Variety of raspberry varieties: early, late, large-fruited, etc.


Raspberry is a berry that is loved by both adults and children. It is very difficult to find a personal plot that does not have at least several bushes. Nursing planting does not require anything supernatural from the gardener. But first you need to choose the right variety, otherwise all efforts will be wasted. In addition to the “traditional” familiar red raspberries, there is still black and yellow. Some prefer time-tested varieties, others prefer to plant new products that are only on sale.

How to choose a raspberry variety for a specific region

The key to the future abundant raspberry crop is a competent choice of variety. It is necessary to pay attention not only to such qualities as the appearance, size and taste of berries, but also to frost resistance, the presence of immunity against various diseases, the ability to tolerate heat, drought, and temperature changes. Otherwise, even with proper agricultural technology, it will not be possible to achieve the yield indicators declared by the originator of the variety.

Sometimes choosing a raspberry variety for a gardener is the hardest

Most of all, the gardeners of the south of Russia and Ukraine were lucky with the climate. Long warm summers allow them to grow almost any raspberry variety. Most often, for cultivation in such weather conditions, breeding novelties are selected that are characterized by large-fruited (and, as a consequence, high productivity) and excellent taste qualities. Other important criteria that influence the choice are resistance to heat, drought, and the ability to tolerate waterlogging of the substrate. Among gardeners' favorite raspberry varieties:

  • Pride of Russia,
  • Brigantine.

From repair:

  • Crane
  • Indian summer (and its clone - Indian summer 2),
  • Eurasia,
  • Penguin,
  • Firebird.

In the fall, they bring crops to the first frosts, which come here quite late.

The climate in the Moscow region and the European part of Russia is quite mild. But even there winters can turn out to be severe and not snowy, and summers can be dull and cool. Therefore, in order not to be left without a crop, it is recommended to give preference to varieties of medium early or medium ripening, which are characterized by massive ripening of berries. This minimizes the risk of the crop getting under the early autumn frosts. They are suitable for the east and west of Ukraine. In the Northwest region, it is desirable to further focus on the presence of immunity against all types of rot. The development of this disease often provokes moist cold air. Of large-fruited varieties, local gardeners often choose:


  • Arbat,
  • Maroseyka
  • Yellow giant.

Popular and repairing varieties:

  • Orange miracle
  • Bryansk wonder
  • Hercules
  • Polka.

Siberia, the Urals and the Far East are deservedly nicknamed the "regions of risky farming." It is unlikely that in the harsh conditions of the local climate raspberries will come from Europe and the United States. There you definitely need to plant zoned varieties. They are characterized by frost resistance and early ripening, bringing the crop in mid-July. Equally important is the presence of immunity to diseases typical for culture. These qualities are possessed by both old proven varieties and some of the latest achievements of breeders, which are not inferior in taste to southern raspberries. This is for example:

  • Kirzhach,
  • Shy,
  • Diamond
  • Hussar.

From repair:

  • Atlant
  • Monomakh hat.

The right choice of raspberries is the key to a plentiful harvest

The best large-fruited varieties

Large-fruited raspberry varieties are considered those in which the weight of the berries is 3-12 g. But there are varieties that exceed these indicators. Their mass of one fruit can reach 18-20 g. As a result, these varieties are characterized by high productivity. They are not without flaws. This, for example, is insufficient cold resistance and relatively poor immunity for most regions of Russia.


Hussar variety from the early ripening category. It is recognized as suitable for cultivation in the European part of the territory of Russia - from the Caucasus to the Northwest region. It is valued for its unpretentiousness in care, productivity, almost does not suffer from moisture deficiency. The variety tolerates cool weather in the summer. Also, raspberry gusar relatively rarely suffers from viral (mosaic, dwarf, leaf curly, “witch's broom”) and fungal (anthracnose, septoria, rust, gray rot, purple spotting) diseases, which are rarely attacked by pests.

Gusar raspberries tolerate drought well

Bush 1.8-2 m high, sprawling. Shoots are powerful, vertical. Small thorns, cover the lower third of the branches. The average weight of the berry is 4-5 g, individual specimens are up to 10-12 g. The high yield is up to 16 kg from the bush. Taste is estimated at 4.2 points out of five.


