June cabbage - time-tested variety


Many gardeners, choosing cabbage for cultivation on their sites, prefer early varieties. This is not surprising, because such a choice makes it possible to quickly get a crop and enjoy the fruits of their labors. Among the huge variety of early varieties, June cabbage stands in a special place. Despite its venerable age - the variety was bred in 1967 - the June one successfully competes with new varieties in yield, nutritional and taste qualities, and unpretentious care.

Description of June variety and its main characteristics

In the State register of selection achievements allowed for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, the June cabbage variety was included in 1971 with the recommendation of use in all regions of Russia. This is one of the most common early varieties. It perfectly combines taste, nutrition, quick and friendly ripening and presentable appearance.

June cabbage is recommended for fresh use in the early summer

Table: main characteristics of June cabbage

Ripening timeEarly ripe. The time from germination to harvest - 90-110 days
Leaf socketRaised, compact (40 to 50 cm)
LeavesMedium-sized, have a slight waviness along the edge, light green with a slight waxy coating
Head outHomogeneous, medium density, rounded or flat round. The outer color is light green, in the section - white-yellow
Weight of head of cabbagefrom 0.9 to 2.5 kg
Productivity3-7 kg with 1 square. meter
UsingRecommended for fresh consumption in summer.
Taste qualitiesGood ones
Disease and pest resistance
  • Average resistance to cracking heads, cabbage fly;
  • The variety is susceptible to keel.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Speaking of June cabbage, one can distinguish the main features, because of which this variety is chosen by vegetable growers:

  • early ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • friendship ripening;
  • resistance to cracking;
  • juiciness and delicate taste of forks;
  • high content of healthy vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C;
  • cold resistance. Cabbage seedlings can withstand frosts of -3 degrees, which makes it possible to grow this variety everywhere;
  • resistance to the main pest of cabbage - cabbage fly;
  • good commercial quality.

Let us dwell on some of the disadvantages of the variety:

  • low keeping quality. This disadvantage is typical for all varieties of cabbage with early ripening;
  • the variety is not suitable for fermentation and other preparations;
  • susceptibility to keel.

Features of planting and growing cabbage June

June cabbage is a cold-resistant, moisture- and photophilous plant, demanding on soil fertility. It develops well at a temperature of + 13-18 degrees. Young plants can suffer short-term frosts (no more than -3 degrees). At a temperature of +30 degrees and above, the plant is inhibited, may not form heading. At the beginning of the growing season, the variety does not have high requirements for soil moisture, but as the head grows, its need for moisture increases.

Important! It is not recommended to plant June in rows between fruit trees, to thicken plantings. The variety is photophilous, poorly tolerates shading.

During the entire period of growth, cabbage needs a sufficient amount of nutrients. For the active development of seedlings, all nutrients must be present in the soil. In the stage of leaf growth, the plant consumes nitrogen especially actively, and during the setting and growth of the head of cabbage - potassium and phosphorus. All these features should be considered when growing varieties. Their observance and proper care are a guarantee of a good and high-quality crop.

Video: June cabbage

Seedling method of growing

To obtain an early crop of a vegetable, it is recommended to grow it through seedlings. In preparation for sowing, it is necessary to pay special attention to planting material, soil, to observe all stages of the planting process.

Stage 1: soil preparation

The soil for planting is light and fertile. Peat or a coconut substrate, in which humus and sand are added in equal proportions, are excellent as a base.

Due to the sufficient amount of air and a large structure, the composition does not cake, giving young roots the opportunity to develop favorably

It is recommended to add wood ash to the soil mixture - 1 tbsp. spoon for every kilogram of soil. Ash will act as a good source of micro and macro elements, as well as perform a disinfecting function, in particular, it will prevent the spread of a dangerous disease of cabbage seedlings - the black leg.

Stage 2: seed preparation

Presowing seed treatment is recommended to protect against unwanted infections. Such processing can be carried out in various ways:

  1. Seeds for 20 minutes are poured with slightly salted water, then washed in running water and dried.
  2. Planting material is dipped for 2-3 minutes in hot (+ 45-50 degrees) water, then for the same time - in cold. After this, the seeds need to be dried.

