Petiole or climbing hydrangea - types, planting and care in the open ground


Petiole hydrangea is also called curly or creeping. This flower has certain features. It is capable of reaching a height of 10 m and has a pleasant honey aroma. The culture looks great in the garden. In order for the plant to grow fully, it is necessary to properly care for it, taking into account the characteristics of the variety.

Description of petioles hydrangea

Petioled curly hydrangea is very popular among gardeners. This flower is often used to decorate plots.


In nature, culture often grows in coniferous or deciduous forests. The flower can be found in Korea, Japan, on Sakhalin. As a cultivated plant, it began to be grown in 1865 - since then it has become widespread.

Petiole hydrangea looks very attractive and is actively used to decorate garden plots


The shrub is characterized by rather large dark green leaves. They have a sharp base. With the advent of autumn, the foliage turns yellow, and in November it crumbles. Creeping hydrangea is able to take any form, enveloping itself with different objects.

In this case, the plant does not have a branched trunk. This feature is often used by landscape designers. They often combine the plant with other flowers on the site. Hydrangea has dense leaves that can obscure the windows of the house and protect them from the summer heat.

The flowers of the bush have a white, pale pink or purple color. They form thyroid inflorescences, which reach a diameter of 20 cm. Flowering lasts more than 2 months. At the same time, it begins in mid-June.

Important!The plant has a pronounced aroma, because it attracts bees and is a wonderful honey plant.

A plant can have beautiful white flowers

Pros and cons

The main advantages of climbing hydrangea are the following:

  • excellent decorative properties;
  • the possibility of application in landscape design;
  • good winter hardiness.

At the same time, a significant drawback is also characteristic of the flower. The plant is able to reach impressive size, therefore it must be tied to a support.

Winter hardiness

The culture is resistant to frost. Moreover, in a harsh climate there is a risk of freezing shoots. Young plants are very slow growing. In the first few years, they spend energy on building roots. Such bushes are less resistant to frost than adult plants.

From 5-6 years old hydrangea in the form of a vine gives impressive growths and is characterized by abundant flowering. In the first 2 years after planting, it is recommended to lower the plant and completely cover it. At an older age, it is worth hiding only the roots.

Varieties and varieties of climbing hydrangea

Creeping garden plant has many species and varieties. They differ in description and characteristics.

  • Petiolaris
Hydrangea garden - planting and care in the open field in the Urals

This plant is actively used to decorate the site. It is the highest variety of climbing hydrangea. The culture can reach a height of 25 m. It can spread along the ground or braid trees.

  • Miranda

This culture is characterized by a pleasant sweet aroma. Curly hydrangea Miranda has a pointed dark foliage covered with white veins.

  • Cordifolia

This is a dwarf variety of culture. The plant does not exceed 1.5 m in height. Cordifolia is characterized by an unusual color of leaves. Below they have a white-green color. Flowers have a delicate creamy color.

  • Winter Surprise

The Winter Surprise cultivar belongs to a group of stunted crops. An adult bush grows to a maximum of 2 m. The flowers have a white tint. The plant most often has green leaves. However, depending on the growing conditions, they may turn red or cherry.

  • Take e Chance

A characteristic feature of the Take e Chance variety is considered to be a white border on leaf plates. Sometimes they have a completely white color. Due to this, the decorative characteristics of the culture are improved.

For help! The plant looks very impressive even outside the flowering period.

  • Silver lining

This culture has a delicate and delicate aroma. It is covered with beautiful decorative flowers and lush leaves. Curly hydrangea is able to grow up to 7 m. The plant is perfectly formed - this allows you to give interesting shapes to the bush.

This variety is often grown as a ground cover crop. She is able to wrap around supports and grilles. The flower is a beautiful honey plant.

There are many varieties of petiole hydrangea

Planting in open ground lianoid hydrangea

Planting and caring for climbing hydrangeas in the open ground have certain features that must be taken into account by beginners and experienced plant owners.

Site selection and soil preparation

Hydrangea Petiole or climbing, climbing vine

To achieve success in growing crops, it is worth choosing open areas. Get lush bloom will succeed only in the presence of sufficient illumination. When planting in a shady place, the bush will grow slowly. In this case, small inflorescences will form on it.

The plant is recommended to be planted in moist and drained soil. At the same time, it is forbidden to allow constant waterlogging of the soil.

Important! To indicators of acidity, the plant is not too demanding, but peat should be in the composition of the soil. In calcareous soil, culture develops very poorly.

Which plants are best planted next to

Most often, hydrangeas are planted singly. They can also be combined with low shrubs, hosts, cereal plants or ornamental herbs. In addition, a combination with flowering annual crops is possible.

How to plant

In open soil, it is best to plant plants 2-3 years old. At the same time, an interval between seedlings of 1 m must be observed.