The variety is zoned for Eastern Siberia, suitable for cultivation in the Black Sea. According to the maturity of the crop refers to the medium. Demonstrates good frost resistance (at the level of -30 ° C), practically does not suffer from bark aging. It is immune to anthracnose, purple spotting. A spider mite practically does not pay attention to this raspberry.

In brigantine raspberries, bark in winter and spring is extremely rare.

The bush is about 1.5 m high. There are not too many shoots. Spikes are thick, covering branches along the entire length. Berries weighing 3.2 g. A characteristic raspberry flavor is practically absent. The taste is sweet and sour, the tasting score is 3.9 points. The content of vitamin C is low - 25 mg per 100 g. Productivity - 2.5 kg per bush.


Very popular repairing variety recommended for cultivation in the Central region. It takes root well in Ukraine and Belarus. It does not suffer from rot, pests do not show much interest in it. The variety tolerates an abundance of rainfall.

Hercules raspberries require careful preparation for winter

This raspberry for the winter requires shelter, if it is forecast to be snowy, but it is important not to overdo it. The roots are easily backed up, the bush dies. The frost resistance of the variety is medium, up to -21 ° C.

The bush is not particularly overall, the shoots are vertical or slightly nickel. They are powerful, even under the weight of the crop they do not bend. The average height is 1.5-2 m. The ability to shoot formation is low. Thick spikes cover the branches along the entire length.

The average weight of berries is 6.8 g. The pulp is not too dense, aromatic. The vitamin C content is quite high - 32 mg per 100 g, so the berries are significantly acidified. Nevertheless, from professional tasters, the Hercules variety earned a score of 4 points. But practice shows that the north this raspberry is planted, the lower the yield. Also, with a lack of light and heat, the taste deteriorates. It also greatly depends on the quality of the substrate. Productivity - 2.5-3.5 kg per bush.

Monomakh hat

The variety recommended by the author for cultivation in central Russia, especially in the suburbs. The Monomakh hat endures local winters without noticeable damage to itself. You can plant it outside the Urals, but it will certainly require shelter to protect it from frost. Advantages of raspberries - high productivity and wonderful taste of berries. It is relatively rarely affected by pests, but it is always susceptible to viral and bacterial diseases, and fungal - if the summer is cool and rainy.

A significant disadvantage of Raspberry variety Monomakh hat - susceptibility to diseases

The height of the bush does not exceed 1.5 m. Due to the powerful intensively branching shoots, it resembles a small tree. There are few thorns, they are concentrated at the base of the branches. The average weight of berries is about 7 g, individual specimens - up to 20 g (approximately with plum). The size of raspberries is greatly affected by watering. The pulp is very sweet and juicy, but at the same time elastic, which leads to good transportability. The average yield is 4.5-5 kg, in particularly favorable weather seasons this figure reaches 8 kg. Fruiting begins in the second decade of August.


Eurasia is a relatively recent achievement of breeders. Repairing raspberries of medium ripening. It tolerates drought well, slightly worse, but also not bad - heat. Diseases and pests are relatively rare. Increased requirements for the quality of the substrate does not show. The variety shows good transportability.

Eurasia raspberries can be collected not only manually

The bush is about 1.3-1.6 m high; This raspberry can be grown without trellis. The branches are covered with spikes along the entire length, but at the base they are noticeably larger.

Berries weigh 3.6–4.5 g. Drupe is firmly bonded, easily separated from the stem. Sweet and sour flesh (vitamin C content - 34.9 mg per 100 g), practically devoid of flavor. Taste by professionals is rated at 3.9 points. The average yield is up to 2.6 kg per bush.

Video: raspberry variety Eurasia


The Senator variety is not remontant, the ripening time for berries is average. Resistant to fruit rot, demanding on lighting. This raspberry reacts very negatively to moisture deficiency and waterlogging. The variety is characterized by a certain instability in terms of genetics - if you do not cut the bushes and fertilize, the berries are smaller, the taste is lost.

Senator raspberry varieties cannot boast of resistance to varietal traits

The bush reaches a height of 1.8 m. The shoots are powerful. New growth is formed quite actively. Spikes are missing. Winter hardiness up to -35 ° С.

The average weight of the berries is 7-12 g. Individual specimens are about 15 g. Drupe is small, firmly bonded. Raspberries tolerate transportation well. The taste deserves only positive reviews - the fruits are very juicy and sweet. Productivity is not bad - about 4.5 kg per bush.

