Rosa Florentina (Florentina) - what is this unique variety


Among the garden flowers, Rosa Florentina takes pride of place. This variety is climbing, valued for long shoots, lush inflorescences of bright red color. The rose is grown as a bush and also on the stem.

Rosa Florentina (Florentina)

Variety of German selection. Florentina was bred by botanists of the famous Kordes nursery for cascading planting in landscape design. This is a hybrid. It does not propagate by seeds, only vegetatively. The rose came to Russia in 2011.

The buds consist of a large number of petals growing randomly, collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces

Short description, characteristic

The stems of the bush are quite thick, strong, well formed, able to remember the shape, independently curl along the support, the lashes grow up to 3 meters in length. In a natural form form a loose spherical crown. The red bud is pion-shaped, the core is yellow, it is not always visible.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Florists appreciate Florentina for many qualities:

  • the variety is unpretentious in care, tolerates frosts well;
  • resistant to black spotting, rarely affected by powdery mildew;
  • buds are saturated in color, do not fade, do not fade from precipitation;
  • up to 100 flowers grow on a bush per season;
  • wicker branches brighten up the unassuming landscape details.

Now about the cons:

  • faint, barely perceptible aroma;
  • sometimes the shoots have to be additionally fixed so that they do not slip off the support;
  • in the cold years, the bush grows late.

Use in landscape design

Florentina rose is suitable for single and group border planting. She is good in open spaces and cascades.

Note! Stacked varieties are appropriate on parquet lawns.

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Planting material is purchased in stores, nurseries or grown independently.

In what form is landing

The seed method of planting by gardeners is not welcome, often plant parts of bushes, cuttings or layering.

What time is the landing

Planting material is planted at a constant place in late autumn, a month before the onset of cold weather or in the spring, when the soil warms up to +10 ° ะก.

Rose independently rises on a support, braids trellises, fences, lattices

Location selection

Rose grows well in shaded areas in the afternoon, small hills. Prefers loose loam or chernozem. In flooded areas, they make drainage before landing.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Dig up the soil well, remove the roots of weeds. They bring in organic matter (a bucket of humus per 1 m²) and complex fertilizers not exceeding 20 g per 1 m². The shoots are shortened to 30 cm, the roots are lowered into a solution of a growth stimulator.

Landing procedure step by step

It is important to plant a climbing rose Florentine correctly, then a full-fledged root system will be formed.

Brief description of the landing procedure:

  1. Dig a landing pit up to 60 cm deep.
  2. At the bottom lay a drainage 10 cm high.
  3. A mound of earth is poured, seedling roots are set on it so that the root neck is 2.5-3 cm below the soil surface.
  4. Seal the soil, water it abundantly.
  5. The trunk circle is abundantly mulched.

Lateral shoot on the handle - a signal that it is time to start landing

Note! The glass cups are torn off before the plant itself is laid in the hole, an earthen lump is well preserved in them.

Plant care

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The main occupations of gardeners in relation to Florentina:

  • regular weeding;
  • loosening;
  • mulching the soil around the bushes.

Note! Mulch not only retains moisture, but also reduces the risk of damage to the bushes by gnawing insects.

Watering rules and humidity

Use warm water, rain, settled is best suited. Humidify the earth twice a week by sprinkling. If heavy dew falls, watering is reduced, and on dry days it is increased. On a bush once poured to a bucket of water.

Top dressing and soil quality

In spring, the bush needs nitrogen-containing mixtures; top dressing is carried out in the phase of active growth. In summer, soluble minerals are needed, which include phosphorus, potassium, calcium. It is necessary to maintain the acidity at the level of 5.5-6.5, not higher.

Important! Acidity is determined immediately after snow melts, indicator strips are used.

Pruning and transplanting

Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring when the kidneys swell. Remove frozen and old shoots. For abundant flowering, branches are cut so that 5-7 buds remain. In long lashes, the very tip is cut.

Summer pruning involves the removal of wilted buds. Before wintering, a shaping haircut is performed.