When planting a plant, it is worth observing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare a hole for planting. Its dimensions should be 40 cm. When planting in clay soil, the size should be increased.
  2. Make a drainage layer. At the bottom of the pit, you need to lay 10 cm of drainage, and pour nutrient soil on top. Its thickness should be 12-15 cm. The use of a drainage layer is mandatory. Otherwise, there is a risk of root rot.
  3. Carefully spread the roots and sprinkle with soil. It is worthwhile to ensure that the root neck is located at the same level with the soil surface.
  4. Abundantly water the planting. At least 1 liter of water will be required per bush.
  5. Add a mulching layer to the trunk circle. It can be peat or sawdust. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil structure and provides root protection.

When carrying out planting, you need to consider many features

Care for climbing hydrangea (liana)

Climbing hydrangea needs adequate and timely care, which should be comprehensive.


Tree hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

Hydrangea cultivation is simple. In this case, the plant requires a sufficient amount of moisture. In drought, the culture is sprayed with water three times a week. Humidify the bush once a week. However, this should be done very abundantly. For 1 bush it is worth using 20 liters of water.

Important! Watering the plant is recommended with a large watering can. This will help achieve even hydration of the roots.

Fertilizer and fertilizing

You need to feed the plant several times during the season:

  • At the beginning of summer or at the end of May it is worth adding a solution of manure. For this, the product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. It is also worth using mineral products. During the growing season, such funds contribute 3-4 times. You can use superphosphate or nitrophos.
  • In autumn you need to feed hydrangea with wood ash. For 1 square meter, it is worth using 100 g of substance.

Mulching and cultivation

After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil. The procedure helps to saturate the roots with moisture and nutrients. At the same time, it must be carried out very carefully to avoid damage to the root system.

Important!Then the soil must be covered with a mulching layer, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. Sawdust, peat, leaves should be used as mulch.

How to tie to a support

This type of hydrangea is characterized by rapid growth, so it is necessary to tie the bushes to the support. This will help the culture to maximize its decorative properties.


At this stage, it is possible to give the bush an attractive appearance. When trimming, you must follow these rules:

  • perform the procedure on bushes older than 3 years;
  • conduct a session in early autumn;
  • leave 10 powerful shoots;
  • on annual shoots leave 3-5 pairs of buds.

The flower requires proper pruning

Winter preparations

The plant is characterized by excellent resistance to frost. However, young bushes aged 1-3 years must be covered. If abnormal frosts are expected, petiole hydrangea also needs to be insulated. Such a need usually arises when growing a crop in Siberia or the Urals.


There are several methods of propagating culture. Each of them has some advantages and disadvantages.

Seed cultivation

Propagation of hydrangea by the seed method is considered a very time-consuming procedure. Small seeds of the culture should be planted in plastic or wooden boxes with a nutrient substrate. After planting, the container should be covered with glass. Boxes need to be put in a warm place with a temperature of + 18 ... +23 degrees.

Subsequent care involves timely watering, maintaining optimal temperature and humidity. After 1.5 months, the first sprouts will appear.

Important! In April, cotyledon leaves appear on the bushes, which is a signal for a dive. Planting a plant in open ground is possible only after 2 years.


Hydrangea can be propagated by cuttings. For this, shoots of 15 cm in size are needed. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at the beginning of summer. In this case, you must select an escape that contains at least 2 nodes. The upper part and 2 lower leaves should be removed from it.

Then the stalk should be treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a mixture of peat and sand. The container should be covered with a film and sometimes open it.

The plant can be cultivated by cuttings

Bush division

To divide the bush, you need to dig it. Then shake off the soil and divide into several fragments. This is recommended with a sharp knife.

After this procedure, the damaged areas should be sprinkled with activated carbon. Then the hydrangea fragments should be planted in a new place.


To cultivate the culture, gently bend the lower shoot to the ground and fix it. In this case, the soil should be moist and loose. In the area of ​​contact with the ground, you need to make an incision and cover it with peat.

When the roots appear on the layering, it must be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place. Reproduction begins in May or August.

Diseases, pests and means of controlling them

The plant often suffers from parasite attacks. Therefore, it needs to be processed every season. This should be done twice with an interval of 1 week.

Also, the plant may suffer from chlorosis. This pathology is accompanied by the appearance of a light yellow color of the leaves. A solution of potassium nitrate will help to cope with the problem. You can also use iron sulfate.

Important! A dangerous disease is gray rot that affects foliage. Fungicides will allow to cope with it.

The use of curly hydrangea in landscape design

Culture is often used in landscape design. It can be used to decorate gazebos, hedges, garden buildings. To ensure proper growth of the culture, wire support can be made.

The culture is often used in landscape design


Ampelous hydrangea (a kind of petiole) grows well in hanging flower pots - it can be used to decorate verandas and terraces.

Petiole hydrangea is a beautiful plant that many flower growers choose. In order for the culture to bloom well, it needs to provide quality care. It should include proper watering, fertilizing, pruning. Equally important is the protection against diseases and harmful insects.


Watch the video: Four simple ways to propagate popular indoor plants (October 2024).