Note! Peeled and specially processed seeds of cabbage, bought in specialized stores, do not require pre-treatment.

The composition of the shell enveloping the seeds includes nutrients, trace elements, growth regulators

Stage 3: determine the timing of landing

It is easy to calculate the optimal date for sowing June cabbage for seedlings:

  1. For the reference point, we take the date of the possible planting of seedlings in the ground. This is the beginning of May, for example, 3 numbers.
  2. Subtract 50 days from this date (seedling age recommended for planting). We get March 15th.
  3. The maximum time required for seed germination is 8 days. Subtract them from the resulting date and determine the planting date for the June variety - March 7th.

Experienced gardeners are advised to plant this variety in several stages with an interval of 10 days. In this way, a gradual ripening of the crop can be achieved.

Note! Since June cabbage is not stored for a long time, when planting plants in stages, you will have the opportunity to use fresh heads of early cabbage for a long time.

Stage 4: landing process

The landing process itself is completely standard:

  1. Capacity (wooden box, plastic tray) is filled with prepared soil mixture.
  2. Any suitable device (you can use an ordinary student's ruler) push grooves about 1 cm deep.

    Fill the boxes with soil, level it, with a ruler or other object, press the grooves of the desired depth

  3. Seeds are placed in grooves at a distance of 3 cm from each other.
  4. The seeds are sprinkled with earth.
  5. Watered.
  6. Landing containers are closed with a film or glass and placed in a warm (+ 20-25 degrees) room.

    Crops are covered with transparent material and sent to the brightest place in the apartment.

Stage 5: care of seedlings before planting in the ground

After emergence, the transparent covering material is removed and the content temperature is reduced to + 14-17 degrees. If necessary, the crops are thinned out by plucking the extra plants. Watering is carried out in a moderate and only as necessary.

Important! Excessive moisture in the soil can lead to black-footed seedlings.

2 weeks after emergence, seedlings are dived. For this, it is advisable to use individual containers, in particular, peat pots, from which when planting in the soil you do not need to get a seedling. This will prevent damage to the root system, will contribute to the rapid adaptation of seedlings and their active growth. For diving, you can use the same soil mixture as for planting seedlings. When transplanting seedlings, it is recommended to deepen to cotyledonous leaves.

After planting and watering, add so much soil mixture to the pots so that it reaches the cotyledon leaves

Important! After a dive, the temperature of the content is recommended to be increased to +21 degrees, and after 5-7 days again reduced to the above parameters.

One of the conditions for growing healthy and strong seedlings is its lighting for 15 hours a day. This longitude of the day is set only by the end of April. Given this factor, as well as possible cloudy weather, it is worth thinking about additional lighting devices, which fluorescent lamps are perfect for.

Conventional incandescent lamps are not suitable for the illumination of plants, since they have an insufficient emission spectrum and are very hot

During the cultivation of seedlings, it is recommended to carry out two dressings:

  1. In the phase of two true leaves, foliar top dressing is carried out with any complex fertilizers with microelements (0.5 teaspoons per 1 liter of water).
  2. At the beginning of hardening, a second foliar top dressing is recommended. Urea + potassium sulfate is used for it (1 tbsp.spoon per 10 l of water).

A week before planting the seedlings, it is recommended to start hardening. For this, containers with seedlings are taken out into the open air. First, for several hours, then the residence time is increased. You can place the boxes with seedlings in the greenhouse, providing them with additional shelter for the night.

Important! Seedlings of June cabbage are ready for planting if it has formed a good root system and has 4-5 true leaves.

Strong seedlings of about 50 days old are selected for planting in the ground.

Stage 6: planting seedlings in the ground

A few days before planting, the seedlings stop watering, and immediately before planting, they are watered abundantly and thoroughly. The transplant process is as follows:

  1. Wells are prepared in the prepared area. They should be located not less than 30 cm from each other. The hole itself should be slightly larger than the peat pot in which the seedling is located, or a coma of earth with roots taken out of the cassette.
  2. In each well, it is recommended to add a couple of handfuls of humus, 0.5 teaspoon of nitrophoska, half a glass of ash. Fertilizer is mixed with soil, well watered abundantly.

    Wells are best prepared a few hours before transplanting

  3. An earthen lump with the roots of a seedling or a peat pot is lowered into a liquefied soil and buried to the first true leaves.

