 2-3 weeks, the leaves must be wiped with a soft, damp cloth.

Also, if necessary, the plant can arrange a warm shower.


The root system of "mother-in-law's tongue" grows strongly in breadth, and not in depth. Therefore, for its landing, it is best to choose wide, but not deep containers. Pots can be both plastic and ceramic.


Pike tail is grown in loose, sufficiently nutritious soil. It can be prepared from equal parts of leaf and turf land with the addition of 2 parts of pure river sand.

You can also use a ready-made substrate for growing cacti and succulents. At the same time, drainage should be at least a third of the total volume of the pot.

Top dressing

With correctly formulated soil substrate, pike tail fertilizers are not required. If it is necessary to maintain a weakened plant or stimulate growth, universal dressings for decorative and deciduous crops are used.

They are brought in full accordance with the attached instructions no more than 1-2 times a month during a period of intensive growth.

The use of fertilizers in the winter is not recommended.

Sansevieria transplant

Adult pike tail plants are transplanted no more than once every 2-3 years. The signal for the transplant is the roots protruding from the pot. If it is necessary that the flower does not grow in breadth, then choose a pot of smaller diameter. At the same time, the outlets that have grown in different directions during the transplant are cut off with a sharp knife.

Powerful roots very often tear apart the thin plastic of the pot, so it is better to use ceramic containers for transplanting. Large, overgrown plants after transplantation must be tied to any support. If this is not done, the plant may roll over or fall out of the pot.


The pike tail does not need special pruning. Only old, diseased and damaged leaves are removed. They are carefully cut out at the very base. After pruning, the plant is not watered for 2-3 days.

Rest period

The plant "Mother-in-law's tongue" has no pronounced dormant period. When creating favorable conditions, it develops throughout the year. In some cases, for example, a cold wintering is simply arranged for the plant to stimulate flowering.

Can I leave the Pike Tail without leaving on vacation?

Going on vacation, the plant is watered a little more than usual and removed from the sunny windowsill. After that, it will be able to withstand without watering a month or more.


It can be propagated by seed and vegetative means.

Growing Sansevieria from Seeds

Seed breeding "pike tail" is rarely used. Its seeds can not be found in the free market. But you can try to get them from your own plant. Fruit pods. Immediately after collection, they are dried, the seeds themselves are removed immediately before sowing.

For their landing, wide containers filled with wet sand are used. After sowing, they are covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm, well-lit place. Germination may take several months.

Reproduction of sansevieria by division of rhizomes

The easiest and most affordable way. Overgrown plants are simply divided into separate rosettes. Reproduction by division can be combined with a planned transplant, during which the rhizome is cut into several viable parts.

Leaf propagation

Reproduction of the pike tail is possible with a whole leaf or part thereof. The sheet or fragments thereof are planted in wet sand and covered with a plastic bag. After about 2 months, young plants begin to grow from them. After the development of 2-3 leaves, rosettes are planted in separate containers.

Diseases and Pests

In most cases, when growing a pike tail, there are no difficulties. But sometimes the following problems may still occur:

  • Dark spots on the leaves appear in low light conditions.
  • Yellow and brown spots are the result of fungal infection. Progression of pathogens begins with an increased level of humidity.
  • Root decay occurs with waterlogging and lack of drainage.
  • Sluggish leaves appear when kept in cold conditions.
  • Leaves become pale. The plant suffers from a lack of lighting. The pot must be moved closer to the light source.
  • The edges of the leaves turn yellow and dry sansevieria. The flower suffers from excessive watering. Its root system begins to die off gradually.
  • Neck decay in the absence of waterlogging is a consequence of too cold content. The plant should be rearranged in a warmer place with a temperature not lower than +15.
  • The leaves turned black and soft. Most likely, the plant suffered from frostbite. This is observed when it is placed under an open window in the winter.
  • Leaves turn pale and bright stripes disappear. Multi-colored species must be kept in bright sunlight. It is best to place them on the windows of the southern orientation.

Also, "Mother-in-law's tongue" may suffer from pests. The most commonly found species are:

  • thrips;
  • mealybug;
  • whitefly.

To destroy them, it is recommended to use special preparations of insecticides. With a slight infection, washing with a solution of ordinary laundry soap helps a lot.

Types of home sansevieria with photos and names

The genus is quite diverse. But in indoor floriculture, the following types are most often used:

Sansevieria is cylindrical

A distinctive feature of the species are dark green leaves of a cylindrical shape, with longitudinal furrows along the entire length. Rigid shoots capable of self-rooting depart from the sinuses of the lower leaves. Their bottom subsequently develops normal leaves of a cylindrical shape. Cylinder flowers are collected in inflorescences of racemose form.

Sansevieria three-lane "Laurent" ("Lauretti")

The view is characterized by rosettes of hard leaves of the xiphoid shape. The average height of plants is from 1 to 1.2 meters. The leaf blades are dark green with white, longitudinally spaced stripes. The flowers are greenish-white, collected in a brush, have a strong, pleasant aroma.

Sansevieria the Great

The species is characterized by rosettes consisting of 3-4 fleshy leaves. The total height of plants does not exceed 60 cm. Leaf blades are dark green with a reddish border and transverse dark stripes. The flowers are purely bleached or with a greenish tint, collected in a brush.

Popular varieties of sansevieria

The most popular varieties of pike tail are the most popular among flower growers:

  • Futura. Plants 50-60 cm high. Lanceolate leaves, slightly expanded to the top. The edges of the leaf plates have a yellow border.
  • Compact. The height of the rosettes is about 80 cm. The leaves are bright green with a yellow stripe running in the center. Sheet plates may twist slightly.
  • Twist Sister. A variety with low outlets. Leaves are strongly twisted, saturated green with a yellow border.

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Watch the video: Snake Plants Sansevieria : A Complete Care Guide! (October 2024).