Note! In young bushes, buds are cut in the first year of flowering. This procedure helps the bush to form large inflorescences of the next year.

Features of wintering a flower

In areas where there is no severe frost and much snow falls, roses do not require the arrangement of temporary shelters. In temperate latitudes, branches in the autumn are removed from the supports, laid on supports so that they do not touch the ground. Top with spruce branches or dry branches. The bushes are covered with spunbond or thick film.

Buds look good in a vase, stand in bouquets for a long time

Rose bloom, why the flower is odorless

Terry buds are formed, with a large number of petals. It is believed that they do not smell, but actually exude a light delicate aroma that combines fruity and floral notes. A little oil in the petals, volatile ethers, they rise up along with the evaporated moisture. For this reason, the fragrance does not apply to the entire county.

Period of activity and rest

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Flowering begins in June, lasts until September with small intervals from 3 to 5 days.

Care during and after flowering

In the phase of rapid flowering, the plant needs top dressing. Fertilizers are added to water for irrigation in a ratio of 1: 5, the prepared solution is diluted five times. After flowering, all buds are cut, watering is reduced, the soil is loosened. Florentina needs to prepare for wintering, to accumulate nutrients in the roots.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The bush does not produce buds for several reasons:

  • flower buds froze during the wintering period or during severe frosts. The second layer of flowers should appear in 10-12 days;
  • too alkaline soil, acidity adjustment is carried out by peat or fresh manure;
  • direct sunlight. With too intense lighting, the budding of Florentina ceases;
  • insufficient watering. When dry, emerging buds stop growing, dry out.

Note! When changing care, the rose is again covered with lush inflorescences. Buds are formed in layers, Florentina has a beneficial effect on care.

The division of the mother bush, on each divide divided by young shoots, full roots

Flower propagation

Like all plants of the pink family, the climbing rose propagates by dividing the bush, layering, seeds, budding. When propagated by vegetative methods, root crops are formed. When the aerial parts die, they grow back again - new shoots are released from the root neck.

Detailed description

Sowing seeds is carried out after stratification - they must be kept in the cold for 4 months. Planting material is deepened by 1 cm, the soil is well moistened, sprinkled with dry fungicide (Fitosporin, Kaptan). Shoots appear after 4-6 weeks, they need to be kept away from direct sunlight. Two months after the appearance of the sprouts, the bush releases the first buds.

Important! Rose seeds have poor germination, not more than 20%. Seeds in the hole are covered with a pinch, 10-15 pieces.

Layering is used to preserve the decorative appearance, carry out the lay-off procedure at the very beginning of spring. Use branches located in the soil layer closer to the surface. They quickly form roots. Cuttings are taken from adult bushes when the first wave of budding is over. All leaves are removed from the branches, the lower stem is cut, placed in a growth stimulator for 2 hours, then deepened. In this state, cuttings root for a couple of months.

Note! Cuttings are used for border planting, several plants of the same species are immediately grown.

The stem rose is grown on a scion. The purchased seedling must have a trunk thickness of at least 1 cm

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The plant has medium immunity, therefore, fungal diseases are affected only in adverse periods. With the contrast of night and day temperatures, rust or gray rot appears, in a period of high humidity and heat - powdery mildew. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment with fungicides for greenhouse crops. The green cone is treated with Bordeaux liquid.

Note! Garlic is a natural fungicide that prevents the spread of pathogenic spores. Neighborhood with him will save the flower from defeat.

Aphids attack a rose from insects, a rose sawfly. Insecticides are effective against them. Omnivorous spider mites get rid of intestinal acaricides.

Important! Marigolds, calendula, lavender are laid out near the affected rose bushes until they completely wither. If insects are single, this is enough. With severe damage, they resort to chemistry.

The climbing rose Florentina is unpretentious, blooms profusely, beautifully fades. She will decorate any corner of the garden, give it a unique flavor. With proper care, it will delight the buds until September.


Watch the video: Rose Climbers in Containers (October 2024).