    Usually cabbage is planted on a flat surface, but if the site is in a low or damp place, then cabbage is planted on ridges or ridges

  4. Sprinkle the seedling with moist soil, lightly ramming it around the plant.
  5. Top mulch dry soil.

Important tips! For better survival of seedlings, it is necessary to pour it with warm water every evening for a week, as well as darken for 2-3 days from direct sunlight with newspapers or non-woven material.

Planting seeds in the ground

Planting a variety of June cabbage seeds immediately in the ground, you will not get an early harvest. Such sowing is used to extend the fruiting term of the variety, since the collection of cabbage planted on the beds in April will occur around the second half of August. Sowing seeds in the soil is as follows:

  1. To do this, choose an open area with fertile soil having a neutral or slightly acid reaction. During the autumn digging, it is lime and seasoned with humus (at least 1 bucket per 1 sq. Meter).
  2. Prepare holes similar to the scheme of planting seedlings in the ground.

    After refueling with fertilizers, each well is watered so that the soil is moistened to a depth of 20 cm

  3. They are seasoned with fertilizers and several seeds are buried (not more than 2-3 cm) in each well.
  4. Sprinkle with earth and watered.

Planting seeds in open ground can be approximately in mid-April. June cabbage is enough +3 degrees in order for shoots to appear that can tolerate small frosts. But in order not to injure the plants, it is better to close the plantings with a film or other covering material until the time when a comfortable temperature for the June temperature is + 14-18 degrees outside.

Note! As the seedlings grow, a leading plant will appear in the hole. It is left for further cultivation, and weaker seedlings are nipped off or, if necessary, transplanted, like seedlings, to another place.

You need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of plantings, timely remove weeds that can quickly drown out small cabbage seedlings.

Further care for cabbage

Care for planting cabbage consists of standard procedures, including watering, loosening, weeding and top dressing. Priority should be given to the correct regime of watering the vegetable. June cabbage is water-loving, watering is extremely important for her, especially during the setting of heads of cabbage. It is advisable to carry it out in the evening, using standing water heated in the sun.

Important! After transplanting, in the period of fruit formation, as well as in hot weather, plants are watered every 2-3 days, using at least 7-8 liters of water per 1 sq. M. meter landing. The rest of the time you can water the plants less often: once a week.

A weak increase in green mass indicates a lack of moisture for the plant

Note! In order to preserve moisture in the soil for longer, as well as additionally nourish the plants, it is recommended to mulch the beds with peat.

After each watering or rain, planting cabbage must be loosened. The depth of cultivation should be 5-8 cm. In addition to loosening, cabbage is advised to spud. The first hilling is carried out 20 days after transplanting. The second - after 10 days. This procedure contributes to the formation of additional lateral roots on the plant. Hilling will bring greater effect if carried out, like loosening, after rain or heavy watering.

Dressing cabbage

In the initial phase of active leaf formation, it is recommended to feed cabbage with ammonium nitrate: dissolve 10 g of fertilizer in 10 l of water. The consumption rate is 2 liters per plant. At the very beginning of the formation of the head on insufficiently nutritious soils, a second top dressing can be carried out. Urea (4 g), double superphosphate (5 g) and potassium sulfate (8 g) are taken for it. These fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured 2 liters of solution onto the plant.

Important! Later it is not recommended to feed June cabbage so that nitrites harmful to the human body do not accumulate in it.

Video: fertilizing cabbage with nitrogen

June Pest Treatment

Early cabbage is a favorite vegetable of many pests. Aphids, caterpillars, cruciferous fleas, larvae of the May beetle, scoops, cabbage flies prefer cabbage to other garden plants. Pesticides help to effectively control pests, but in the case of cabbage, gardeners use them cautiously, so as not to poison a valuable vegetable. Therefore, it is better to use preventive measures to prevent the appearance of numerous pests, as well as folk remedies, which, if applied timely, will be effective and safe for the vegetable itself.

