Sinningia - home care, photo species


Flower photo

Sinningia is a herbaceous perennial of the Gesneriev family, in nature, numbering more than 70 different forms and species and living mainly in moist rocky areas. The birthplace of synningia is South America.

The root system of the plant is a massive tuber, annually increasing in size. From it grow fleshy pubescent stems of a green or reddish hue, covered with elongated dark green oval leaves with a velvety surface.

Sinningia blooms with single bell-shaped, tubular or cup-shaped flowers located on long flexible peduncles. Flower petals can be painted in different shades depending on the variety.

Also see how to grow a petrocosme and a house color.

High growth rate. In one season, it grows from seeds to an adult plant that blooms.
It blooms from mid spring to late summer.
The average difficulty of growing.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Synningia photo

Sinningia Sonata. A photo
Temperature modeIn summer it is about + 23 ° С, in winter no more than 15 ° С.
Air humidityModerate or elevated. He does not like spraying, therefore it is better to increase humidity by placing a flower pot on a pallet with wet pebbles.
LightingScattered, you can grow a flower in partial shade.
WateringIn the warm season, watered abundantly every 3 days, preventing the ingress of moisture on leaves and flowers. In the fall, watering is reduced to a minimum, for the winter they stop completely.
PrimingA light industrial substrate or soil mixture, prepared at home from sheet earth, peat and sand (perlite), mixed in a ratio of 3: 3: 2.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active growth 2-3 times a month with liquid complex means for indoor plants.
Synningia transplantYoung plants need a transplant 2-3 times a year, adults - 1 time a year in the spring before the start of active vegetation.
BreedingSeeds, leafy cuttings or division of adult tubers.
Growing FeaturesSinningia at home needs an annual dormant period, during which the ground part of the plant dies. He loves fresh air, so in the summer it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room in which it is located, or to take a flower to the street.

Sinning care at home. In detail


Sinningia plant at home blooms from mid spring to late summer. At this time, single tubular, bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers bloom on long drooping or erect peduncles.

The color of the petals is diverse. (this is especially true for decorative hybrid varieties), it contains shades of white, yellow, red, purple, pink and many other colors.

Temperature mode

The plant is heat-loving, in the summer it is kept at an air temperature of + 22- + 25 ° С, but with the onset of a dormant period after the stems die out, the flower pot is transferred to a cooler place with an air temperature of + 12- + 15 ° С.


Home syningia loves high humidity but is afraid of sloppy spraying. If moisture gets on the leaves and flowers of the plant, dark spots and stains may appear on them, so spraying is better replaced by placing a flower pot in a wide pan filled with wet pebbles or expanded clay.


During the period of active growth of room syningia, it is enough moderate scattered light, which it can receive when it is on the western or eastern window.

You can grow the plant in partial shade, and on the southern windows, but it must be shaded from the direct sun.

Watering syningia

In summer, the plant is watered 2 times a week abundantly, but carefully, preventing moisture from entering the leaves and flowers. You can water by immersing the flower pot in a container of water for 10 minutes. In the fall, watered much less often, in winter, watering is canceled completely.


Capacity for growing syningia is selected according to the size of its tubers. A pot with a diameter of 10 cm is enough for a small plant, for an adult with a diameter of 15 cm or more. Pots "for growth" are not suitable, in them the plants actively increase the vegetative mass, but do not bloom well.


For the plant, any lightweight air and moisture permeable substrate is suitable. You can cook it yourself from sheet earth, peat and coarse sand by mixing the ingredients in a ratio of 3: 3: 2.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Feeding Syningia only during the period of active vegetation (from mid spring to mid autumn). Fertilizer is chosen liquid with a high content of phosphorus and potassium and a minimum fraction of nitrogen.

Top dressing is applied every 2-3 weeks through irrigation with a nutrient solution.


Young syningia obtained from seeds or cuttings grow very actively in the first year of life, therefore it is recommended to transplant them 2-3 times per season. The transplantation of syningia in older adulthood can be carried out less often - 1 time per year.

Trimming synningia

Caring for sinning in indoor conditions does not imply regular pruning of the plant. If necessary, dried or damaged leaves and wilted flowers can be removed from the bushes. The ground part in the fall with the onset of the rest period is completely cut off, leaving stumps 1-2 cm high.

Rest period

Sinningia goes on vacation every fall. After flowering, the ground part dies off in the plant and the roots dry. The tubers remain alive, they are left in a pot or transferred to a container with slightly moistened sand and cleaned in a cool place.

The rest period lasts all winter and only at the beginning of spring new buds appear on the tubers.

Breeding synningia

syningia can be propagated by seeds: they are sown in the spring in a moist substrate superficially and covered with glass or film until seedlings appear. At a temperature of + 21 ° C, the seeds germinate within 2 weeks. After the appearance of 3 pairs of real leaves in seedlings, they are pecked in separate pots.

Another popular way of propagating synningia is with leafy cuttings. Young leaves are cut from the mother plant and sent to root in water or a moist substrate.

Nodules on the cuttings form within a month, after which the rooted leaves are transplanted into individual containers.

New plants can be obtained by dividing the adult tuber in the spring into parts in which at least one growth point is present. All sections are sprinkled with charcoal, after which the dividers are planted in pots, they are not watered for several days. Further care is carried out as usual.

Diseases and Pests

Sinningia is a patient plant that does not cause particular difficulties to the grower, but she reacts rather painfully to serious errors in care. The most common problems are:

  • buds fall with sudden changes in air temperature or a significant decrease in air humidity. The plant loves fresh air, but is afraid of drafts, it is necessary to ventilate gently, removing the flower away from the open window. You can increase the humidity by placing the pot with syningia in a tray with wet pebbles.
  • The leaves turn pale when nutrient reserves are depleted in the soil. In this case, the plant must be fed with liquid complex fertilizer.
  • Stems and buds rot at low air temperatures in combination with high humidity. It is necessary to provide the plant with optimal growing conditions, otherwise it may die.
  • Flower stains may result from inaccurate watering or spraying when moisture gets on the petals. Watering can be carried out by immersing the pot in another container with water, and only the air around the plant should be sprayed, not its foliage.
  • Leaves synningia are twisted under the influence of too bright light. The plant must be shaded from direct sunlight.
  • Brown spots on the leaves indicate that the plant is watered with cold water or was in a draft. For irrigation it is necessary to use water at room temperature, and while airing, remove the syningia away from the window.
  • Leaves turn yellow syningia with excessive watering, which can provoke further rotting of the stems. The watering regime needs to be adjusted, and in advanced cases the flower will need to be transplanted.
  • The plant is stretched and the leaves are small due to insufficient lighting. The flower should be moved to a brighter place.

Pests attack synginia quite rarely, spider mites and cyclamen mites, whiteflies, thrips and mealybugs may be of interest to the plant. They can be removed by treating the flower with a special insecticidal preparation.

Now reading:

  • Tideya - growing and care at home, photo species and varieties
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