Pride of Russia (Giant)

The variety is not remontant, mid-early. Successfully cultivated throughout Russia. Harvest ripens in the last decade of June or early July - it depends on the weather. Fruiting extended, lasts until mid-August. Harvested in 5-6 receptions. The variety has immunity against diseases typical of the culture (anthracnose, septoria), the most dangerous pest is aphids.

Of all the pests, the greatest harm to raspberries is Pride of Russia causes aphids

The height of the bush is 1.7-1.9 m. The shoots are powerful, upright. Spikes are missing. Frost resistance up to -30 ° С. The variety also tolerates the heat well, raspberries do not “bake”. But sudden changes in temperature are harmful to her.

Berries weigh 8-12 g. With competent agricultural technology, the mass increases to 15-20 g. The surface is uneven, as if uneven. If it is cold and damp in the summer, the fruits often grow together in two. Above average productivity - 5-6 kg per bush. The pulp is very tender and juicy, the taste is balanced, sweet and sour. But with a deficiency of heat and nutrients, the berries strongly acidify and lose their aroma. This raspberry does not tolerate transportation; it is stored for no more than a day.

Shelf (Polka)

As you might guess, this raspberry hails from Poland. The variety is remontant, widely grown on an industrial scale due to profitability. Winter hardiness is quite low, up to -20 ° C. The heat is above 35 ° C and direct sunlight is also poorly tolerated, even if properly watered. Roots (rot, bacterial cancer) most often suffer from diseases.

The weak point in raspberries of the Polka variety is the roots, it is they who most often suffer from diseases

The height of the bush is 1.5-1.8 m. The thorns are few, soft. Fruiting begins in late July, lasts until the first frost, and even when the temperature drops to -2 ° C.

The average weight of the berry is 3-5 g. Subject to the proper application of fertilizers - up to 6 g. The pulp is dense. The aroma is pleasant, delicate. The bones are very small, the drupes are firmly connected. Raspberries do not rot, ripening, firmly held on the bush. Productivity - up to 4 kg per bush.


Grade Diamond remontant, recognized as the most suitable for cultivation in the Central region. It tolerates heat well, drought is somewhat worse. The variety is very demanding on lighting - with a deficit of light, the fruits are greatly reduced, the yield decreases. On average, you can count on 2.5-4 kg per bush. Winter hardiness is not bad.

Diamond Raspberries are planted only in open sunny areas.

The bush is medium tall, sprawling. Branches slightly wilt under the weight of the fruit, but do not lie on the ground. There are few thorns, they are quite soft, located mainly at the base of the shoot.

Berries weighing 4.1 g. The seeds are large. The pulp is sweet, with a slight acidity, almost without aroma. The content of vitamin C is low - 20.5 mg per 100 g. Taste by tasters is estimated at 4 points.

Video: overview of varieties of raspberries Diamond, Penguin

Indian summer

Variety Indian summer from the category of repair. Berries begin to be picked in the second half of August. Suitable for cultivation throughout the European part of Russia - from the Caucasus to the Northwest region.

The small yields of raspberries in the Indian summer are offset by the excellent taste of berries

The height of the erect bush is 1-1.5 m. The shoots are intensely branching. Of the diseases, powdery mildew and purple spotting are the most dangerous; of the pests, spider mites. There is immunity to the curly virus and gray rot. Productivity is relatively low - 1 kg per bush. Fruits of very good taste (4.5 points), size - medium to large (2.1-3 g). The content of vitamin C is 30 mg per 100 g.


Kirzhach is a popular medium-ripening variety. Winter hardiness allows you to cultivate it throughout the European part of Russia. Thaws do not cause him much trouble. The quality of the substrate is not picky. Of the pests, the raspberry beetle is the most dangerous, of the diseases - root cancer and the growth virus. The variety is not insured against anthracnose.

Particular attention when growing raspberries of the Kirzhach variety should be given to the prevention of raspberry beetle

The bush is tall (2.5 m or more), the shoots are powerful, vertical. The berries are medium-sized (2.2-3 g). The taste is rated quite high - 4.3 points. The bones are small, the drupes are firmly connected.