The following can be mentioned as preventative measures:

  • crop rotation compliance;
  • prevention of freezing and injury of seedlings;
  • weed control. Pests settle on plants related to cabbage (colza, shepherd’s bag, etc.), and then move to beds with vegetables;
  • weekly loosen the soil and podokuchit plants;
  • cover the plantings with a spanbond, which will protect the crops from the cruciferous flea and prevent the butterfly whites from laying eggs;
  • observe the regime of watering the vegetable.

Note! An excellent preventive measure is to dust young plants with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust. In this case, slugs, fleas will bypass your plants.

Planting cabbage next to spicy plants is one of the preventive pest control measures:

  • cabbage fly scare away the pungent smell of garlic;
  • cabbage scoop will not come close to plantings if sage is planted nearby;
  • dill and tomatoes prevent the appearance of cabbage aphids;
  • the aroma of cucumber grass (borago) does not like slugs;
  • the scum of wormwood discourages the cabbage fly and the butterfly. Many gardeners pluck this plant and lay directly on top of the emerging heads of cabbage.

Plants, such as marigolds, mint, rosemary, basil, cilantro, will also be cabbage protectors.

Photo Gallery: June cabbage pests

Kila cabbage

In the characteristics of June cabbage, its weak resistance to such a disease as keel is noted. This is a common cabbage disease in which numerous growths and swellings form on the roots of the plant. She can get to the site along with infected purchased seedlings, which is extremely difficult to diagnose with the disease.

Kila is dangerous because the root system of the affected vegetable does not function well: it does not absorb enough water and nutrients. As a result, cabbage leaves wither, turn yellow, heads may not exist at all, or they will be small and underdeveloped.

The infection persists in the soil, on weeds, on post-harvest residues, is carried on beds with infected seedlings

Pathogenic bacteria persist for a long time in the soil and quickly spread throughout the site through garden tools, plant debris, earthworms, slugs and other soil organisms. In the event of the appearance of this disease, it must be understood that the affected plant cannot be cured. It is necessary to disinfect the soil by adding freshly slaked lime or spilling it with a 0.1% solution of funzazid Fundazol.


I plant seeds of June in a greenhouse, in March. Seedlings are strong and healthy. I land in a permanent place in May. I get cabbage at the end of July. From July to September I prepare salads and first courses. Do not leave for storage. I do not recommend fermenting this cabbage. There is a drawback that this cabbage may crack when ripe. The leaves of this cabbage are tender. With good care, you can get 2.5 kg. Enough to eat and treat friends themselves.



My constant choice for many years - white cabbage "June". I also try regularly the seeds of various new varieties, including those marked F1. While it is better than the old and proven variety is not found. At the end of April, I sow part of the seeds on seedlings at home (there is no greenhouse) to get the earliest harvest. The rest immediately into the open ground when the ground warms up. This variety can withstand cold, because the return frosts are not afraid of him. In the end of June - the beginning of July small, up to two kilograms of cabbage ripen. The only drawback of this variety is its tendency to crack, so you need to cut cabbage on time. If during cutting we leave, without breaking off, the two lower leaves, we can get a second crop of small heads of cabbage.



I tell you my experience this year. I do not cut the heads of cabbage (small), but I think that the experience is successful, because there is not a single loss. No caterpillars and cabbage flies. Seedlings bought in the market. Grade Juneka. My land is fertile, so I put manure to a minimum. She planted cabbage, watered well. After 2 weeks, when the cabbage took root, watered well, then loosened and put on collars from the film. Then water and feed on the film and between it. I haven’t sprayed anything and still don’t do it, I haven’t sprinkled anything on top. When the heads began to twist, I did 1 dressing of 40 drops of iodine per bucket of water. Then arbitrarily feed 0.5 tbsp. sugar in a bucket of water. Collars are still lying. The ground beneath them is moist and loose. This year I am very pleased with my cabbage. There used to be problems too. Soon I will plant late cabbage using this method.



I love her for the juicy green color in the soup).



June cabbage deserves one of the first places in terms of prevalence in personal subsidiary plots. Of course, she, like any other vegetable, needs attention and care. The agricultural technique of growing this variety is not particularly complicated, but requires compliance with the basic rules. They are fairly standard, so that special difficulties, even for beginner gardeners should not cause.


Watch the video: How To Grow Ferry's Round Dutch Cabbage Variety - Easy Guide To Growing Cabbages (October 2024).