How do I care for tomatoes in early June


The beginning of June. Tomatoes are rooted and grown. In the greenhouse, planted Black Cherry tomatoes require step-dressing and garter. You can see how we planted tomato seedlings here: How we planted tomato seedlings in the ground this May.

The video and photo show how I stepsons tomatoes.

Must weed weeds. Two days after this, since we disturbed our tomatoes, they need to be fed. I did this with the help of a water-soluble fertilizer Aquarin vegetable, through drip irrigation.

On closer inspection, I noticed clusters on some tomatoes.

Let's move from the greenhouse to the street. Bushy tomatoes, planted under lutrasil, look no worse than in a greenhouse. And they do not require special care.

This variety is determinant and does not require pinching, and weeds are suppressed by a black film and they do not need to be weeded. In principle, it was possible not to tie up, but we decided to do this so that they were not afraid to grow.

Tomatoes look like this:

Yes, and of course, they got their portion of fertilizer.

Watch how flowers and fruits appear.


Watch the video: Case of the Stolen Tomato & Our Quest for Tomatoes by June (September 2024).