Early raspberries

Such varieties are in demand by gardeners of the Urals and Siberia. Early fruiting is a certain guarantee that the crop will have time to ripen before the first frost.


The variety is repairing, recommended for the Middle Volga region. Also suitable for the central regions of Ukraine and Belarus. The bush is tall (1.7-2 m), powerful, but not "spreading". The shoots are almost vertical. Forms new branches not too willingly. The thorns are sharp, few in number, concentrated at the base. Immunity is good, but not absolute.

The taste of raspberries of the Zhuravlik variety is very highly appreciated by professionals

The weight of the berry is about 2 g. Kostyanka is small. The pulp is very tender, sweet, with barely perceptible sourness. Taste is estimated at 4.7 points. Productivity - about 2 kg. Fruiting is long.


In the best way, the non-repairing variety Sun shows its qualities when grown in the Central region. Raspberries are early, winter-hardy. Does not suffer from anthracnose and spider mite. The most dangerous for it are growth and purple spotting, of the pests - shoot shoot.

Raspberries of the Sun variety are easily identified by the arched tops of the shoots

The height of the bush is 1.8-2.2 m, the plant is powerful. There are few spikes, they are not very rigid. Berries weigh 3.5-4.5 g. Taste deserves a rating of 4.3 points. The aroma is very bright, intense. The pulp is tender, transparent ruby. The yield is low - about 1.5 kg.


The first Russian variety possessing "innate" immunity to the most common viral diseases (mosaic of leaves, dwarfism, "witch's broom"). Spikes are missing. Aborigine raspberries are notable for good transportability. Belongs to the category of early. Winter hardiness is average, up to -25 ° C. But it is characterized by resistance to Septoria, Anthracnose, all types of rot.

Aborigine raspberries do not suffer from viral diseases typical of culture

The bushes reach a height of 2.5 m. The shoots are very powerful, it is impossible to bend them to the ground for the winter, so the tops often freeze, but this practically does not affect fruiting in the next season.

Berries weigh 8-14 g, often obtained double. The average yield is 6-8 kg. Provided that organic fertilizers are applied in the required doses, it increases by a factor of 1.5–2. The taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is pronounced. The pulp is dense, drupe small.


Alyonushka is a very unpretentious variety with high immunity. The fruiting period stretches from the end of June until the first frost. Cold resistance up to -30 ° С. The bush is 2-2.5 m high. The shoots are erect, intensely branching. The thorns are short, rather rare, located along the entire length of the branch.

Raspberry varieties Alyonushka bears fruit for a very long time

The average weight of the berry is 5-6 g. But such raspberries are obtained only with competent agricultural technology and a suitable substrate. The berries are dense, drupe large. The content of vitamin C is almost a record - 42.8 mg per 100 g. Taste is estimated at 4.5 points.


Faith is cultivated mainly in the Volga region. The variety is not characterized by high frost and drought tolerance. The shoot gall midge is indifferent to it, but the plant is often affected by purple spotting. Fruiting friendly, the berries do not fall off for a long time from the bush. Transportability and durability are not too good.

The shoot gall midge is the appearance on the shoots of raspberries of neoplasms caused by parasitic organisms. In raspberries, gall midges also affect stems, rarely overgrown.

Of the diseases for raspberries, the variety Vera is the most dangerous purple spotting.

The bush is 1.2-1.5 m high, semi-spreading. The branches bend easily. The spikes go along the entire length, but they are quite thin, soft. Harvest ripens in the first half of July. You can count on 1.6-3 kg. It depends on the watering.

The berries are small (1.8-2.7 g). Drupe bonded loosely. The taste is not bad, sweet and sour, but they rated it at only 3.5 points.


The repairing Penguin variety brings one of the first crops in this category. There are no restrictions on the growing region. Immunity against diseases and pests is not bad. Frost resistance up to -25 ° С.

A distinctive feature of Penguin raspberries is the very early onset of fruiting.

Bush up to 1.5 m high, standard. The spikes are mainly located at the bottom of the shoots. The weight of the berry is 4.2-6.5 g. The vitamin C content is a record - 62 mg. The flesh is slightly watery, sweet and sour, devoid of a characteristic aroma. The taste is highly dependent on the quality of the soil. Productivity is not bad - about 6 kg.

Beauty of Russia

The beauty of Russia is not a repair, very unpretentious variety. During fruiting, the bush looks unusual - berries the size of a small plum are collected in a brush. The aroma is very strong. Productivity - 4.5 kg. The first fruits are removed in early July, they finish harvesting after about 1.5 months. The berry weighs 10-12 g.

Raspberry Beauty of Russia is a large-fruited, very unpretentious variety in the care

Frost resistance without shelter - up to -25 ºС, if you take care of protection in the fall, even the most severe colds are not afraid of the bush. He does not need frequent watering - a powerful root system provides him with everything necessary. The bush is quite compact - up to 1.5 m high, vertical shoots.

The main disadvantage is the very short shelf life. Raspberries need to be processed literally within a few hours after collection. In wet cold weather, the bushes are often affected by rot and brown spotting.

Spikeless Species

Spiked raspberries are especially appreciated by gardeners. This feature greatly facilitates harvesting.


This variety is often called the "raspberry tree" because of the appearance of the bush. Very thick vertical shoots are completely devoid of thorns. Basal shoots are formed a lot. Height - up to 1.5 m.

The bush of raspberries of the Tarusa variety is low, but in configuration it is very similar to a tree

The plant reacts very negatively to waterlogging of the soil. Frost resistance up to -30 ° С. Harvest ripens in the second half of July, you can count on 4 or more kg from the bush. Fruiting lasts until the end of August. Immunity is not bad.

Berries weigh 7-10 g. Often there are curved fruits, specimens with double stalks. Taste is rather mediocre, but the berries are presentable, they have good transportability. Crops can be badly damaged by winds.


Maroseyka - the first raspberry bred in Russia without thorns. It is valued for its high immunity, general unpretentiousness in leaving, steadily high productivity, even if summer is rainy and cold, large-fruited, high sugar content and pronounced aroma of berries. This raspberry is best suited for cultivation in central Russia. For cultivation in regions with a more severe and hot climate, it lacks frost and drought tolerance.

Raspberries of Maroseyka variety do not tolerate cold and heat

The height of the spreading bush is 1.5-1.7 m, the shoots are nickel, intensively branching. Fruiting begins in the first half of July and lasts until the end of August. The average yield is 4-5 kg, subject to the timely application of fertilizers in the right doses - 6 kg or more.

The weight of the berry is 8-12 g. Often, double copies come across. The pulp is dense. The taste is sweet, very good.

Moscow giant

Raspberry bush Moscow giant fully justifies the name - the plant is very powerful, reaches a height of 2 m or more. Shoots are vertical, thick, large leaves. The variety is considered semi-permanent. Shoots of this season bear fruit closer to autumn, but only at the tops. On the bottom, raspberries are tied for next year.

Raspberry varieties Moscow giant fully corresponds to the name

Productivity is very high - 10-12 kg. Good shelf life and transportability makes the variety interesting for professional farmers. The raspberries taste very sweet, juicy and aromatic. Berries reach a weight of 25 g.


Patricia is not a repair variety; fruiting lasts from the second half of June to the end of August. Raspberries are high-yielding, large-fruited. The taste and aroma of berries is beyond praise. Also, the variety is valued for frost resistance up to -34 ° C. In the sun, the berries do not “bake”. The variety is immune to anthracnose; it is relatively rarely affected by other diseases.

Patricia raspberries - one of the most popular varieties among Russian gardeners

Not without variety and flaws. Most often they include:

  • bush height (1.8 m or more);
  • the need for regular pruning due to the active growth of old and the formation of new shoots;
  • the tendency of berries to rot in high humidity;
  • low transportability.

The weight of the berry is 12-14 g. A rich aroma is characteristic. Quite a high percentage of twisted, twisted berries. Productivity - 8 kg per bush or more.

Video: raspberries varieties Patricia


Raspberry Skromnitsa of medium maturity, cultivated in central Russia and in Western Siberia. Frost resistance is not bad (up to -30 ºС), raspberries do not suffer from drought. The variety is immune to anthracnose, but often suffers from gray rot. Of the pests, the most dangerous spider mite.

In wet, cool weather, Skromnitsa raspberries are almost inevitably infected with gray rot

The bush reaches a height of 2 m, slightly spreading. The shoots are vertical, intensely branching. The spikes are located only at their base, they are as if smoothed. Productivity - 2.2 kg. Fruiting friendly.

The berries are relatively small (2.5-2.9 g). The pulp is very dense, completely devoid of flavor. The taste can not be called outstanding, but it is rated by tasters at 4.2 points.

Breeding News

Selection does not stand still. New raspberry varieties are constantly appearing. The creators claim a record size, excellent taste of berries, the highest productivity, the presence of absolute immunity against disease and so on. Gardeners are enthusiastically trying new products. And although not all information is confirmed in practice, many varieties are quickly gaining popularity.


Atlant is a mid-season repairing variety. It tolerates drought very well (due to the developed root system), somewhat worse - the heat. Immunity against diseases typical of culture is, but not absolute.

Atlantis raspberries are characterized by a very powerful root system.

The bush is tall (more than 2 m), powerful, the shoots are almost vertical, there are few of them. The thorns are quite sharp, concentrated at the base of the branches. The fruiting period stretches for about a month, begins in the first ten days of August. You can count on 2.5 kg from the bush.

Read more about the variety in our article: Description and features of growing Atlant remont raspberries.

The average weight of berries is 4.7 g, the maximum is 8.8 g. Vitamin C content is high - more than 45 mg per 100 g. The pulp is not too dense, aromatic, the taste is estimated at 4.2 points.


Polana is another variety native to Poland. It stands out with an unusual lilac-pink color of berries. They are quite large - 3-5 g. The taste strongly depends on how sunny the summer was. With a shortage of light, raspberries become noticeably acidic. The quality of the fruit also depends on the soil. The best option is chernozem or sandy loam.

The quality of the soil and lack of light strongly affect the taste of raspberries of Polana variety.

Productivity is not bad - about 4 kg. Fruiting continues from the last decade of July to October. The variety is also valued for its good transportability and keeping quality. This raspberry tolerates cold up to -32 ºС, but it is not recommended to plant it in the northern regions. Roots from frost almost do not suffer, which can not be said about the shoots.

The height of the bush is 1.6-1.8 m. The shoots are powerful, without thorns. As a drawback, a very active growth of basal shoots and drying out of branches in the heat are noted.


The bushes of the medium early raspberry variety Arbat are quite powerful, sprawling, the height reaches 1.5-2 cm. Thornless shoots inThey look decoratively - the leaves are neat, highly corrugated, with furrowed edges. The average weight of the berry is 12 g, many copies weighing 15-18 g. The pulp is juicy, nevertheless they tolerate transportation well. The taste is sweet, balanced.

Arbat raspberries are planted not only for the future harvest, but also to decorate the site

Immunity in plants is good, but not absolute. Fruiting lasts about a month and a half, begins in the second half of July. Productivity is about 4 kg per bush. With regular fertilizer with natural organics it increases 1.5-2 times. Frost resistance up to -30 ºС.


The variety Generalissimus belongs to the large-fruited category. The shoots are very powerful, thick, sharp spikes dot them along the entire length. The variety has good immunity.

Generalissimus raspberries need regular pruning

The average yield is 5-6 kg. With the help of competent trimming, the indicator can be increased by 25-35%. The berry weighs about 11 g. The pulp is dense, even hard. This variety has good transportability.

Ruby giant

The ruby ​​giant is a remont raspberry derived from the very popular Patricia variety. It differs from the "parent" by higher winter hardiness and better immunity. It does not impose special requirements on soil quality; it successfully adapts to local climate conditions.

Raspberry varieties Ruby giant has a certain environmental "plasticity"

The height of the bush is 1.6-1.8 m. The tops of the shoots slightly nickel. There are no thorns. Fruiting lasts from early June to late September. Berries weigh about 11 g. Pulp with a pronounced aroma, dense. The taste is very balanced and refreshing, sweet and sour. Productivity - up to 9 kg per bush.

Aronia raspberries

The aronia raspberry differs from the “classic” red aroma by its almost complete lack of acidity in taste. The berries are very sweet, almost honey. Their saturated color is due to the presence of a high concentration of antioxidants.


Bristol is considered one of the best black raspberries in the world, mainly due to record high yields. The bush reaches a height of 2.5-3 m. The average weight of the berry is 3-5 g. The aroma is very strong. The pulp is dense, sweet.

Bristol raspberries are very popular all over the world.

The bush does not give root growth. Of the diseases, anthracnose is the most dangerous. Frost resistance up to -15 ºС. Shoots are densely dotted with sharp spikes.


Cumberland has been bred in the United States and has been cultivated for 130 years. This is a hybrid of ordinary red and blackberry, which has a unique taste, similar to mulberry with spicy sourness. Small berries, weighing up to 2 g.

Cumberland Raspberries are characterized by a special, unlike anything taste.

The height of the bush is up to 3.5 m. Nobody shoots form something resembling arches. Spikes are rare, but quite sharp. Basal shoots are formed very actively, if you do not fight with it, raspberries quickly spread to the site.

The root system is poorly developed, transplantation is not recommended. In rainy, cool weather, bushes can be affected by anthracnose. Frost resistance up to -30 ºС.

Video: Cumberland Raspberry Description


Raspberry Ugolyok is an achievement of Russian breeders. Early variety, developed specifically for Western Siberia. The bush is quite high (2.2-2.5 m), the shoots are nickel. Spikes dot them along the entire length. The berries are small (1.8 g), the pulp is very dense, sweet. Taste is estimated at 4.1 points.

Raspberry varieties Ugolyok zoned for cultivation in the Siberian climate

As the undoubted advantages of the variety, good winter hardiness and high immunity can be noted. Productivity - 4-6 kg.


Turn - medium early variety. Bushes about 2.5 m high, very powerful. There is no basal shoots. Spikes are located quite rarely.

Raspberry varieties Rotate too small, but looks very presentable

The weight of the berry is 1.6-1.9 g. Drupe is small, firmly bonded. The maximum yield is 6.8 kg. The variety has good immunity, tolerates cold better than drought.

Yellow raspberries

Yellow raspberries, unlike red and black, can be included in the diet for allergy sufferers, pregnant women and small children. It is rich in carotenoids and folic acid.

Yellow giant

The yellow giant is a mid-early variety, recommended for cultivation in the Northwest region. The bush is powerful, the branches are vertical. Spikes cover them whole. Winter hardiness is average. The variety rarely suffers from diseases and pests. Liability and transportability is not different.

Raspberry varieties Yellow giant - one of the most popular varieties of "non-standard" color among gardeners

The weight of the berry is 1.7-3.1 g, individual specimens are up to 8 g. The flesh is very tender, sweet and aromatic, although professionals rated the taste 3.4 points. Productivity is about 4 kg per bush. Fruiting begins in the last decade of July and lasts until September.

Video: raspberry yellow giant looks like

Golden autumn

Golden autumn is a medium-late variety; it has no restrictions regarding the region of cultivation. Bushes up to 1.8 m high, slightly spreading. Spikes cover only the base of the shoots. Berries weigh an average of 5 g, some up to 7 g. The flesh is not too dense, sour-sweet, the aroma is very delicate. Assessment of tasters - 3.9 points.

Golden Autumn raspberries can be planted in most of Russia

Yield indicators - 2-2.5 kg. There is immunity, but it is not absolute. Frost resistance at -30 ºС.

Golden domes

Raspberries Golden domes are advised to cultivate in the Central region. A variety from the category of remontant. The bush is 1.3 m high or slightly more, sprawling. Spikes cover the shoot along its entire length, but there are relatively few of them. This raspberry demonstrates good resistance to pathogenic fungi (anthracnose, purple spotting) and pests.

Raspberries Golden Domes have good immunity

Berries weigh 3.8 g each. As they mature, the pale yellow color gradually changes to apricot. The pulp is sweet, with subtle acidity. Productivity - about 2 kg per bush.

Orange miracle

Orange Miracle is a medium-ripening repairing variety suitable for cultivation in most of Russia. Shrubs are low (1.5-2 m), powerful, shoots are very strong under the weight of the crop.The variety tolerates drought and heat well.

Raspberry varieties Orange miracle bears fruit until the first frost

The berries are large, weighing 5.5 g, some gain a mass of 10 g or more. The pulp is fragrant, sweet and sour, dense. Tasters rated the taste at 4 points. The warmer the summer is, the sweeter and brighter this raspberry is. The average yield of 2.5 kg. Fruiting begins in the last ten days of July and does not stop until frost.


The main "chip" of the Amber variety is an unusual honey-yellow or amber shade of berries. The bush is tall (2-2.5 m), but quite compact. The average weight of the berry is 4 g; the taste is very pleasant dessert. Productivity - up to 3 kg.

Amber raspberries are well tolerated

Variety from the category of remontant, medium-late in terms of ripening. Under the condition of competent agricultural technology, it practically does not suffer from diseases and pests. It is characterized by good transportability, which for yellow raspberries, in principle, is atypical.

Yellow sweetener

Sweet yellow - a variety from the category of medium early. The berries are large (3-6 g), pale yellow. The pulp is soft, very aromatic. Spreading bushes, up to 1.5 m high, without thorns. Basal shoots and shoots of substitution are formed quite actively. The variety has good immunity and frost resistance, sufficient when cultivated in central Russia.

Ripened, raspberry varieties Yellow sweet sticks on a bush for a long time

Gardeners reviews

Patricia is an excellent fruitful variety of large-fruited raspberries. I have been growing since 2001. Berry in my conditions weighs 10-12 g. Shoots up to 2 m or more in height, require trimming and trellis. Productivity - up to 100 kg per hundred square meters. Ripening begins on June 15-20. Absolutely no spikes.

Pustovoitenko Tatyana


I took a variety of Brusvyana in the same nursery, two bushes. One, however, ruined overflow. The survivor gave a small crop. So I can not judge the yield. But the palatability is excellent, I have not tried the tastier berries yet. It only multiplies very tightly - there are practically no overgrowths.



If yellow, then Apricot is a repairing variety, I also kept it. Sweet berry, especially children like, and adults do not mind eating. Yellow varieties are always sweeter, only less varietal variety. Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to many varieties - late fruiting and extended periods - Monomakh hat, Diamond ... You can’t wait for the berries. The desire is to check the Atlant variety.



I would not agree with rave reviews about the Yellow Giant. Nice variety, but not ooh ooh! Low winter hardiness, damage from leaf mosaics (if the mosaic is poorly maintained there is no mosaic, but the yield is appropriate), rather low yields, a sharp drop in the size of the berry (at first it was “sausages” weighing up to 17 g, and now it is a round berry and weighs three times less). Non-transportable, that is, mainly suitable for personal use. Poorly bought on the market because of the yellow color, they say: what kind of raspberry is it, if it is not red (a silly mistake). Advantages: unusual taste, sweet in a sharply continental climate (she needs a lot of sun), low roundness, easily bends, multiplies well, does not suffer from overgrowth.



I grew Cumberland raspberries, but they don’t have much taste. The berries are small and bony, it takes up a lot of space, needs constant garter (if you do not tie it up, it strives to take root by the top of the shoot in an unexpected place), it is very prickly, grows more than 3 meters tall, and the crop is small. For raspberries, the best part of the garden was reserved. I watched her for a year, two, three, then dug up the whole. So, Cumberland is an amateur. In jam, it is terribly bad: there is no aroma, huge bones, no taste, therefore they add red classic raspberries, without red, and jam will not work. Conclusion: the taste and color (and hereinafter).

Irina Kiseleva


Saplings of this beautiful variety appeared in my household about 10 years ago. I must say that the size of the berries, their taste, winter hardiness and resistance to Aboriginal diseases fully met and even exceeded all expectations. Stunningly large berries weighing 6-8 g. As promised: "The shape of the berries is conical, the color is bright, light red. The berries are dense, have a pleasant sweet, sour taste, aromatic." Drupe is not felt when eating. The variety gives stable and solid crops. The consistency of the berries is dense, which allows the berries to be transported over long distances without compromising product quality. Powerful bush with a height of 1.5 to 2 m, straight-growing, medium ripening period. It forms 5-8 shoots of substitution and 3-4 shoots of shoots, which, to our joy, do not "scatter" into other beds. Winters without shelter.



In addition to personal preferences, the choice of a particular raspberry variety for a personal plot is determined by many factors. This is frost resistance, and productivity, and the dimensions of the bush, and the taste of berries. Each variety has its advantages and most often is not without certain drawbacks. You need to familiarize yourself with them in advance in order to make the right choice and plant a variety on your own site that best manifests itself in the climatic and weather conditions characteristic of the area.


Watch the video: How to Grow Blackberries - Complete Growing Guide (October 2024).